Tag Archives: Switch

Under Night In-Birth II Season Pass Characters Revealed

Looks like starting in August, French Bread and ArcSys will start churning out new characters to download in UNIB II! Uzuki will be available in August, then Ogre in February, and Izumi in August of NEXT year.

Announcement: https://twitter.com/inbirthPR/status/1750135201400070548/photo/1

UNIB II on FAB: http://www.fightabase.com/gamesMain.aspx?id=1435

Guilewinquote’s IGS fighter history video

It’s another fighting game history briefing as the always amazing GuileWinQuote covers IGS’ arcade offerings: Alien Challenge, The Killing Blade, Martial Masters, and Spectral vs. Generation!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az874Mzyapw

Ailen Challenge on FAB: http://www.fightabase.com/gamesMain.aspx?id=563

The Killing Blade on FAB: http://www.fightabase.com/gamesMain.aspx?id=366

Martial Masters on FAB: http://www.fightabase.com/gamesMain.aspx?id=243

Spectral vs. Generation on FAB: http://www.fightabase.com/gamesMain.aspx?id=484

Dual Souls: The Last Bearer Update

Dual Souls: The Last Bearer’s Steam release has received a massive balance and feature update, and includes a new alternate version of Andre! This version represents the character in a sort of “what if” scenario where he did not become a templar, but instead a mercenary.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMnHrK1ItKA

Dual Souls on FAB: http://www.fightabase.com/gamesMain.aspx?id=1437

The Rumble Fish+ releases December 21st

3goo has announced that an upgraded version of The Rumble Fish will release on December 21, 2023 for Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, with a PC version releasing later. 3goo was responsible for last year’s ports of The Rumble Fish 2.

Story Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT8toWSeYaU

The Rumble Fish on Fight-A-Base: http://www.fightabase.com/gamesMain.aspx?id=247&sId=29