Tag Archives: Xbox Series X

The Rage Returns: Rage of the Dragons Neo is out now!

Rage of the Dragons was a Neo-Geo fighter that was loosely based on the Double Dragon series. Reportedly, it was supposed to be an actual DD game until the licensing fell through, and rather than scrap their work, Noise Factory just filed off the serial numbers and went ahead with a “tribute” sort of game.

Rage of the Dragons Neo is out now on PC (Steam), Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypPt0ngkuEM

RotD on FaB: http://www.fightabase.com/gamesMain.aspx?id=127

Ghostface brings chills, thrills, knives, and Black Dragons to Mortal Kombat 1

Ghostface from the Scream movie series is coming to Mortal Kombat 1 next week, and although the “main” Ghostface is said to be one from the movie universe, he’s hired a couple of Black Dragons to help him out, who you might be able to identify based on their unique specials….

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESJ8p0uXeGM

MK1 on FaB: http://www.fightabase.com/gamesMain.aspx?id=1427

Final base roster reveal for Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero

Here’s your final additions to the Sparking! Zero character roster at launch:

*Android 13 (Base, Fusion)

*Bojack (Base, Full Power)

*Broly (Z) (Base, Super Saiyan, Legendary Super Saiyan)

*Cabba (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2)

*Cooler (Base, Final Form, Metal Cooler)

*Dr. Wheelo

*Frieza Force Soldier


*Goku (Teen)


*Janemba (Base, Super)

*Lord Slug (Base, Giant)

*Super Garlic Jr.

*Super Gogeta (Z)


*Toppo (God of Destruction)


Additionally, Goku from the upcoming anime Dragon Ball Daima will be a pre-order bonus

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORNt0DOcabQ

Sparking! Zero on FaB: http://www.fightabase.com/gamesMain.aspx?id=1423

Step into the Grand Tour!

Looks like we’ve got a new Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero trailer, this time showcasing some Dragon Ball GT characters! Did you like DBGT? Well, whether you did or not, here they come!

*Goku (GT) – Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan 4


*Uub (Teen) Base, Majuub

*Baby Vegeta – Base, Super Baby 1, Super Baby 2

*Great Ape Baby

*Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta

*Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta

DB Sparking! Zero releases October 11.

Trailer: https://youtu.be/xrzk0T91yd8?si=kwJMGqg7nPtZUUHH

Sparking! Zero on FaB: http://www.fightabase.com/gamesMain.aspx?id=1423