Sliding Bomb
Goku (GT) Anti-air kick followed by a dive kick.
Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout Dragon Ball: Final Bout |
Solid Shoot
Goku (GT) A headbutt followed by three spin kicks.
Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout Dragon Ball: Final Bout |
Goku (GT) Ol' tried and true energy blast.
Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout Dragon Ball: Final Bout |
Ultra Beam
Ultraman One of Ultraman's signature attacks. He crosses his hands in front of his face and fires a ray of light.
Sourou Kikoken
Chun-Li Ranger Blue Phoenix Ranger Transforms the Kikōken into a phoenix shape, which makes it a close-range projectile but also crumples on hit and flies upward after success.
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid |
Heavy version only, must be done at very start of the move.
Shin Shoryuken
Ryu Ranger Crimson Hawk Ranger Ryu's more powerful Shoryuken is now a special motion EX move. Starts with a punch to the gut first for an extra hit, if done close to a standing opponent.
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid |
Love Hurricane
Poison Poison lashes her whip out at the opponent, dragging them to the ground. She then pins them to the ground with a heel and the camera shifts to a perspective from her opponent as she lashes at them repeatedly, then it goes back to normal as she boots them upward.
Street Fighter 5 Street Fighter V |
Nigasanai yo! 逃がさないよ!
Sonozaki Mion Mion catches her airborne opponent and jumps up and slams them to the ground, then while still in the air, riddles her prone opponent with bullets.
zoku sonohigurashi vs touhou universe 2 続そのひぐらしVS東方UNIVERSE2 |
Atemi Hissatsu (Shita) 当て身必殺(下 )
Sonozaki Mion Mion counters low attacks with a hand sweep that knocks the opponent in the air, followed by a low kick as they hit the ground.
zoku sonohigurashi vs touhou universe 2 続そのひぐらしVS東方UNIVERSE2 |
Atemi Hissatsu (Ue) 当て身必殺(上)
Sonozaki Mion Mion counters mid attacks with a kick that knocks the opponent down and causes them to slide a bit.
zoku sonohigurashi vs touhou universe 2 続そのひぐらしVS東方UNIVERSE2 |
Hachinosuda ne! 蜂の巣だね!
Sonozaki Mion Counters incoming jumping opponents, like a ground-to-air throw without the throw. Mion raises her palm upward and if the opponent touches her in this brief stance, she'll smack them and unload several shots into them.
zoku sonohigurashi vs touhou universe 2 続そのひぐらしVS東方UNIVERSE2 |
Sonozaki Mion Lobs a grenade that drifts slowly in a straight line. Drifts right past the enemy if in its trajectory and only damages when it detonates after its allotted time based on attack strength.
zoku sonohigurashi vs touhou universe 2 続そのひぐらしVS東方UNIVERSE2 |
Rulai slap
Sanzon Giant golden hand projectile. Can be charged to be larger and travel further, with full charge going full screen. Can be charged in air, but Sanzon doesn't spend enough time in air to charge it before hitting ground (can still charge after landing).
Stimulating Fists of Annihilation
Faust Players are given an opportunity to pick one of four cups. Choosing a reaper will damage the opponent (Faust shoves a scalpel into their butt in earlier games, two pointer fingers in later ones), choosing an angel will damage Faust with an explosion instead.
Guilty Gear Xrd ギルティギア イグザード サイン |
Sha monk Scoops up the opponent in his wok and turns them into a slab of meat-on-bone. He takes a bite and then spits them back out as normal.
Gado Fight 鬼斗 |
Shut up!
Sha monk Descends with a flip, then throws a blast of sand as he hits the ground.
Hit me!
Sha monk Puts up the pot as a shield and counters any physical strike.