Goro's Lair
The klassic arena from the first game returns, completely unchanged. This is where the hidden kombatants of Smoke, Jade, and Noob Saibot are fought. Goro's Lair is replaced by the Blue Portal stage. In the Game Gear/Master System version, it's just a...
The Wasteland
A purple-tinted outdoor stage, with towers, mountains, weird statues, and skewered corpses visible.
The Tower
A room inside what is apparently some sort of tower. An ornate series of carved-out sections of the wall serve as glassless windows, showcasing the passing clouds. A Shadow Priest floats in front of the center, largest window. Arcane imagery is aboun...
Blue Portal
A blue-tinted version of The Portal stage, exclusive to the Sega Genesis version of the game. This is where hidden characters Smoke, Jade, and Noob Saibot are fought instead of Goro's Lair in this version.
The Portal
Fights take place on a platform in front of a red sky with a portal in the background. Lightning occasionally can be seen in the portal's eye. A red-tinted moon lurks in the sky, and floating stone paths lead to the portal. Shang Tsung's Shadow Pries...
The Pit II
The fight takes place on a bridge at night, just as the original Pit did. The moon high in the sky and strategically placed lanterns provide the only light here. In the far background is another bridge, flanked to the sides with crags. Recolored ...
The Dead Pool
Not the Merc with the Mouth from Marvel. The Dead Pool seems to be a torture chamber with hooks on chains hanging from the ceiling, as well as acid surrounding the bridge that fighters stand on. The statues on each side are based on a real-life limes...
The Armory
This is where weapons are forged and stored in Outworld. Molten steel can be seen running through the background and various bladed weapons are littered around, propped up near columns. Scary faces are on the columns. Exclusively in the Genesis v...
Living Forest
Fighters stand in a small clearing in a deep wooded area where trees have grotesque animated faces that contort and roar occasionally. A hapless victim wearing a kasa like Raiden's can be seen entangled in vines. Smoke and Jade may occasionally p...
Kombat Tomb
Some sort of walkway with a heavy skull and yin/yang motif. Dark red skies can be seen in the background. The ceiling is lined with spikes, and a player can finish their opponent with their chosen fighter's Stage Fatality move, uppercutting them ...
Kahn's Arena
Shao Kahn's barbaric fighting koliseum. Most regular fighters can be matched against here in an arcade ladder run, but the player will always fight Kintaro and Kahn himself here. Sonya and Kano are chained up near the arena's edge, and unless he ...
The Teahouse
Madame Bo's teahouse in the village of Fengjian, China.
Vermilion Gates
A fantastical stage with a Japanese motif, filled to the brim with elements from the Land of the Rising Sun! A breakable balcony and big changes to the stage between evening and nighttime make every round different and dynamic!
Planet Namek
An alien world home to several DragonBall Z characters, most notably, Piccolo. The fight seems to take place during Frieza's invasion of the planet, as evidenced by the spaceships of his troops scattered around.
Vegetable Sky
In the world of Toriko, giant vegetables grown in a garden atop the clouds.
Instead of music, the audio track for this stage is ambient swamp sound.
Organization HQ
Blue spectral flames encircle the cavernous arena. Some kind of giant, sinister insectoid writhes in the background.
The Gymnasium - Day
Cheerleaders and a few odd students stand before a giant graffiti tag of the school's name.
Room 22C - Night
How our two pugilists have gotten into a classroom in the dead of night is anybody's idea.
The Library - Afternoon
The usual assortment of nerds (and a few other students) find the fight to be way more exciting than books.
The Cafeteria - Night
The soft florescent glow of the turned-down lights are the only luminescence in this darkened food court.
The Cafeteria - Afternoon
Students apparently care more about a battle than they do their own nutrition. The lunchlady's hair creepily jiggles on its own accord.
Hong Kong
The fight takes place on a balcony overlooking the Dragon and Phoenix wall in the Tiger Balm Garden (虎豹別墅, Hǔ bào biéshù or Haw Par Villa), which in real life was later demolished in 2004. At the end of the round, the...
Fetus of God
Despite the name, the giant organism in the background is definitely not any god known to man. The pulsating, quivering bodily organs in this stage help sell the unnerving factor.
The submerged continent of Atlantis, home of Aquaman.
Sky City Tokyo
This stage from the Ninja Gaiden series depicts Tokyo in the near future, with Edo-era gardens floating among a sea of skyscrapers. The glimmering night view of the city extends as far as the eye can see. The stage itself contains no obstacles, allow...
Heavenly Sword/Wipeout fusion stage.
A lively downtown district, filled day and night with youth at the forefront of fashion and culture. The fight begins on the roof of a building under construction, facing the scramble intersection where crowds and cars cross paths endlessly.
Hot Zone
A stage based on the theme of urban warfare. Clouds of dust erupt as an army helicopter hovers overhead, while armored militants await with RPGs in the shadows. In a situation that has reached its breaking point, another life-or-death fight unfolds.
The Show
Ladies and gentlemen! Children of all ages! Fighting entertainment unfolds before your very eyes under the Big Top! The Clown Stage and the Rings of Fire Stage - two stages brimming with monkey business just waiting for some intrepid fighters with th...
A raft hurtles its way down a raging river inside a large cave. The railing surrounding the raft breaks easily, and the background itself changes over the course of the fight.
A beautiful walled garden surrounded by blossoming cherry trees and elegant historical buildings.
A stage set on an offshore oil platform. The three distinct areas provide their own unique challenges. Oil tanks and pipes explode on contact, causing flames to spread and create Danger Zones.
Fighting Entertainment
The wrestling ring from the previous DOA returns better than ever! A fighter knocked into the ropes will suffer an electric shock. Certain characters can use the ropes to perform special techniques.
A stage that resembles a Chinese housing complex, many of which can still be seen in the mountainous south of the country. Break furniture and smash through walls as you go from room to room, just like in a kung fu movie. You can also burst through t...
This stage takes place on an elevator that leads to the bottom of the ocean. The surrounding area is a Danger Zone, and smashing your opponent into one of the panels on the wall causes further damage to the elevator. As the elevator is gradually d...
Set on a mysterious ruin, hidden deep in the jungle. Watch out for the trap that ancient denizens laid. What's more, the flooded sections of the stage are very slippery, and fighters need to make sure they don't stumble after receiving a low blow. Ma...
Temple of the Dragon
A stage whose design is based on a traditional pavilion. Its interesting gimmicks include being able to break through the floor to fall to a lower story, through the railing to fall down the stairs, and through the windows to burst out of the buildin...
The End of the Earth
A stage modeled on the South Pole, the coldest place on earth. The ice stretches as far as the eye can see - fall off an ice shelf and there'll always be another one to catch you. Naturally, since it's made of ice, the entire stage is slippery. There...
Set in an alley in New York City, trains are constantly running along the elevated tracks next to this stage. If you could just knock the sign over using a Power Blow...
Dead or Alive
Located in a heliport, this custom-made ring is where the Dead or Alive tournament takes place. On this stage, specially selected fighters from around the world put their reputations on the line and do battle to see who is the best. Three giant sc...
The Tiger Show
The circus is back in town! Rings of fire surround this perilous stage through which tigers run and jump. The animals' movements can be changed by flipping the switches on the wall.
A ring, set up in Mila's gym and used for sparring. There are no hazards here, meaning you can focus solely on the fighting!
A research laboratory situated at the end of an elevator that leads to the bottom of the sea. The floor and walls are covered in camera lenses that collect data on those who fight, making for an eerie and unsettling atmosphere.
Zack Island
Blue waves! White sands! Endless summer! Have nice, relaxing fights in this wide-open stage.
Yumiko's stage from V.G. Max. Also appeared Ayako in the BG as a cameo
Masako's stage from V.G. Max. Also appeared Miranda in the BG as a cameo.
Silver Parrot
Tamao's stage in V.G. Max. Also appear Elirin and Kyoko in the BG as cameos
China (a.k.a. Psycho Soldier)'s team stage from KOF94.
Snoop Dogg
A stage available for console versions via DLC or pre-order. Cal Broadus himself observes the fight, accompanied by scantily-clad women. A large crowd sits behind his throne, and a large-screen TV loops the music video for the stage's song.
Lab 8
The Anti-Skullgirl Labs are a black-ops research institution created in a time when King Renoir prioritized scientific advancements ethics. Founded by Dr. Victor Geiger, they were funded by the Canopian government with hopes of understanding the natu...
Art Museum
Zak and Kala of the Neutrinos chill while a bunch of Mousers hang around. The bizarre architecture of the statues is further conveyed by the partially destroyed winged humanoid in the center.
Back Alley
Some people hang out in this grungy alley, including a depressed-looking bald dude and an obvious hooker. A dog barks at a cat that is sitting on a totaled car in the corner. Upon round's end, the woman in the poster winks and pouts her lips.
An eatery based on Konami's Japanese arcade chain "Circo Porto" (Portuguese for "Circus Port"). A bunch of people hang out in the background watching the fight, most of them duplicated on the opposite side. Lassie stands at the left for whatever reas...
Metal Works
Some Foot Soldiers cheer on their boss (or whoever happens to be fighting).
Mt. Olympus
A couple of Foot Soldiers, along with an oddly-colored Bebop and Rocksteady, watch the fight. Somehow, The Great Sphinx and an Olmec statue head got dragged into this....
A Noh play with a big-ass toad in the background, and some pretty cherry blossom trees. The stone lanterns on the sides can be broken upon impact.
Pirate Ship
A destroyed ship with a pretty conspicuous giant octopus in the background, its tentacles scattered throughout the stage. Cannons sit at the edges.
Where old cars go to die. Casey Jones cheers whilst hanging from a hook, and Knat Man (Baxter Stockman) pelvic thrusts at the fight for some reason.
Sky Palace
A rooftop stage with background signs advertising toothpaste, Konami, and "great Mutagen".
Thunder Dome
A punk rock concert with two (animatronic?) dinosaurs behind them. A crowd watches the fight and/or concert with vigor in the foreground. Round's end causes the dinos to move and roar.
Studio 6
The Tournament Fighters hosts and a bunch of cheerleaders watch the fight, as do some cameras in the foreground. The crates can be broken, and in the Japanese version of the game, the left wall can, too, to expand the fight backstage.
Metro Train
A Channel 6 news chopper struggles to keep up with the action on this speeding transit unit.
Medici Tower
While the Renoir Crown rules the the Canopy Kingdom, the Medici rules its sizable underworld. On the surface, the wealthy Medici family is noble and generous, but beneath this facade lurks the truth: most everyone of power in New Meridian is being ma...
Final Atrium
Located, deep within the catacombs of the Grand Cathedral, the Skullgirl awaits the next challenger.
Class Notes
The stage for tutorial mode, is white room sparsely furnished with a blackboard and desk. Other than the combatants, the only occupant is the teacher Ms. Victoria.
The Streets of New Meridian
New Meridian is one of the Canopy Kingdom’s most illustrious cities, and the setting for Skullgirls. It’s a city of art, culture, and sophistication, and plays host to a diverse population of humans and ferals from all corners of the world. Its famed...
A very Asian-looking discothèque held in Repulse Bay, Hong Kong. A dragon does its best Glen Quagmire impression in the background, and breathes fire when at the round's end. A banner comes down with Chinese writing at the end of the final round.
Despite the selection screen telling you it's in Denmark, the stage description clearly indicates that this industrial stage takes place in Seattle, U.S.A.
South France Mansion - Library
The master of this domicile is no longer alive. The rich lord that lived here was poisoned, and the man who lived here since left this place recently. Other than the wing where the servants and the child that the man brought reside, this mansion is i...
Rio de Janeiro
Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer) looms in the background.
Salvador de Bahia
Takes place in front of the Convento e Igreja de São Francisco (São Francisco Church and Convent)
Saint Basil's Cathedral
The Great Sphinx's proximity to the pyramids is suspect
Eiffel Tower looms in the background
Outside the Tāj Mahal.
Made by the gods specially for the tournament.
The palace at Knossos.
The beautiful forest of Peloponessus.
The once breathtaking entrance to the city of Troy, now in ruins.
Made by the gods, just like the Acropolis, at an unknown location.
Entrance to the city of Thebes.
The three Gorgons' lair.
The palace of Hades, surrounded by river Styx.
Susukigahara Field (November)
This stage is a composite of elements found in the Susuki suit of Hanafuda cards. All cards in the suit feature a hill of pampass grass, which dominates the entire arena. The highest scoring card is a white moon against red sky, and the second card s...
Kisarah Stage
British schoolgirl Kisarah makes her home in London, in a posh shopping district. A grandma with a wiener dog makes the rounds continuously.
Suzaku Castle (Japan)
A platform amidst Japanese temples in the moonlight. The giant signs can be broken with tossed bodies.
Ramayana Temple (Thailand)
The tournament finals in Thailand, marked by a giant bell and its many spectators. Two large statues are placed at each end of the arena. When one of them is broken, a monk stops his meditation and protest.
Ayuthaya Ruins (Thailand)
The first of many stages featuring this comfortably laying statue. The statue is one of many "reclining" Buddha statues seen throughout Thailand - in particular, this one represents the one found in the ruins of Ayutthaya.
Amazon River Basin (Brazil)
A bunch of tourists/natives cheer, photograph or otherwise observe the fighters in a small fishing village.
Chamber of the Flame
The room housing Pandora's Box from God of War 3. Includes three stage fatalities, chosen via button prompts.
Court of All Gods
Screens featuring villainous original characters flicker in and out in this giant temple. Propping up the globes are bosses from Capcom's Forgotten Worlds, the Gods of Thunder and Wind. The final boss of FW, Lord Bios, looms in the background.
Blade Pit
A specially-built arena with a hidden location, the Blade Pit is designed with one thing in mind: maximum damage. The small size keeps the action tight, while stabbing blades attack fighters headed for the edge. The edge itself is patrolled by massiv...
Dante's Chasm
Built inside a long, rocky gorge, the Dante's Chasm arena keeps competitors on their toes with constant fire from guns that line the walls.
Neo Vegas
Situated in the middle of a densely populated city, this arena is surrounded by a tall force field. Four arms extend from the central area, with enormous video monitors adorning the end of the arms. The late-night matches held here have become a trad...
In the middle of a vast desert lies this elongated arena. A reinforced stone pyramid sits in the center, while black obelisks protrude from the two far ends of the arena. The arena is surrounded by land mines, provided under the world arms treaty of ...
Arctic Depth
The Arctic Depth arena is constructed from a natural iceberg, carved out and reinforced with concrete and steel. The challenging combination of cold, fog, and moisture keeps competitors on their toes. Great care is necessary when crossing bridges or ...
Power Plant
This three-armed arena was constructed by retrofitting an old lightning collection plant and reactivating its grid. The central column hums with electricity as it powers the structure (and a small metropolis nearby). Newly-added platforms circle the ...
Mt. Haoshiro
This active volcano has been tamed and put to work as a massive fighting arena suited to large battles. The arena features jump pads that launch competitors over the mouth of the volcano - if they manage to tag a special floating marker, 6 missile po...
Space Station
Orbiting the sun near the asteroid belt, the space station's artificial gravity generators allow players to experience battle in unearthly conditions. The Space Station arena was once a thriving space port designed to allow the construction repair an...
Pharaoh's Fire
Following the success of the desert arena, "Pharaoh's Fire" was constructed in the same region using surplus materials. Featuring the familiar dangers of land mines and fighter jets, it also features a nuclear warhed. Or, rather, three warheads, each...
This arena is surrounded by self-sealing emergency glass. Within the arena there are target drones that circle above the competitors, waiting for fighers to pass underneath. If a competitor does come under a drone, a fireball hurls towards them.
Laser Ball
The Laser Ball arena stands out from all other arenas. It was made for a sport similar to american football, except that it is played by HARs. The arena has two moving goals and two teams. For one team to win, it has to kill all its opponents. It can...
Blast Furnace
By official standards this arena & others like it, simply should not exist. Multiple groups and organizations have created secret, non-standard arenas to hold watches that have different rules than those of the official league guidelines.
This is where the W.A.R. machines get their first testing. The general public is invited to view the event.
Danger Room
This was W.A.R.'s first danger arena. Combatants must avoid the dangerous spikes.
Power Plant
Built inside a 21st century lightning receptive power plant, the walls deliver quite a shock.
Fire Pit
The ultimate test, computers project holographic spheres that, when hit, ignite fireballs under your enemy's feet.
Stay on your toes and dodge the attacks of the fighter jets to survive in the desert.
Oda Nobunaga's castle, returning from DoA3.
Geothermal Power Plant
Cameo stage from Metroid: Other M, Ridley and Samus Aran can be seen here. Though the metallic platform in which the fight takes place is surrounded by molten steel, the players cannot fall directly into it, but are instead grabbed and attacked by Ri...
Eternal Helix
PKA DOATEC Great Hall in DoA4. Players can be knocked down the infinite staircase.
999 Meters
Previously known as the "Tritower Heliport" in DoA4, this is a landing pad for helicopters surrounded by electric "rope". Other heliports can be seen in the distance.
Returning from DoA4, it's an endless tatami mat arena. Only available in Practice Mode.
Freedom Survivor
Fame Douglas' luxury cruise liner, said to be the largest in the world. Fighters begin on the helipad, then can be knocked into an elegant ballroom setting, or the cargo hold full of explosives.
Great Hall, Shang Yang
In 196 A.D., after Dong Zhuo destroyed and fled Loyang, Cao Cao took protection of Emperor Xian and opened a new capital in Shang Yang. It later became the capital of the Wei Kingdom in 202 A.D.
Hu Lao Gate (Tiger Trap Gate)
Dong Zhuo stationed his warriors here to protect the capital city of Loyang from warlords in the east. When the anti-Dong Zhuo League of 18 warlords attacked the narrow pass, Hua Xiong, challenged and slew many of the worthy opponents. Amidst feeling...
Phoenix Palace
The Phoenix Place was Dong Zhuo's palatial residence and the center stage for Diao Chan's plot to destroy the tyrant ruler. By double-pledging her love for both Dong Zhuo and his adopted son, Lu Bu, she manipulated their affection until jealousy drov...
Green Hell (Marsh)
Cham Cham's home is lush jungle with abudant of flora and fauna. A small boat rests near the edge of the water.
Battle takes place outside a house in the middle of a bamboo forest.
L's Castle
Another returning stage from DoA1, this takes place in a courtyard in front of a Chinese-style castle.
A small Asian forest clearing with a stone ground.
An ancient Roman coliseum with electric bordering. A raging storm can be seen in the distance.
A scenic flatland with visible inclines.
High-tech futuristic-looking arena.
White Storm
A secluded frozen mountaintop littered with Moai (whether these are statues or snow sculptures is unknown). A snowman can be seen on occasion. Fighters can be knocked below to an ice cave.
Aqua Palace
An underwater aquarium off the coast of Australia. Tropical fish can be seen through the floor and in two large tanks; the outside is home to a number of indigenous aquatic species.
The castle of the famed Oda Nobunaga himself. Most fights begin inside the castle, and breaking through the windows throws fighters out onto a low rooftop. Fighters can then be knocked off from here, to the courtyard. The courtyard and interior have ...
A nice white-sand beach on the east coast of Australia. Fighters can be knocked into palm trees (both standing and fallen), and coconuts sometimes are dropped from them onto warriors' heads. At twilight, seagulls can be seen in the sky.
DOATEC's Hong Kong headquarters. Fighters can be knocked through the outside or inside glass structures; outside will knock them out of the building and likely hit a neon sign on the way down, where the fight will continue into the street. If knocked...
A simple Japanese forest stage, playable in the spring or autumn. Fighters can be knocked into trees and rocks, or down small slopes.
Omega Stage
This stage is the only stage Omega can be fought in, and cannot be selected during normal gameplay. A raging fire burns through the forest while players are forced to fight Omega from a diagonal, almost over-the-shoulder view.
Ice Cave
A frozen cavern in northern Asia. Ice stalagmites can be broken by force.
Fighters battle atop a large German castle, and can be knocked down to lower levels.
Lost World
Battle amongst high plateaus deep in the heart of South America.
Snowy region in northeast Japan.
Enclosed courtyard in the Chinese mountains, with temples in the background.
X Octagon
Spiritual successor to DoA2's D Octagon, surrounded by electric rope, and a crowd outside of that.
Aerial Gardens
An elaborate garden centered on a plateau of a mountain waterfall. Many oriental structures frame the area. Fighters can be knocked down to one of the lower portions of the waterfall.
Bio Lab
A top-secret DOATEC laboratory where Victor Donovan harvests Kasumi's DNA for his cloning project. Many containment units housing these experiments litter this lab. In Arcade Mode, this is where Kasumi battles her clone (later known as Kasumi α)...
Burai Zenin
Returning from Dead or Alive 2, this arena takes place in a courtyard in front of a temple.
The Crimson
The crimson is a dilapidated urban Chinese rooftop.
Danger Zone
Returning from the first game, the Danger Zone takes place on an industrial lift, with exploding tanks on the sides.
Danger Zone 2
Altered version of the Danger Zone, with spotlights instead of exploding walls.
Death Valley
A small, glass octagon situated in a larger ring. It is possible for fighters to fall/be knocked off of the octagon and enter the larger portion.
Demon's Church
Despite its name, there is no overly evil imagery associated with this stage. Fighters can be knocked through the stained glass and to another portion of the stage.
Dragon Hills
A vaguely Asian-looking industrial area, knocking the opponent into the building moves to a temple situated around a giant dragon statue.
The Great Opera
The music hall in which Helena's mother was killed. Lots and lots of stairs.
Koku An
Low-ceiling wooden dojo. Can knock through the fusuma to other rooms or outside.
Top of stage
A stone arena placed atop a tower where you must fight under a cloudy sky. We can see thick mist around this place. Sometimes it rains.
This battle takes places in a desert ruin. The remains of a gigantic Karakuri soldier can been seen not to too far away from the characters. Further into the background is a partially buried statue of the Buddha. A large building looking like Hagia S...
Representing the Star Fox series. Returns from Super Smash Bros. Melee.
Joe Stage
Fighting on the tracks by a train station. The left train will zoom in and out of the background during the fight.
For Akira, training is everything. Therefore, it's appropiate that his stage is the ultimate playing ground -- a martial arts gymnasium. Whether teaching his students or furthering his own Hakkyoku-Ken, Akira spends a lot of time in the gym. The brea...
Once used for entertaining audiences, the Colosseum now plays host to the deadliest act of them all. It's a level as dramatic as Sarah's checkered past, with bold streaks of lightning striking the pillars surrounding the battle area. Fights take plac...
Warm sun, blue water, and white sand beaches -- all the makings of the perfect vacation. Except that hulking pancratium expert staring you down! The island stage offers a wide open space with no walls to hold you in. Be sure to consider ring out stra...
A good practitioner of drunken kung fu needs a nice, quiet place to train. Shun set up his personal training ground in the dark recesses of the cave. Surrounded by water, this ring features a high unbreakable fence, which can be useful for offensive ...
Some of the most dramatic and exciting pro wrestling matches have taken place within the confines of a steel cage. Wolf's arena takes the steel cage to its next evolution, with high unbreakable walls with no chance to escape, and throngs of spectator...
In Lion's home country of France, castles are a predominant part of the landscape. One of these castles has been converted to an arena for the Fourth World Fighting Tournament. As snow falls all around, combatants will have to contend with low unbrea...
Jacky fights his battles high atop a building in the city, with floodlights piercing the dark night. Bouts take place on a helipad, the watchful eye of a helicopter in flight. The unbreakable fence around this helipad lets fighters utilize their wall...
As the sun sinks low in a harbor town, the action heats up. The harbor stage features a tight 10-meter battle area surrounded by a high, unbreakable fence. You won't have to worry about ring outs, but you will have to avoid getting pinned by a certai...
Great Wall
Stretching 4,500 miles and spanning from Korea to the Goby Desert, the Great Wall of China stands as one of the most remarkable structures ever built. It also serves as the home of Lau Chan's fighting stage. There are no walls surrounding the battle ...
Kage is a character dealing with intense personal turmoil. Thus the serenity of the garden offers what little tranquility is available. As autumn leaves fall to the ground, opponents all fall in this large, open ring. Be sure to be on guard for ring ...
In Japan, shrines serve as place for prayer and quiet meditation. In the case of Aoi Umenokouji, a shrine also serves as a place to refine the martial art of aiki jujutsu. The shrine's battle area is a flat 14-meter floor with no walls. Fighting on t...
For the Shaolin monks, the temple serves many purposes: a habitat, a place of prayer, and a training ground for one of the most legendary martial arts ever created. Lei-Fei practices Shaolin-Ken at temple in China, featuring a battle arena with break...
Pai practices her elegant moves in an equally eloquent arena, an underwater aquarium. But don't let the serene beauty fool you; this aquarium has some pretty sharp teeth. The battle arena features high unbreakable walls that offer plenty of options o...
The Neverhood is the place Klaymen calls home. This the setting of Klaymen's first game.
1 secret
Fuuma Stage
Birds flock on the floor of this tranquil forest before the battle.
Go Stage
Rowdy bosozoku cheer the fight.
This stages takes place on top of an orange roof. There is a aqueduct in the background that extends as far as the eye could see.
Fight takes place on a moving train
Battle takes place in a moving elevator. In the single-player game, Cloud and Tifa can be fought by defeating all opponents up to Sasuke in under 3 minutes. The music is the same used in battle sequences in Final Fantasy VII.
The first stage in single-player mode, the player faces Dasher Inoba in a wrestling ring.
The 2nd stage in arcade mode (single player), the player fights Jo on top of a roof.
The 3rd stage in arcade mode, the player faces against Godhand in an airship.
King Kai's Planet
An unlockable arena in Super Dragonball Z, this fight takes place on a small green planet. Unlike other arenas, there are no walls.
Just like the legends surrounding the island of Crete in the Mediterrean Sea, many myths and folklores around the world refer to structures called Labyrinths.
Most places people refer to as labyrinths, however, are nothing more than intricate ...
An old Mormorang ore mine. Sometimes, you'll see mining cart rolling down the tracks.
Fighters face off on a platform surrounded by water. At the distance you can see Udan's palace.
Above the platform is located near a busy highways with cars zooming by.
Floating Ice
The battle takes place on a floating block of ice.
A raiser platform is built in the middle of the desert.
Sky Platform
This arena floats high up in the sky, surrounded by prominent clouds and windmills.
Battle takes place inside a dark, low-ceiling room.
Mount Osore
A region in the Shimokita Peninsula, Mount Osore (Mount Fear) is said to be an entrance to Hell. Mizuki was sealed in Mount Osore, before she was awakened by Amakusa.
Xiwei Siege Ruins
Xiwei, positioned near the west border of the Ming Empire, was a vital stronghold for maintaining the empire's western territories. Tragically, whenthe Emperor believed the castle was hiding the Hero's Sword from him, he dispatched an army to seize t...
Imperial Capital Ayutthaya
The Ayutthaya dynasty witnessed height of prosperity of the Thai Peninsula. This imperial villa is one of the many used by the dynasty to entertain honored guests.
The beautiful white walls of the villa and the abundant nature that can be seen...
Kaminoi Castle/Sakura-Dai Gate
The Kaminoi Castle, built on a desolate mountain plateau, is an impregnable fortress. The castle's study walls and the beautiful cherry blossoms won high praises. But during the era of Japan's unification, the ruling government felt that an access...
Ostrheinsburg Chapel
The broken wall of the chapel reveals a somber of the castle ruin looming in the distance. The ruin is what remains of Ostrheinsburg Castle that bore witness to the clash between Soul Edge and Soul Calibur four years pervious.
This chapel was ...
Village of the Wind
During a time where Western culture spread its way across Southeast Asia, an isolated village hangs on to its cherished faith in the Wind Deity.
The village is situated in a location that commands a view of both the mountains and the sea. The ...
Kingdom of Prussia
With his army behind him, Prussian king sits on his throne, watching the fight. At his side are two men in red cloaks. Two haldberd-wielding guards in in red armor stand guard at the steps.
Onigami Isle
The cave is well-lighted by four neatly stacked pieces of burning wood and candles. There are some skulls stacked against the wall.
This stage is same as the one used in SS1, except the it has been recolored.
Onigami Isle
Battle takes place in a cave, where two of Gen-An's brethren are cooking something in cauldron.
The painting on the wall depicts Charlotte and other characters from Samurai Shodown battling Mizuki.
Secret Garden
The garden is surrounded by concrete walls. There are two gargoyle statues at the gate. You it may see a frog on the ground. You can kill it by knocking your foe onto the frog. It's soul will rise to the top when it happens.
Polar Paradise
Penguins and seals surround the fighters on a large floating block of ice.
Kami's Lookout
Battle takes place on a floating platform. Trees and some parts of the building can be destroyed. Knocking someone off the edge causes the fight to continue on the earth below it.
Planet Namek
Planet Namek is notable for its green sky and blue grass. Mesas, domed houses, and trees are obstacles that can be destroyed during battle. Dende makes a cameo appearance.
Enma's Palace
Fight takes outside of the castle, both fighters standing on yellow clouds. It is possible to knock an opponent off the edge to lower part of the arena.
Skull Gods
Battle takes place on stone tiled floors. In the middle of the floor is grate covering the fiery pit below. Massive skulls forming a rough circle around the area.
Outland Treetops
High on the treetops, the fighters battle each other on a raised netted platform
Dragon Arena
Arena is named for the two large statues that spew mist on the ground.
Destiny Battle
Battle takes place on a massive pile of bones that stretches across the horizon. The an enormous demonic figure is half-buried in the bone pile, still breathing.
Geese Tower 1
A precarious arena atop a skyscraper. Someone is liable to fall to their death.
Geese Tower 3
Round 3. Lightning occasionally flashes, illuminating the city in an ominous way.
A festive circus scene. At the end of a round the banner unfurls, displaying "ENHORABUENA! USTED GANADOR" (congratulations, you're the winner)
Zangief is visible in the far right of the crowd. At the end of each round the sun suddenly comes out, illuminating the Soviet skyline.
Tatami mats, stone lanterns, and shimenawa ropes give this ring a traditional Japanese flavor. The monitor switches between portraits of the battlers, a Capcom logo, and the Super Muscle Bomber logo.
Out at the airport, in front of two parked planes and other assorted runway vehicles surrounded by lights and mist.
Port Town Docks
Down at the docks in front of a South Line truck. A bunch of surly looking fellows ham it up in the back.
South Town Park
A night time carnival stage with a Halloween twist. A pumpkin here, a fortune teller there, with carousel and ferris wheel in tow.
The Garcia House
In front of a mansion with a lit fountain that cycles colors throughout the bout. A few silhouettes linger in the doorways and windows, and Robert's car idles near the fight.
National Park
A barn somewhere in Southtown. Home to Ryo's horse, motorcycle, and an abused punching bag. After hard hits and KOs the horse whineys and shows his teeth.
Fitness Club
In this elaborate gym, a bunch of muscle heads (and one loser on a pulldown bar) ham it up for Yuri's approval.
Karate Gym
The infamous Kyokugen Dojo, adorned with US and JPN flags and everything else a dojo needs. The students get increasingly fired up as the fight continues, posing in unison at its conclusion.
Boxing Gym
While it rains outside, a bunch of wannabes and their trainer watch the fight in a gym marked "Fighting Out".
China Town
In the Chinatown shopping district, an entire double decker trolley has stopped to observe the fight. People are all about, and that barrel on the left can be smashed without too much effort.
Crawley's Air Field
Perhaps John's house / farm / air strip, there's a dog, a couple barrels and a hanger labeled "No Smoking". "Fire Boy" is center stage with some tools nearby, presumably having been worked on just before the fight.
Mac's Bar
In the alley outside Mac's Bar (since 1969), some of Jack's biker buddies loom about. Their bike lights illuminate the stage and a couple of bums warm themselves in the shadows.
Parking Garage
In some kind of factory. One suit tracks the fight while the other chats it up on the phone. A box on the right can be smashed by violence.
Geese Stage
Geese's swanky penthouse suite with a view of the skyline and a rotating computer readout of "PROJECT-G" (most likely the infamous Geese Tower). It becomes apparent that the two suited agents lurking in most backgrounds are Geese's men.
The fight takes place deep underground, surrounded by cavern walls and lava. The Technodrome, the mobile Foot Clan base made famous by the 1988 cartoon and the TMNT Adventures comics, is visible in the background. It periodically fires lasers and tun...
Garbage Dump
A junkyard with a massive mountain of trash in the background, built by the Rabbids in an attempt to reach The Moon. Attacking or knocking a foe into the sides of the stage will cause rubbish to drop down from the top of the screen.
Nagasaki 2
The player will fight Amakusa in this stage after defeating him in one round.
Battle takes place in France's famous Palace of Versailles.
This arena takes place outside a house nearby a snowy forest. The house is occupied by an elderly Ainu couple who can be seen sitting on the porch. There is also an unusual gathering of animals of various species.
At some private academy. The students watching the fight (mainly Saki's friends) are fired up as some of them (including a figure in the clouds) stand idle and just observe from afar.
Inside the academy's pool, a bunch of uniformed students in swimwear gather to clean it up. Apparently, the coach is displeased with the one lazy chilling in the near far left not doing her part.
In the dusk of the twilight sky, a small crowd from a store clerk, some girls in kimonos, and a pair of shrine maidens cleaning up (sans the one waving her hand) stand and watch the fight.
A once beautiful city landscape now in just complete ruins. Three girls from Shiera's squad guard the area of demolished buildings as they carefully observe the fight going on in the rubble.
In the midst of the ruined city in darkness, a military tank and vehicle stand idle as armed super-soldiers of Blade Noa and a female agent (Izumi) patrol the area and observe the fight.
A hill covered all over a supply of endless rain. The battlefield is completely intensified by the fog and with storm showers that is caused all over the course of the battle.
Last Stage
A floating surface of gigantic rubble and light emit in the background. Destruction and chaos roam completely free all over this moving platform of doomed space in midst for an epic battle.
Gairyu Isle (Night)
Similar to Haohmaru's stage, this battle takes place on a rocky shore, except at night. The waters are also noticeably calmer. Distant fireworks punctuate the battle.
Planet Hellstorm
Pyron's homeworld is a strange place indeed. Meteors constantly streak through the sky, a swirling vortex of clouds. The staircase continuously cycles upwards while the blue crystal undulates and changes shape. At the end of each round, larger meteor...
Robot Facility (Mexico)
A large, dome-shaped construction site for Huitzil's robot brothers. A massive robot is being built during the battle and will begin to explode and fall apart at the end of each round.
Tomb (Egypt)
The main feature here is a lit color-changing fountain that appropriately tints most features of the environment. Gouts of flame will shoot from a broken sarcophagus.
Casino Rooftop (USA)
A giant neon maneki neko dominates the skyline. Multicolored searchlights scan back and forth while white cats prowl around. The light poles can be broken, darkening that side of the stage.
Bigfoot Village (Canada)
A twilight scene at the glacial valley, Sasquatch's whole village has come out to watch the fight. The other bigfoots will follow the action after a delay.
Nowhere Desert
Background music is the same as that of Monument Valley stage in Tekken 1.
Aensland Castle (England)
A candle-lit retreat fit for a succubus, with bats, coffins, pools of wine (?) and a dress-fitting area.
Throne Room (Romania)
Ladies traipse about this moodily lit hall. The torches sometimes flare up with demonic intent, and the painting may reveal a more vampiric visage.
Castle von Gerdenheim (Germany)
The grisly remains of Professor von Gerdenheim lie on the spot he died, Victor's birthplace. Lightning occasionally activates the machine, sending electricity through the corpse and sometimes lighting up the room for a few moments. At the end of a ro...
Anger of the Earth
The stage is a large building, presumably a castle, that is being destroyed by what appears to be catapult fire. Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion videos have revealed that this stage is a multi-tier, as the floor can be broken, leading to a lower level ...
Gargoyle's Perch
The semi-final stage when playing through "Arcade" mode. It belongs to Jin Kazama, who is fought here as a sub-boss at Stage 8 during "Arcade" mode. This stage takes place in an eerie area with gargoyle statues. It also has a glass floor in the middl...
Hidden Retreat
Possibly set in Switzerland, on top of a hill, populated by sheep. A mountain (Matterhorn) can be seen on this stage, while the yodeling can be heard from the music turning on. This stage is an infinite stage that isn't a multi-tier. The sheep in thi...
Fiesta del Tomate
The name of this stage means "celebration of the tomato" in Spanish, and the subtitles on the banners mean "we celebrate the tomato" in Spanish as well. It appears to be taking place at a strange tomato fiesta in the summer. It has walls in it, and s...
Village (Japan)
Snow gently falls on this small village. Two girls in a kamakura (Japanese igloo) seem completely oblivious to the supernatural goings-on just outside, although a dog will bark frequently.
Bonus Stage
Straw dummies appear from the top or bottom of the screen. The player must cut down as many as possible. Five judges will watch the event.
Street (England)
Dogs, cats, and mice prowl this moonlit street outside "WOLFSBAR." The barrels on the left can be broken, spilling blood-like wine into the streets. Likewise, the right-hand storefront can be damaged.
Taking place in a snowy town, the area is nearly monochromatic blue. The dark sky contrasts the blindingly saturated buildings. The ground the characters stand on is actually a frozen body of water. There are spherical lanterns suspended on a tori, s...
Taking place somewhere high in the sky, there is noticeable presence of hot air balloons flying around, some with boats hanging beneath them. The balloon nearest to the fighters are occupied by a trio of old men who are watching the battle take place...
A stage with some dancers
This stage seems to take place in the same town as Orochimaru's except it takes place in a warmer season. It's a lively scene with many spectators gathering around to watch the fact. There is a odd-looking airship that is hovering in the background.
This battle takes place at the bottom of the sea.
This stage resembles the interior of a Buddhist temple, except everything has a frog motif, probably to represent Ziria's affinity towards the animal. Periodically, there are flashes of lightning from outside.
Inside a cave, some monkeys are bathing in hot spring. In the middle of the of hot spring is a statue of Manto, posing like a bodybuilder.
The lighting of this arena brightens and dims in intervals.
East Asia: Deserted Temple
One of two temple stages, this one is considerably more torn-up. It features giant statues "guarding the temple," and is the location of one of the hidden boss battles from Street Fighter IV's arcade mode. There is more dust that kicks up and there a...
East Asia: Festival at the Old Temple
Since there finally is a character from Korea (Juri), Capcom felt it was a good idea to create a stage set there. The stage takes place on the crowded streets of a Korean market, full of interesting onlookers and vibrant colors. The most notable of t...
Europe: Historic Distillery
The Distillery is located in Scotland and features a man stacking barrels on a rack, with the Shadaloo logo imprinted on the top of them -- hinting that this location is owned or under watch by Bison and his henchmen. There is some typical distillery...
Africa: Small Airfield
The airfield is set in Africa, but takes many cues to Guile's old Street Fighter II stage. It features several onlookers that appear to be of military origin, bearing guns. A plane also begins to roll into sight somewhere between the first and second...
Oceania: Volcanic Rim
Believed by some to be the worst fighting game stage in history, the battle takes place on a rock formation not far from a pool of lava and a live volcano, which erupts between rounds. This stage is mostly avoided due to its largely-red color scheme,...
Graveyard (Australia)
A gloomy and decrepit graveyard is home to crows and ghosts, all flitting about at random. At the end of a round, a multitude of ghosts issue forth from the ground angrily.
Sodom's Stage
The setting takes place in a snowy train yard somewhere in the USA. The background is dominated by shades of blue.
M. Bison's Stage
Similar to Sodom's stage, this takes place in a railroad. The floor is covered in snow. Set during the daytime, the background has a brighter color scheme than Sodom's version.
Ken Stage
Ken has thrown a birthday party for his girlfriend, Eliza, on a boat. Several Capcom characters make a cameo appearance in this game. Can you identify them all?
Happy Park 1
After Hwa Jai takes some damage, a bald man in a suit (Geese's bodyguard Ripper?) will appear in the crowd and toss him a bottle for a temporary power-up.
Karin Stage
Fighting takes place on a boat. There is only one spectator watching the fight.
This arena takes place takes place in the exterior of the airport. The fighters are surrounded by games and a building. In the distance you can see people. It possible to get close enough to one of the planes and launch your opponents into one of the...
This arena takes place on a rooftop of the building, with metal railings surrounding the edges.There are several statues at the top of the building. The surface of the rooftop is slanted on some parts. Helicopters will periodically fly around the bu...
Parking Area
Battle takes place in an indoor parking area. The ceiling is low enough that players may collide into it if launched high enough into the air.
Crates and barrels, and the crowd as a wall in this arena. By hitting your opponent into the crowd, it is possible to knock over one of the spectators.
Battle takes place in an octagonal cage, surrounded by a large of crowd of onlookers. This usually the last arena in arcade/story mode, where Heihachi Mishima is your final opponent.
San Francisco
A seaside battle with a large crowd of onlookers on both the pier and the ships.
Gairyu Isle (Day)
Arena takes place on a rocky shore during the daytime. The waves are fairly strong, spraying water at the edge of the rocks.
Gairyu Isle is likely based on Ganryu Isle, the location of the final battle between Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kojir...
East Asia: Run-Down Back Alley
The nighttime version of Crowded Downtown, this is completely devoid of onlookers, with the exception of a bum out on the street, stumbling about with his presumably-alcoholic beverage in hand. A stark contrast to the daytime version for sure.
South Asia: Beautiful Bay
Beautiful Bay is set on a boat in a body of water, located in Vietnam. The sun is setting on the horizon, which creates a good scenery for a battle to take place. There is also a weird monkey/man hybrid sitting on the left side of the stage, which so...
North America: Drive-in at Night
While the glowing lights painted across the night sky remind you of Balrog's Street Fighter II stage, this is in fact a completely-original affair. Set in an American drive-in diner, there are plenty of spectators inside and outside of their cars che...
Europe: Cruise Ship Stern
Unlike any stern of a ship you've ever seen, this stage features theater-style seating for onlookers to enjoy the fight. There's a giant screen in the background projecting a blown-up image of the fight itself, and giant tanks behind the spectators t...
South Asia: Exciting Street Scene
While there are no "character-specific" stages in Street Fighter IV, this stage seems heavily geared towards Dhalsim, seeing as he is from India. His wife and staple elephants from his original Street Fighter II stage make an appearance in the backgr...
North America: Skyscraper Under Construction
With several of the new characters (Cody and Guy) making their original appearance in Final Fight, the new stage, Metro City, is a proper home court for them to battle in. Set atop an oil rig/construction site area with a nice view of Metro City in t...
East Asia: Overpass
One of the stages introduced in the console versions of Street Fighter IV, the fighters do battle under an overpass in Tokyo, Japan. The area is filled with junk, including a broken-down vehicle with old tires in it. There is a bicycle against a supp...
Ice Temple
The whole area is covered in ice. In background is a raised platforms with a set of stairs to left, middle and right. In the middle of a platform is a statue.
Akuma Stage
Atop The Great Wall of China during the day. In the arcade version, it is the setting for the hidden "Dramatic Battle" of Ryu (Player 1) and Ken (Player 2) vs. M. Bison (CPU). In the console versions, it is assigned as Akuma's stage.
A pillared platform floating amongst clouds in the Nexus. All sides are easily broken through so as to send your opponent into the infinite abyss.
Ski Resort "La Menkoi"
In what appears to be a Street Fighter field trip, M. Bison, Vega, and Balrog all (attempt to) enjoy themselves in the snow. Sodom, Bishamon and his dog appear to have taken residence, while Sasquatch hangs out from the ski lift.
The Pit
A bridge set against a cloudy night sky. The moon is highly visible in the background. Sometimes, a silhouette will fly across the screen; this is a visual cue that Reptile is available to fight if the rest of the conditions are met during this match...
Bottom of The Pit
Upon meeting the criteria to find him, Reptile is fought at The Pit's bottom, amidst the dozens of steel spikes.
Several corpses and decapitated heads of the game's developers can be seen impaled on the spikes, as well as two skeletons on eit...
The Courtyard
The battle takes place in an outdoor stadium in front of several rows of monks that absently sway their heads. Four Masked Guards border the tournament floor, standing attentively with spears in their hands. Shang Tsung sits in a chair high up in the...
Golden Desert
A multi-tiered area highlighted by sand and Buddhist statues. A choice blow can knock one down onto your opponent, or you can merely knock them over the side to a spikey death.
Amusement Park
Notable features also associated with Namco in this stage include arcades of The Tower of Druaga and Galaxian, as well as an Italian Tomato café.
Beach House "Safrill"
A beach house overlooking still waters. Inside, Blanka hams it up for his favorite photographer while Elena, Mai Ling and some lil' Sasquatches check the fight. Dhalsim and his wife tend one of their elephants while Rikuo and his son/daughter play ...
Wu Shi Academy
This arena made its first appearance in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. The center platform is suspended by five massive statues. It serves a training ground for kombatants
Howard Arena 1
A distant storm brews, with periodic lightning strikes. In rounds 2 and 3 the combatants will be buffeted with rain, unless a 2-on-1 battle is underway.
Japan (Urban)
The Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate) in Asakusa, Tokyo takes up most of the background here. Small birds attempt to flock along the sidewalk here, but will scatter when someone impacts against the ground.
Toy Shop "Dhalsim"
Outside a Capcom themed toy store during Christmas time, Street Fighter's Balrog, M. Bison, and a young Cammy do some window shopping, while Darkstalker's Donovan, Anita, B.B. Hood, and J. Talbain mind the fight. Cyberbots' Blodia can be seen in the...
West Subway 1
As rounds progress, the scene changes from day to night and back to day again (although no one ever leaves). Richard Meyer can be seen among the spectators. The image of SNK's "mascot" G. Mantle can be seen plastered all over the stage.
West Subway 3
Round 3 version of West Subway. Returns to daylight if round 4 should occur.
Battle for Chi Pi
The decisive battle of Liu Bei and Sun Quan versus Cao Cao, the Battle of Chibi famously involved a fire attack on Cao Cao's navy. The characters on the cliff face say "Chibi."
Dee Jay's Bar "Maximum"
A jolly bar operated by Dee Jay. Cameos include Birdie, Guy, Rose, Rolento, Charlie, Guile, Cammy, E. Honda, Sagat, Bison, and Adon from Street Fighter, June from Star Gladiator, and Huitzil from Darkstalkers.
Rustic Asia
Characters fight in a muddy pig-stack with black and pink pigs scattered around, as well as chickens/roosters. The pigs can be struck with attacks, which will send them flying through the air. A blue pickup truck, with animals in the bed of it, drive...
A cemetery at nighttime. This stage also features a burning tree outside of the cemetery. If one of the characters is slammed into the ground in the middle of the stage, they will fall through and be sent to the lower section of the stage, which is a...
Exterior of a circus tent at night, the circus performers break to watch your skirmish. A man in a small cart hauls a lion cage constantly back and forth.
Tournament, Day 1
From the text at the ending of "Forging of Warriors" mode, we can assume the first round of BATTLE OF THE AGES BLOOD MATCH takes place in Detroit.
Tournament, Day 2
Taking place in Berlin, Germany, the Brandenburg Gate can be seen in the background.
Death Match - Exploding Spike Battle
A barbed wire ring with hanging explosives. You'll soon find the barbed wire is only for show, as the regenerating bombs on either side are the only thing to worry about here.
The Megalithic Age
The background here scrolls independently, and there's actually much more than can be seen in 99 seconds (although it will eventually just stop upon reaching a sphinx, if time is infinite).
The Ice Age
Early mammals scurry and huddle for warmth in this frozen dinosaur graveyard. The large foreground bone on the left can be destroyed.
The Stone Age
Mammoths continuously criss-cross through the background while cavemen cautiously prepare for the hunt.
Genroku Period
A small inn on a hill overlooks a bustling Japanese village. Some shady dealings with a ninja are going on to the right. "Genroku" indicates the period between 1688 and 1704.
The Dark Age
Fog rolls across the fore and back in this gloomy medieval alleyway. Figures in cloaks and mysterious peering red eyes look on while a blue spectre sometimes looms about.
The Period
The crowd here in the (modern) period will sometimes throw bottles or other debris.
Your brawl must go on, even if this fancy cruise ship is quickly heading to the bottom of the ocean. Thankfully some friendly whales will help keep the fight going. Just be wary of other less-friendly creatures of the deep.
Rumble on the tracks as the scenery rushes by. As you hop from one train car to another, keep in mind that at any time your opponent can detach one of the cars to leave you eating train tracks.
Jyurakudai Villa - Virgin Snow
The same stage as Jyurakudai Villa of Soul Calibur 3 with the exception of being set in a winter scene and this is set in broad daylight instead of the night. Heavy snow covers the roof of the villa and the trees are bare thanks to the coldness of wi...
Sailor's Rest
Very similar to Cervantes's stage, Pirate Raid, in Soul Calibur 3. However, this one is set in broad daylight, seagulls are flying by, another shipwreck can be seen at a distance, and there are islands surrounding the stage. Certain parts of the ship...
Castle of Darkness 2
After Zeus dramatically busts down the door, a lighting storm rages in the background.
Bonus Stage - Bull
The goal is to time your attack to stop the onrushing bull, then hit it as many times as possible before it collapses.
Battle of Red Cliffs
Even though Ryofu's historical counterpart died about ten years before Chibi, this scene of burning ships is no doubt meant to represent that famous battle.
School Grounds
Jin and Xiaoyu inhabit this stage if they are fought against wearing their hidden third costumes.
Inner City
Namco seems to be trying to plug another one of their popular fighters in this stage, as "Soul Edge" can be seen painted in the form of graffiti on a few walls.
This stage is also where players fight in during Tekken Ball Mode.
Kaiya inhabits this stage instead of Hong Kong when you fight against him on Survival Mode, or if he is chosen by another player as a New Challenger during Normal Mode.
East Park
A stage set in Berlin, with the Brandenburg Gate in clear view.
This stage is not inhabited by any character, and can only be fought in on Training, Vs. and Watch Mode.
Urban Jungle
This is a stage where men that are kept away from the fighters by many metal bars cheer them on. Some cheer the fighters on from stands. Vehicles are also in the background, and two of them are suspended by ropes. Nina, Bruce, Feng, Christie, Xiaoyu,...
Moonlit Wilderness
Located in a dark location. The sky is blue and there are some clouds in the area. A full moon is in the sky, as well. The area has a haunted castle that is far away from the fighters. There are a lot of trees and a lot of plants with white leaves on...
Hell's Gate
A dark and demented stage, in which a red sky lingers overhead, illuminating all with a sinister crimson glow. Also, there is a full moon in the red sky. There is a gate in the area, which looks like it leads into a vast sea of red. A jungle beat is ...
Ghetto Pit
Corresponds to Urban Jungle in Tekken 5.
The Arena
Hidden background unlocked by typing CIRCUS in the Secret Way menu.
In one of this stage's alternate camera angles, a circular formation of standing rocks that closely resemble Stonehenge can be seen in the distance, which would point it to being set in Wiltshire, England.
Bar "Illusion"
King's bar Illusion is the lady's haunt for 1995. Heavy D!, Duck King, and Todoh are holding a pity party stage left while King's waitresses Sally & Elizabeth walk the floor. The lonely fellow center stage will bust out a harmonica during the appropr...
Rugal's Silo (Second Part)
The platform rises during the fight revealing some kind of large missile and a launch port. Rugal's panther shows up, as well.
Sleeping Marsh
Same as the Distant Marsh from Soul Calibur 4, except it is set at nighttime.
Star Destroyer Docking Bay
A large hangar bay of an unknown Imperial Star Destroyer. Occasionally a TIE fighter and an X-Wing will fly in and out. The Emperor also seems to be aboard the Star Destroyer as his personal shuttle can be clearly seen in the docking bay.
Thesmophoros Imperial Garden
This stage is a shrine. It shows some similarities with the Eurydice Shrine (Sophitia's stage in the Soul series), except that this one is surrounded with a tropical setting, and the statue of Hephaestus is missing. Also, what appears to be either a ...
Tower of Remembrance - Ancient Gate
A rocky area surrounded with lava, set outside Algol's tower, with clouds lurking over the stage. When characters fight Angol Fear, Kamikirimusi, Shura, Ashlotte, or Scheherazade in the third stage of Story Mode, they face the bonus character on this...
Tower of Remembrance - Degradation
This stage is similar to Tower of Remembrance - Encounter, except this one has a black sky and is surrounded with what appears to be two crystal-like power sources: one blue one which may refer to Soul Calibur, and a red one which may refer to Soul E...
Tower of Remembrance - Encounter
This stage is very high, and it reaches even beyond the clouds. Another set of clouds can also be seen above the stage. The sun can be seen at a distance, and mountain tops can be seen around the tower. The characters that fight either Siegfried or N...
Tower of Remembrance - Spiral of Time
A chamber within the Tower of Remembrance, created by Algol. All characters (except Algol) fight at this stage during part four of their story line. Algol fights Nightmare and some of his servants on this stage in part two of his story. Part three is...
Wolfkrone Monument
This unique Soul Calibur 4 stage is a circular platform that rotates. Wooden, seemingly robotic musician-like characters create knocking noises during battle and can be destroyed if a character is thrown on one of them. This can cause a ring out if t...
Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnants
This stage is very similar to Astaroth's other stages in the previous games, especially the Kunpaetku Shrine Ruin of Soul Calibur 3 except that a bit of sunshine can be seen. Also, Lizardmen holding big forks and knives can be standing on the edges o...
Ostrheinsburg Castle Throne Room
Notable features include a chasm at one end of the room as well as a line of knights who serve as a wall. These knights actually move forward over the course of the battle, shrinking the stage area a bit. This stage is the primary setting for the sto...
Phantom Pavilion
This stage has two different forms when playing. The main stage is a double walled arena that resembles a cage that the combatants fight within. Around the arena is a barrage of circus animals such as bears and elephants performing tricks for an imme...
Distant Marsh
Set in a lush swampland. Ancient ruins covered in vines provide three walls for the area. The now-extinct dodo bird can be seen walking about the stage which suggests the location of this marsh is the island Mauritius, as this was the only known loca...
Egyptian Temple, Sacred Flame
This stage is identical to the Egyptian Temple stage of Soul Calibur 3, except this one is set at nighttime with a shining full moon. The stage also rotates, although this doesn't help or hurt the gameplay.
Grand Labyrinth - Corridor of Suspended Time
This stage is primarily based on the Labyrinth (Kilik's stage) from Soul Calibur 2 and the Grand Labyrinth (Olcadan's stage) from Soul Calibur 3, despite the change of soundtrack.
Hall of the Warrior God
Notable features include a huge dragon statue, a lot of weapons, large and breakable vases, two gongs, and a view seeing a battlefield, with soldiers on horses riding down a sandy hill.
Ice Coffin of the Sleeping Ancient
Notable features include large hanging dripping icicles, a pirate ship in the distance and a frozen woolly mammoth. Glowing auroras can also be seen in the sky. Fragments of destroyed ground slide and spread further out in this stage than in others.
Blacknoah (Second Round)
The coattails come off for Rugal's second round and even the atmosphere around Blacknoah turns red. The consoles on either end of the stage will explode if you're slammed into them.
Mexico (Pao Pao Cafe)
Between crowding and the strange choice of color palette, it's pretty hard to pick out the multitude of cameos in this stage. But take our word for it. (Lee Pai Long, Temjin, Eiji, Roddy & Cathy, Todoh, Billy, Geese, Richard Meyer)
(Cheng, Big Bear, Tung, Duck, Jubei)
Ninja combat goes out of this world. Duke it out as asteroids, space ships, and other space-bound objects fly by. Don't get distracted by the view, or you'll end up seeing stars, and we're not talking about the ones in the sky.
Western Town
In the Wild West sometimes a turtle's gotta do what a turtle's gotta do. Lay down the law in this dusty little town. There's nothing like a showdown at high noon, complete with wind-blown tumbleweeds in the background.
This is the underground training room where the Turtles have spent countless hours honing their skills under the tutelage of Master Splinter and testing their mettle against each other. Those who enter should be prepared to rumble.
Enemy Base
You're not welcome here. If the falling pillars don't tip you off, the energy beam being shot in your direction will. The upper level of this sanctuary of evil hides a high-tech interior that'd make Donatello proud, if it wasn't evil.
Birds of paradise and a majestic waterfall provide the backdrop for what promises to be one wild melee. Keep in mind that fallen trees may not be too sturdy and bees don't like having their hives disturbed.
Take to the rooftops of the Big Apple as you battle it out under a moonlit sky. Just be sure to watch your step or you'll go from the top of the world to gutters in less time than it takes Raphael to lose his temper (well, almost).
Splish, splash, you'll definitely want to take a bath after a round in this level. It starts off small, but once you unleash the floodwaters and take the fight deeper into New York's sewage system you'll want to keep an eye out for any non-turtle rep...
Turtle Base
Home, sweet home for the Turtles. This subterranean hideway features a widescreen HDTV, plush seating, a half-pipe, and just about everything else a growing turtle needs to stay entertained, unwind, or just knock the stuffing out of any intruders.