Tōkidenshō: Angel Eyes developer diary translation from Sudden-Desu

Ryou of Sudden-Desu has posted a translation of an extensive developer diary for the Tecmo arcade and PS1 fighter, Tōkidenshō: Angel Eyes, detailing what went right, all that went wrong, and the game’s overshadowing (and weird coincidences) by Tecmo’s other fighter at the time, something called “Dead or Alive”.

It’s a highly recommended read for anybody who’s interested in behind-the-scenes stuff and the game in general.

Article: https://sudden-desu.net/entry/touki-denshou-dev-diary/

Tōkidenshō on FAB: http://www.fightabase.com/gamesMain.aspx?id=510

Kain revealed for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, DLC round 1 confirmed

Mark of the Wolves’ last boss, Kain R. Heinlein, has been revealed to be the 14th out of 17 base roster characters for City of the Wolves.

Kain Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmtR0ylmum8

Also, the first round of (free!) DLC for the game has been confirmed. A very legit-looking leak image came out a few days ago, but considering how easy it would have been to fake it, it’s good to see it confirmed.

Andy Bogard and Ken Masters from Street Fighter will be released in the summer of this year, Joe Higashi coming in Autumn and SF’s Chun-Li following in the winter. Then early next year, Mr. Big from Art of Fighting will arrive.

DLC trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2JEb_ItQYY

CotW on FaB: http://www.fightabase.com/gamesMain.aspx?id=1436