Category Archives: trailer

Kain revealed for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, DLC round 1 confirmed

Mark of the Wolves’ last boss, Kain R. Heinlein, has been revealed to be the 14th out of 17 base roster characters for City of the Wolves.

Kain Trailer:

Also, the first round of (free!) DLC for the game has been confirmed. A very legit-looking leak image came out a few days ago, but considering how easy it would have been to fake it, it’s good to see it confirmed.

Andy Bogard and Ken Masters from Street Fighter will be released in the summer of this year, Joe Higashi coming in Autumn and SF’s Chun-Li following in the winter. Then early next year, Mr. Big from Art of Fighting will arrive.

DLC trailer:

CotW on FaB:

Saturn version of Advanced Variable Geo coming in special bundle to contemporary platforms!

The Variable Geo is well-regarded among fans of girls-only roster fighters and indeed fighter fans overall. Other than a downloadable version of the PS1 game on the PS3, there hasn’t been any sort of release since 1999.

Modern players will have a chance to experience Variable Geo for the first time when City Connection releases the compilation Steam-Heart’s & Advanced Variable Geo Saturn Tribute, featuring the Sega Saturn versions of shoot-’em-up Steam-Heart’s [sic] and Advanced V.G. So far it’s only been announced for Japanese release, on May 29 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Switch, PC (via Steam), and Xbox One, with physical PS5 and Switch versions as well.

Announcement trailer:

Advanced V.G. on FaB: