Chief among the Fighter ID features (so far) is the return of full site wide search.

With Fighter ID you can search all our Fighters, Games, Quotes, Costumes and more from one place. Just like the old times!
Chief among the Fighter ID features (so far) is the return of full site wide search.
With Fighter ID you can search all our Fighters, Games, Quotes, Costumes and more from one place. Just like the old times!
In just a few days you’ll be able to update the fightabase again, just like the olden days!
If you’ve forgotten your old sign in, please ask for a password reset on Discord (link up top!) so you can hit the ground running when the start button lights up!
Everybody’s got Heihachi moves!
Trailer (Youtube):
Tekken 8 (Fight-A-Base):
Best of all, there’s a free version with 4 playable characters!
PSN Link:
Story Trailer on Youtube:
NRS put out a trailer highlighting Sub Zero season on MK1, available now!
NRS on Youtube:
MK1 on FAB:
Desk shows us yet again no game is safe from infinite combos
Desk on Youtube:
Killer Instinct on FAB:
Sorry for the delays! We’re bringing in additional tech support to deal with the remaining bugs in our Fighter ID system. Stay tuned!
Virtua Fighter 3tb is being released in Japanese arcades with online play on Tuesday!