Dead or Alive 5
Game Series
Dead or Alive 5
Two years after the destruction of the TriTower, headquarters and symbol of DOATEC...

Helena Douglas has begun the task of rebuilding DOATEC, this time with the aim of using its technology for peaceful ends. She has ordered the dissolution of the Biotechnology Division, the indefinite suspension of the Military Division's Projects Alpha, Epsilon and Omega, and the expulsion of all members of the Donovan faction from DOATEC's offices around the world.
Now in the same position once held by her father, DOATEC founder Fame Douglas, Helena has announced that she intends to hold the fifth Dead or Alive tournament, to show the world the principles and philosophies upholding the new DOATEC.

Dead or Alive 5
Akira Yuki Chapter
A descendant of the founder of the Yuki Budokan, he has been taught his own unique style by his father, based on Hakkyoku-Ken (also known as Ba Ji Quan, the same style as Kokoro). He spends his days training to become the greatest martial artist in the world. He enters the World Fighting Tournament as a way to test himself. The main character of the Virtua Fighter series.
The Ultimate Hyper Clone
Alpha-152 Chapter
An artificial life form given the shape of a transparent woman, this hyper clone of Kasumi was created at DOATEC under the orders of Victor Donovan. After having fled from the 4th Dead or Alive Tournament, she is currently being pursued by Kasumi.
The Killer Kunoichi
Ayane Chapter
The brilliant kunoichi of the Hajinmon sect, the "dark side" of the Mugen Tenshin clan. A cursed birth leaving her destined to live in the shadows, she becomes an assassin on the hunt after her "runaway ninja" half-sister Kasumi.
King of the Ring
Bass Armstrong
Mr. Strong Chapter
An immensely powerful former professional wrestler.
He always worries about his only daughter Tina,
born to his late wife Alicia.
The Man Who Overcame Death
Bayman Chapter
A man of few words, Bayman used to be an assassin who carried out his tasks with the utmost perfection. He now heads to the battlefield as a soldier with a mission.
The Drunken Fighter
Brad Wong Chapter
A master of the Zui Quan style, Brad is usually foundpropping up a bar somewhere. He's been annoying his travelling companion Eliot, but what could the purpose of his journey be?
Blood Soaked Snake-Hands
Christie Chapter
Cold-blooded and ruthless -- the perfect qualities for an assassin. She has perfected the Shequan (Snake Fist) style for her kills. As a fellow assassin, Bayman is her rival.
Apprentice of the Iron Fist
Eliot Chapter
Gen Fu's only apprentice and practioner of Xing Yi Quan. Aware of his immaturity as a fighter, he left his mentor and set out on a journey of self-improvement. For some reason, however, Brad has decided to tag along, much to Eliot's annoyance.
The Legendary Iron Fist
Gen Fu Chapter
Gen Fu is an old mentor who was once considered to be a fighting legend. After earning enough money to pay for his granddaughter's medical treatment, he agreed to take Eliot on as an apprentice. Until, one day, he sends him off on a journey of self-improvement...
The Wind of the Heavens
Hayate Chapter
Kasumi's older brother and the 18th leader of the Mugen Tenshin ninja clan. Respected, with techniques fit for a clan leader.
Fortune's Heiress
Helena Douglas Chapter
The youthful leader of the enormous DOATEC conglomerate. Though the company was once involved in the development of terrifying biological weapons, Helena is seeking to start anew by hosting the fifth Dead or Alive Tournament.
The Fist of Innocence
Hitomi Chapter
A beautiful young woman born to a German father and a Japanese mother. Taught karate by her strict father from an early age, she is now a world-class fighter. She fell in love with Ein, the persona Hayate once took on when he lost his memory. But now Hayate has returned, and her love is no more.
A Scorching Soul
Jann Lee Chapter
Master of Jeet Kune Do, nicknamed "Dragon."
He constantly seeks to test himself against the most fearsome opponents.
Kasumi Chapter
A successor of the legendary Mugen Tenshin ninja clan. After a certain incident, she abandoned her clan and became a "runaway ninja." Unable to return to her village, she continues to live on the run with her life remaining a target.
The Ba Ji Dancer
Kokoro Chapter
A positive and cheerful young lady who has mastered the martial art Ba Ji Quan. Her performance of the various forms of the art display a unity of suppleness and strength. When not fighting, she devotes herself to training as a geisha.
La Mariposa Chapter
An acrobatic luchadora and Tina's main rival during her professional wrestling career. In reality, though, she is a former DOATEC scientist named Lisa Hamilton, and she and Tina are close friends.
The T'ai Chi Quan Genius
Leifang Chapter
A female master of T'ai Chi Quan. Raised in a wealthy family, she is quite stubborn and trains to defeat Jann Lee, who once saved her from harm.
Hot-Blooded Fighter Who Dares To Dream
Mila Chapter
An up-and-coming mixed martial arts champion who has scored spectacular victories all over the world. There is a certain fighter for whom she feels intense admiration, and her dream is to take on her idol in the ring. Now she spends her days training at the gym in between shifts at her part time job to make that dream come true.
Dead or Alive 5
Pai Chan Chapter
Lau Chan's only daughter, she has received special instruction in martial arts since early childhood. Though she once hated her father, her attitude towards him has softened after she watched him suffer with illness in his twilight years. As well as being a martial artist, Pai Chan is also a famous actress in her home country.
The Fighter Without A Past
Victor Donovan, Jr Chapter
A natural born fighter, he has used his powerful instincts to master the art of taekwondo. He has run the oil rig from a young age, and his colleagues simply call him "Rig." But even he doesn't know his real name or where he comes from.
The Ultimate Ninja
Ryu Hayabusa Chapter
A super ninja of the ancient Hayabusa style of Ninjutsu. His strength has been recounted in numerous tales. A longtime friend of Hayate.
Dead or Alive 5
Sarah Bryant Chapter
While attempting to investigate the accident involving her brother, Jacky Bryant, she was captured by J6 (Judgment 6) and brainwashed. Although she was later rescued by her brother, the effects of J6's brainwashing remain buried deep within the recesses of her mind.
Superstar of a Thousand Dreams
Tina Armstrong Chapter
Daughter of legendary professional wrestler, Bass. Despite her father's intentions to raise her as a champion wrestler, she has pursued her own dreams in life, becoming a model, actress and rock star.
The Funky DJ
Zack Chapter
Zack has incredible fighting instincts, and
learned Muay Thai just by imitation. A funky DJ
with a positive attitude and original sense of style.
Fighter ID
(A - Z)