Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Game Series

Gouki (Japan)

Entry (one teammate down)
The weak deserve death!
Entry (two teammates down)
Finally! A true challenge!
Match Start vs. Ghost Rider
The Shun Goku Satsu will show you true penance!
Victory vs. Ghost Rider
Your Hellfire is laughable!
Win Quote
I seek the ultimate power! I will not be stopped by mere mortals!
Win Quote vs. Iron Fist
I have heard tales of the K'un-Lun martial arts. Such weakness holds no interest for me.
Win Quote vs. Vergil
Now you have witnessed what a true demon can do.
Amaterasu Okami
Win Quote
So, Ammy... I hear you've got a little pup now, already running off on his own adventures. They grow up so fast!
Win Quote vs. Dr. Strange
Hey, mustachio! Ammy here loves your parlor tricks. Can you do any more?
Win Quote vs. Firebrand
So, you spit fire, eh? You are the most unoriginal demon we've ever fought. Ain't that right, Ammy?
Entry (two teammates down)
Now or never!
Match Start vs. Firebrand
Ah, a tricky devil has appeared!
Victory vs. Firebrand
Huzzah! Cleared without a miss!
Win Quote vs. Firebrand
Foul creature, I have bested you in battle. However, it is your master that I really seek.
Win Quote vs. Hawkeye
Your weapons have enchantments the likes of which I've never seen! Well, to the victor go the spoils!
Captain America
Entry (one teammate down)
Allow me.
Entry (two teammates down)
That's far enough!
Match Start vs. Frank West
I hear you've covered wars. Pity you've never actually fought in one.
Match Start vs. Hawkeye
You always wanted to prove you're better than me. Now here's your chance.
Match Start vs. Strider Hiryu
You remind me of Batroc the Leaper, which means you don't stand a chance.
Victory vs. Frank West
Best leave the battles for the soldiers, son.
Victory vs. Hawkeye
Thought I taught you better than that, Clint.
Victory vs. Strider Hiryu
All skill. No heart. And no victory.
Win Quote vs. Hawkeye
I trained you better than that, Clint.
Chris Redfield
Entry (one teammate down)
No more sacrifices.
Entry (two teammates down)
I'm gonna put an end to this.
Match Start vs. Rocket Raccoon
There's a, um...heavily-armed woodland creature.
Victory vs. Rocket Raccoon
No matter who the enemy is, I won't back down!
Win Quote vs. Firebrand
Sorry, but you just don't scare me. I've seen circus clowns scarier than you.
Win Quote vs. Rocket Raccoon
I've fought all kinds of creatures before, but you take the cake for originality. And annoyance.
Entry (one teammate down)
Let it to me.
Entry (two teammates down)
Now you've done it!
Match Start vs. Iron Fist
All right "Iron Fist", let's see what you got.
Victory vs. Iron Fist
Guess you're a sucker for a pretty face.
Win Quote
I'm not just fast; I can also pack a punch! But I guess you already figured that out.
Win Quote vs. Nemesis
I'm sorry about your face, but that doesn't give you the right to carry around illegal firearms.
Win Quote vs. Rocket Raccoon
You're under arrest! I'm taking you straight to jail... or an animal shelter.
Crimson Viper
C. Viper, Maya

Entry (one teammate down)
Gimme a break.
Entry (two teammates down)
Not really my kind of battle.
Match Start vs. Strider Hiryu
...Strider Hiryu?!
Victory vs. Strider Hiryu
So you are real. I always thought you were just a myth.
Win Quote
I don't do overtime, and I don't particularly like rematches, either. So, would you mind accepting your loss and going home?
Win Quote vs. Nova
That suit has intriguing applications. Hope you don't mind me borrowing it forever.
Win Quote vs. Strider Hiryu
Trust the Japanese to design some interesting gadgets. Too bad they were all style and no substance.
Entry (one teammate down)
Got tired of waiting.
Entry (two teammates down)
Woohoo! Time to party!
Match Start vs. Vergil
What a touching reunion. Right, brother?
Victory vs. Vergil
C'mon, get up! You can do better than that.
Win Quote vs. Iron Fist
Love the kung fu moves. Don't change that. The ballerina slippers, however, gotta go.
Win Quote vs. Vergil
You're the reason why we can't have nice things. Also, the ladies dig my sword skills more.
Entry (two teammates down)
Luck luck luck!
Match Start (CablePool)
And you thought Cable wasn't in this game...
Match Start vs. Doctor Strange
Hey hey! It's Doctor Normal. Well... normal compared to me anyway.
Match Start vs. Pheonix Wright
OBJECTION! Oh man, that is really fun to say!
Victory vs. Pheonix Wright
I'd say justice was served. No, I don't know how. Just roll with it, OK, people?!
Win Quote
Capcom should really go back and put me in their other games. Ya know, Resident Deadpool, Mega Deadpool...
Win Quote vs. Nemesis
Brother, you're ugly. And not just ugly, I mean BIBLICAL ugly, like "you can model for death threats" ugly.
Win Quote vs. Spencer
...and that's for pooping on my lawn. I'M the only one who gets to do that!
Win Quote vs. Spider-Man
Hey, did you know that Wesker guy stole your Maximum Spider move? You were doing that back in Marvel Super Heroes! So... Gonna go kick his ass? Can I watch?
Entry (one teammate down)
This changes nothing.
Entry (two teammates down)
Your torment begins.
Match Start vs. Dr. Strange
Concern for others is your greatest weakness, Strange.
Match Start vs. Ghost Rider
Never again will you defy my influence, Blaze.
Victory vs. Dr. Strange
Alas, the Dread Dormammu has defeated his greatest foe.
Victory vs. Ghost Rider
Now your soul is mine, Blaze.
Win Quote vs. Dr. Strange
You were nothing to me when you were the Sorcerer Supreme. You are even less to me now.
Win Quote vs. Vergil
I see much more potential in you than in your brother.
Dr. Doom
Entry (one teammate down)
Entry (two teammates down)
Bow before Doom!
Match Start vs. Dr. Strange
Doom's mystic powers are more than a match for your own.
Match Start vs. Ghost Rider
I shall send you back to the Hellfire that spawned you, Blaze.
Match Start vs. Pheonix Wright
There is no other law but Doom's!
Victory vs. Dr. Strange
And they call YOU the "Sorcerer Supreme"? Ha!
Victory vs. Ghost Rider
Doom answers to no one. Not even a so-called Spirit of Vengeance.
Victory vs. Pheonix Wright
In Latveria we have no lawyers. Only corpses.
Win Quote vs. Hawkeye
Fighting Doom with arrows is like throwing pebbles at a hurricane.
Dr. Strange
DHC second tag
I have arrived!
DHC third tag
Defenders forever!
Entry (two teammates down)
I've faced greater odds.
Match Start
A novice of the Mystic Arts could defeat you.
You are but a minor annoyance to the Sorcerer Supreme.
One does not require the Eye of Agamotto to see this outcome.
Match Start vs. Arthur
No fairy tale can prepare you for a true sorcerer!
Match Start vs. Dormammu
Dormammu! Come forth!
Match Start vs. female opponent
I'm starting an all-female Defenders: what do you say?
Match Start vs. Firebrand
I've battled Mephisto and Nightmare. You don't even rate.
Match Start vs. Hsien-Ko
And they call ME strange.
Match Start vs. Hulk
I imagine you're still upset about us shooting you into space...
Match Start vs. Shuma-Gorath
You know...you've always disgusted me.
I left my Sanctum Santorum for this?
You have cast a spell of boredom upon me.
The Ancient One would be most pleased.
My presence was not even needed. Wong could have taken care of you.
Victory vs. Arthur
When it comes to sword and sorcery, sorcery always wins out.
Victory vs. Dormammu
Yield, Dormammu. You are defeated.
Victory vs. female opponent
I've heard the Dr. Strangelove jokes. I'm not amused.
Victory vs. Firebrand
This gargoyle's quest... has failed.
Victory vs. Hsien-Ko
Your condition... My magics might be able to help...
Victory vs. Hulk
Been wanting to do that, even back when we were Defenders.
Victory vs. Shuma-Gorath
He Who Sleeps but Shall Awake...sleeps once again.
Win Quote
Faith is my sword. Truth my shield. Knowledge my armor.
The world must never know the full mystic power of Dr. Strange.
By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth! What a poor showing on your part.
If you do not pay the utmost attention, magic can get away from you in a heartbeat.
Perhaps I accidentally transported myself to an alternate reality where nobody but me can fight.
Win Quote vs. Deadpool
Now, if only I had a spell that would shut you up...
Win Quote vs. Dormammu
Considering how many times I've defeated you, the name DREADFUL Dormammu would be more apropos.
Win Quote vs. Dr. Doom
You exist in two worlds, von Doom -- that of magic and that of science. You are master of neither.
Win Quote vs. Hulk
You're too dangerous, Bruce. It's why I banished you to the Crossroads in the first place.
Win Quote vs. Morrigan
You remind me of someone... Morgan Le Fey? Is it possible?
Win Quote vs. Shuma-Gorath
Now go, by Vishanti! Crawl back to the Chaos Dimension while you still can, fowl beast.
Entry (two teammates down)
I'll take care of this!
Match Start vs. Frank West
Ready for my close-up!
Victory vs. Frank West
Finished already? Thanks for the pictures!
Win Quote
I don't know if I have nine lives or not... And honestly, I don't want to chance it finding out!
Win Quote vs. Dr. Strange
I'm not a demon, I'm a Catwoman! We're people, too, you know!
Win Quote vs. Frank
Would you mind taking my headshots? I'm thinking of branching out from musicals to film.
Match Start
(I'll take you on.)
Match Start vs. Arthur/Amaterasu/Thor
(This could be fun...!)
(Victory is mine!)
Victory vs. Arthur/Amaterasu/Thor
(I'll beat you down again as many times as you like!)
Victory vs. Deadpool
Gho gha gi gi. (What a weirdo.)
Victory vs. Dormammu
Gho gho ghaa ghaa gaa. (Time for you to go back to wherever you came from.)
Victory vs. Morrigan
Gya gha ghaa gi gi gha. (Aensland? Never heard of you.)
Victory vs. Phoenix Wright
Gyo gu gha gha gha. (The winner decides the rules. That's how it works in Demon Village.)
Win Quote
Ku ku kuuu. (I love the smell of burning meat in the morning...)
Win Quote vs. Arthur
Ghaa gha ghaa gi gya. (This time it's you that'll turn into a pile of bones!)
Win Quote vs. Dr. Strange
Ghas gi gi gha gu. (Book of Darkholm? I'll be taking that back...)
Frank West
DHC second tag
DHC third tag
Follow the press!
Entry (one teammate down)
Got time for an interview?
Entry (two teammates down)
Not planning on dying anytime soon!
Match Start vs. Deadpool
Take off that mask and let me get a shot of the real you!
Match Start vs. female opponent
Okay, one more shot.
Looking good! Keep it up!
Oh, nice! Hold that pose!
Match Start vs. Hulk
Last one! Smile!
Match Start vs. Nova
Don't just stand there and watch, help me out!
Match Start vs. Spider-Man
I'll show that Parker kid who's a better photographer!
Victory vs. Deadpool
So I can't get a shot without the mask? Oh well.
Victory vs. Hulk
So Hulk, I uh... I gotta go.
Victory vs. Nova
Heroes? In the end, the only one I can depend on is myself.
Victory vs. Spider-Man
I have a feeling I'll be seeing you around, Spidey!
Victory vs. Strider Hiryu
Ninjas are good people in my book -- the book of people's asses I've kicked!
Win Quote
A real journalist isn't afraid to go in deep in order to get his story!
Win Quote vs. Felicia
I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cat scratching! (That's a joke, doll.)
Win Quote vs. Haggar
Man, I remember when you were king of the ring! You've put on a few pounds, but then, so have I...
Win Quote vs. Hulk
Your gamma radiation ruined my film! Great... There goes this month's rent money.
Win Quote vs. Nova
Kid, you need to get off this planet pronto. God help us all if you ever got bit by a zombie.
Win Quote vs. Spider-Man
The Daily Bugle will pay top dollar for shots of a Spider-Man beatdown. Smile for the camera, Spidey!
Match Start vs. Dr. Strange
The ancient forces you draw upon mean nothing to one as old as the universe.
Victory vs. Dr. Strange
You dare pit your mystic arts against the Power Cosmic? Arrogant fool!
Ghost Rider
Curse it all!
Mephisto... be damned...
DHC second tag
The fiend is upon you.
DHC third tag
Entry (one teammate down)
Vengeance is mine.
Entry (two teammates down)
I need no allies.
Match Start
I would pray now. A lot.
Now learn why I'm called a Spirit of Vengeance.
Mephisto can't contain me -- what chance do you have?
Match Start vs. Amaterasu
Even gods must answer for their sins.
Match Start vs. Dante
Fighting demons won't prepare you for what you face now.
Match Start vs. Dormammu
One of our flames will be extinguished this day. Won't be mine.
Match Start vs. Dr. Strange
You seek to challenge my hell-spawned power -- but instead, you will only find death!
Match Start vs. Morrigan
Your wiles won't work on me, succubus.
Match Start vs. Phoenix Wright
Do you have any idea how many lawyers are in Hell?
Match Start vs. Thor
Forget Ragnarok. I'M your destruction.
Match Start vs. Trish
I eat demons like Mundus for breakfast.
Match Start vs. Vergil
Long have you played with fire, boy -- but now, you're playing with Hellfire.
Match Start vs. Villians
The day of judgement is upon you, scum.
Match Start vs. Wesker
The darkness in your soul disgusts me.
Hell hath no fury like a flaming skeleton on a motorcycle.
Victory vs. Amaterasu
The sun does not rise in Hell, goddess.
Victory vs. Dante
Leave the demon fighting to the experts, fool.
Victory vs. Dormammu
And now, I think it's time I visited that twin sister of yours...
Victory vs. Dr. Strange
Too often do you invoke demons in your spells, mage. It stops NOW.
Victory vs. Morrigan
Not so amusing now, is it?
Victory vs. Phoenix Wright
So I have this contract with Mephisto I'd like you to look at for me...
Victory vs. Thor
If you can't handle Loki, I will.
Victory vs. Trish
Your bike could use a nice dose of Hellfire, Trish...
Victory vs. Vergil
You make deals with the devil, sometimes you end up with him.
Victory vs. Villians
There is but one fate for the guilty.
Victory vs. Wesker
Hell is calling, Albert.
Win Quote
I am fury itself. Now, taste the fires of Hell.
Some day I will be free of this curse. Some day.
Sometimes I think the entire world deserves damnation.
Win Quote vs. Deadpool
Never have I encountered a soul so utterly... repulsive.
Win Quote vs. Dormammu
Now that I've taken care of you, I shall turn my attention to your unholy lackey -- the Hood is next.
Win Quote vs. Dr. Doom
Hell is exactly where your mother belongs. You'll follow her there soon enough.
Win Quote vs. Firebrand
I have little tolerance for demons... much less inferior ones like you.
Win Quote vs. Vergil
Best control your demonic half, boy, or I'll do it for you.
Win Quote vs. Wolverine
You... have much to answer for.
Entry (one teammate down)
End of the line!
Entry (two teammates down)
Match Start vs. Hawkeye
Arrows, guns, whatever -- bring it on!
Victory vs. Hawkeye
Don't mess with the mayor!
Win Quote vs. Frank
I said no interviews! My administration is on the up and up. Go find some real criminals to bug.
Win Quote vs. Iron Fist
How I love fighting a luchadore! You all have such a flair for theatrics in the ring!
They need me!!!
Guess I was a little... off target...
DHC second tag
I got this.
DHC third tag
It's over.
Entry (one teammate down)
I'm on it!
Entry (two teammates down)
Guess it's just me.
Match Start
World's Greatest Marksman, at your service.
Pfft. And they call Captain America a living legend.
Defenders, Avengers, Thunderbolts... I make any team better.
Match Start vs. Captain America
Them Cap's Kooky Quartet days are over, old man.
Match Start vs. Crimson Viper
Take it up with Fury if S.H.I.E.L.D. rejected your application, not me.
Match Start vs. female opponent
Sorry, I'm married. Can't blame you for wantin' me, though.
Match Start vs. Frank West
Lights. Camera. Ass kicking.
Match Start vs. Iron Man
You underestimated me from day one. Big mistake.
Match Start vs. She-Hulk
You remember when we used to be friends, Jen? Yeah, neither do I.
Match Start vs. Taskmaster
You're gonna try to out-archer me? Good luck with that.
Match Start vs. Zero
An angry space midget with a sword? Yeah, I've been at this too long.
Always on the mark.
You're not brash if you can back it up.
Victory vs. Captain America
Man, I should be leading the Avengers...
Victory vs. Crimson Viper
Black Widow, you ain't.
Victory vs. female opponent
Ha ha ha ha! Not today, sweetheart!
Victory vs. Frank West
Hope you got my good side, camera boy.
Victory vs. Iron Man
Force Works? Really? What were you thinking?
Victory vs. She-Hulk
Guess your cousin is the one with the brains in the family.
Victory vs. Taskmaster
Next time, leave the bow and arrow stuff to me, skull face.
Victory vs. Zero
Less than Zero. Ha! See what I did there?
Win Quote
Guns are for wussies.
Kate Bishop's a good Hawkeye, but there's no substitute for the original.
Win Quote vs. Captain America
I may give ya a hard time, but the truth is, there's nobody I respect more than you, Cap.
Win Quote vs. Iron Man
Come a long way from that punk small-time crook I was when ya first met me, huh, Shellhead?
Win Quote vs. M.O.D.O.K.
Just give up the whole "fighting the Avengers" thing. Go on and make a nice living as a parade float instead.
Win Quote vs. Thor
Still not sure I buy the whole "god" thing, Goldilocks.
Win Quote vs. Wolverine
You fought like an old man, Logan.
Lei Lei (Japan)

Match Start vs. Nemesis
Whoa...Man, your face is scary!
Victory vs. Nemesis
Oh man...that was really frightening!
Win Quote vs. Hawkeye
I wasn't expecting you to be so full of surprises. I guess you're thinking the same thing about me.
Win Quote vs. Nemesis
Don't laugh, Mei. Not all jiāngshī can be as beautiful as us!
Match Start
You make Hulk angry. You not like Hulk angry.
Match Start vs. Dr. Strange
Dumb Magician once friends with Hulk -- but now Hulk smash!
Match Start vs. Nemesis
Hulk smash moster man!
Hulk smash monster man!
Hulk smash puny space man!
Match Start vs. Nova
Hulk fight Human Rocket? Hulk not like rockets!
Match Start vs. Phoenix Wright
Puny man not Phoenix! Phoenix a bird lady! Hulk confused!
Victory vs. Dr. Strange
Now Hulk will smash other Illuminati!
Victory vs. Nemesis
Now monster man knows -- Hulk is strongest monster there is!
Victory vs. Nova
Hulk smash puny space man!
Victory vs. Phoenix Wright
Why suit man object so much? Hulk supposed to be angry one!
Iron Fist
Lei Kung, I have shamed you...
DHC second tag
I'm here!
DHC third tag
Heroes For Hire.
Entry (two teammates down)
The odds are irrelevant.
Match Start
The Iron Fist can hold back the storm.
Fair warning... I'm registered as a lethal weapon.
Match Start vs. Akuma
I look forward to fighting a real warrior.
Match Start vs. Arthur
My iron fist will shred that armor like paper.
Match Start vs. Chun-Li
Daughters of the Dragon called. They want their everything back.
Match Start vs. Iron Man
Technology is no substitute for skill.
Match Start vs. Ryu
Come on, let's see what you've got.
Match Start vs. Vergil
A dragon will always beat a demon-spawn, boy.
And they call Luke Cage 'Power Man'.
I've forgotten more about fighting than you'll ever know.
Losing to you would have set back the Iron Fist legacy for generations.
Victory vs. Akuma
I suppose we proved who the REAL "Master of the Fist" is.
Victory vs. Arthur
This is one dragon you could not slay, knight.
Victory vs. Chun-Li
With some training, you might not be half bad.
Victory vs. Iron Man
Man of Iron versus Fist of Iron was no contest.
Victory vs. Ryu
You fought with honor. You would be most welcome in K'un-Lun.
Victory vs. Vergil
I think your brother would've put up a better fight...
Win Quote vs. Magneto
Clearly the Master of Magnetism has no effect on a Fist of Iron.
Win Quote vs. Ryu
You are a worthy opponent, Ryu. In fact, in time you might be a worthy successor of the Iron Fist. But not today.
Win Quote vs. Strider Hiryu
Even in K'un-Lun we have heard of your prowess, Strider. So I expected more. MUCH more.
Win Quote vs. Taskmaster
You can copy my moves all you want. But you'll never be as good as me.
Iron Man
Entry (one teammate down)
Allow me.
Entry (two teammates down)
No problem. I got this.
Match Start vs. Hawkeye
You were a two-bit punk when we first met. You're a two-bit punk now.
Match Start vs. Nova
Nova Force power versus Stark tech, huh? Bring it, flyboy!
Match Start vs. Phoenix Wright
If I win, you're going to call off that lawsuit against Stark Industries. Deal?
Victory vs. Hawkeye
Face it, Clint... You are a second-tier Avenger.
Victory vs. Nova
In Spanish, your name means "it doesn't go." You are aptly named, amigo.
Victory vs. Phoenix Wright
You know, I could use a good lawyer. But not you. I said GOOD lawyer.
Win Quote vs. Hawkeye
You were a criminal when I first fought you. And I'm sorry to see you're still making bad decisions... like fighting me again.
Win Quote vs. Thor
Never did believe in that "god of thunder" mumbo-jumbo.
Jill Valentine
Entry (one teammate down)
Commencing... extermination.
Entry (two teammates down)
Change of plans. Eliminating all obstacles.
Match Start vs. Nemesis
Nemesis has been spotted.
Victory vs. Nemesis
Target is down. Administering sedative.
Win Quote vs. Hawkeye
You lost because you're predictable. You tense up every time you reach for an arrow.
Win Quote vs. Nemesis
Stop. Following. ME!
Entry (one teammate down)
M.O.D.O.K. needs help from no-one.
Entry (two teammates down)
Leave it to me.
Match Start vs. Dr. Strange
I will prove once again that science prevails over magic!
Match Start vs. Frank West
Your pain will fuel my experiments!
Match Start vs. Iron Fist
Your chi can never compare to the powers of science!
Match Start vs. Nemesis
I've had experiments like you, I call them failures!
Match Start vs. Nova
I look forward to taking your Worldmind after I kill you.
Match Start vs. Pheonix Wright
Laws? M.O.D.O.K. is above the law!
Match Start vs. Rocket Raccoon
You're cute. Time to die!
Victory vs. Dr. Strange
I am M.O.D.O.K.! Master of the mental arts!
Victory vs. Frank West
Not so tough when you battle living opponents, eh?
Victory vs. Iron Fist
The Immortal Iron Fist? Hardly.
Victory vs. Nemesis
I can't WAIT to dissect you, big guy!
Victory vs. Pheonix Wright
Objection overruled, whelp!
Victory vs. Rocket Raccoon
I defeated a raccoon! SCIENCE!
Win Quote vs. Rocket Raccoon
You lesser life forms bore me.
Entry (two teammates down)
For mutantkind!
Match Start vs. Ghost Rider
You claim to protect innocent humans. Quite the oxymoron.
Match Start vs. Pheonix Wright
You offer to "defend" me? Most offensive, human...
Match Start vs. Rocket Raccoon
Your form is most curious, mutant.
Match Start vs. Vergil
Your appearance reminds me of my son. Let's see if you boast his speed in battle.
Victory vs. Ghost Rider
Charles Xavier has misled mutantkind. He's the one who needs penance.
Victory vs. Pheonix Wright
I sacrifice for mutantkind. Lawyers only sacrifice their dignity.
Victory vs. Rocket Raccoon
So, you are no mutant? I care not of your welfare. Be gone!
Victory vs. Vergil
Shame you're not a mutant. You'd make a good addition to my Brotherhood.
Win Quote vs. Arthur
Facing me in a metal suit of armor... What were you thinking?
Morrigan Aensland
Entry (two teammates down)
Ahahaha... Now we're getting exciting!
Match Start vs. Phoenix Wright
Don't be so stiff. Let's have some fun.
Victory vs. Phoenix Wright
You're so serious... It's kind of cute.
Win Quote vs. Ghost Rider
All I can see in your soulless eyes is myself. You have no soul worth charming, or even destroying.
Win Quote vs. Phoenix Wright
I see you like to run your mouth. I wonder if you can use it for anything else?
DHC second tag
Let's take them!
DHC third tag
We got 'em now!
Entry (two teammates down)
All up to me!
Match Start
I'm the only guardian the galaxy needs.
Let's make this quick. I got a universe to save.
Match Start vs. Captain America
Earth's Mightiest Heroes, huh? How limited.
Match Start vs. Rocket Raccoon
Sorry, but there's no way I'm losing to an extra from Bambi.
Match Start vs. Strider Hiryu
Cute little ninja tricks versus Nova Corps? Come on now.
Match Start vs. Super Skrull
Act like jerks, your planet gets eaten. It's called karma, dude.
Match Start vs. Viewtiful Joe
Really? I mean... REALLY?!
Blue blazes... I'm AWESOME!
How's it feel to get burned by the Human Rocket?
Victory vs. Captain America
Dude, for a living legend... you kind of sucked.
Victory vs. Haggar
And now you're just the mayor of Loserville.
Victory vs. Rocket Raccoon
I'll tell the other Guardians of the Galaxy you put up a good fight. I'll lie.
Victory vs. Strider Hiryu
If I were you, I'd hide my face too, after that.
Victory vs. Super Skrull
Next time you might wanna change yourself into a decent fighter.
Victory vs. Viewtiful Joe
Is it me, or do we have, like, the same helmet?
Win Quote
In case you had any interest in joining the Nova Corps, forget it. They wouldn't take you on the grounds that you have a bad case of suck.
Win Quote vs. Captain America
So, um... this won't get me thrown out of the Secret Avengers or anything like that, right? Right?
Win Quote vs. Haggar
Geez... Steroids much?
Win Quote vs. Magneto
There's only room for one Bucket-Head in this galaxy, bro.
Win Quote vs. Phoenix
You know... all that stuff you did to the universe with the Phoenix Force? Yeah... not cool.
Win Quote vs. Rocket Raccoon
Sorry, little dude. So... you're not going to cut my throat in my sleep now or anything like that, right?
Win Quote vs. Super Skrull
You Skrulls can change into whatever you want. Doesn't matter, I can still smell you. You reek, dude.
Jean Grey

Match Start vs. Ghost Rider
Part of me feels I deserve your punishment. Just part, though.
Match Start vs. Phoenix Wright
Not even you could defend the actions of Dark Phoenix...
Match Start vs. Vergil
Now you're REALLY playing with fire, boy.
Victory vs. Ghost Rider
Nothing can stop the power of Phoenix!
Victory vs. Phoenix Wright
Only one Phoenix was meant to prevail today.
Victory vs. Vergil
Perhaps if I'm not too busy, I'll take care of Mundus, too.
Win Quote vs. Phoenix Wright
We're both called Phoenix, but I'm a destroyer of worlds and you're a lawyer. I wonder which one of us is more hated?
Phoenix Wright
Ryuichi Naruhodo (JPN)

Ace Attorney
The one who actually committed the crime... is YOU! No alibi, no justice, no dream, no hope! It's time to pay for your crimes... TAKE THIS!
DHC second tag
Not over yet!
DHC third tag
Weak defence!
Entry (one teammate down)
I won't let us lose this case!
Match Start
I won't lose! Not to the likes of you!
I want the truth and nothing but the truth!
Your honor, the defence in ready to present!
Match Start vs. Firebrand
Man or demon, all are equal under the law!
Match Start vs. She-Hulk
Ms. Walters, your witness!
Match Start vs. Villians
Give up your life of crime!
In battle, it's not a question of guilty or not guilty.
Victory vs. Firebrand
Well, look at that! I guess you can beat the devil!
Victory vs. She-Hulk
It takes more than brute strength to make your case in court!
Win Quote
Heroes, villains, and this huge Galactus guy trying to take over... It's like something out of Maya's favorite show!
Win Quote vs. Amaterasu
Hey, think you can give Detective Gumshoe some pointers on how to train a K-9 police dog sometime?
Win Quote vs. Crimson Viper
Be grateful your kid's still young. Mine's constantly putting me into bankruptcy over hamburgers!
Win Quote vs. Dr. Doom
So these are the charges against you. Let's see here... Boy this binder sure is thick!
Win Quote vs. Firebrand
You may be a demon, but at least you're not a Demon Prosecutor. I've met enough of those for a lifetime!
Win Quote vs. Ghost Rider
We may both be after justice, but your methods aren't exactly orthodox... or humane.
Win Quote vs. She-Hulk
That's quite the transformation! Not even Maya changes THIS much when she channels someone.
Rocket Raccoon
Promise me... no zoo...
I'll kill you, you son of a...!
DHC second tag
What you need is a raccoon!
DHC third tag
Like fish in a barrel!
Entry (one teammate down)
Outta the way!
Entry (two teammates down)
Saving your arses!
Mad Hopper
This weighs more than me!
Match Start
How about I make a fur coat out of YOU?!
My version of a coonskin cap is basically me chewing on your skull.
Let's see how cute I am after I strangle you with your own intestines.
Match Start vs. Chris
You've fought zombies, mutants, tyrants...But nothing's prepared you for -- a RACCOON.
Match Start vs. Deadpool
Again... That wasn't me going through your garbage cans last night.
Match Start vs. Hulk
Ya called me "puny" once, jade jaws. Didn't much care for that.
Match Start vs. Nemesis
You sort of remind me of the Hulk. Only much stupider.
Match Start vs. Shuma-Gorath
Space raccoon versus demon squid. Yeah, this isn't weird or anything.
Match Start vs. Spencer
Military tactical genius meets military screw-up. You do the math.
Match Start vs. Wesker
So what's this I hear about a place called "Raccoon City"?
Rocky Raccoon
Incoming! Airstrike, suckers! I love the smell of napalm in the morning!
You're dead meat, flogface.
Think I have rabies? Let's find out.
Never doubt a raccoon.
The Guardians of the Galaxy are nothing without me.
The raccoon's the king of the beasts. Screw the lion.
Victory vs. Chris
That's for letting them mess up Raccoon City, ya wanker!
Victory vs. Deadpool
And that's for saying you just saw my mother at the Bronx Zoo!
Victory vs. Hulk
Let's KO some space clowns again sometime, mate. For ol' time's sake.
Victory vs. Nemesis
Man, you ugly.
Victory vs. Shuma-Gorath
Looks like it's time for some space calamari. Yum!
Victory vs. Wesker
Let's go to Halfworld and have somebody experiment on YOU for a change.
Win Quote vs. Amaterasu
So... you doing anything after this, cutie? Rowwwr!
Win Quote vs. Deadpool
You keep saying I look like a reject from the set of Bambi! What the hell is a "Bambi?"
Win Quote vs. Hulk
Little furry animal beats big green monster. Sort of sounds like a fairy tale that's had too much to drink.
Win Quote vs. Nova
You should turn in your honorary Guardians of the Galaxy membership card after that pitiful display.
Win Quote vs. Super Skrull
You probably feel bad right now. You'd feel even worse if you knew how many Skrulls I've whacked.
Win Quote vs. Wolverine
Every wolverine I've ever met was a filthy and vile creature. You're no exception.
Entry (two teammates down)
It's not over yet!
Match Start vs. Iron Fist
Master of the Iron Fist? Show me!
Victory vs. Iron Fist
So..that was K'un-Lun's power...
Win Quote vs. Iron Fist
It was my pleasure to meet a warrior who fights with honor. I hope that our paths will cross again.
Win Quote vs. Phoenix Wright
Your sense of justice is strong, but a warrior's fists should be stronger than his mouth.
Entry (one teammate down)
Damage is negligible.
Match Start vs. Firebrand
Query: Is subject a mutant? Analyzing. Analyzing. Analyzing...
Match Start vs. Nova
Is subject Richard Rider a mutant? ANALYZING...
Victory vs. Firebrand
Demonic entity: Terminated.
Victory vs. Nova
QUERY TO MASTER MOLD: Should Nova Corps be eliminated?
Entry (one teammate down)
I'm next!
Entry (two teammates down)
Oh no you don't!
Match Start vs. Deadpool
I can break the 4th wall too, you know!
Match Start vs. Hawkeye
Fighting me? You were always headstrong, Clint. Didn't think you were stupid, too.
Match Start vs. Phoenix Wright
Soon the defense will rest...her fists upon your face.
Victory vs. Deadpool
If there's ever an MvC4, I'll destroy you there too, Wade.
Victory vs. Hawkeye
It's times like these I'm ashamed we were both Avengers.
Victory vs. Phoenix Wright
How's that for a little courtroom drama?
Win Quote vs. Phoenix Wright
If you argue the way you fight, it's a wonder you ever win a case.
Entry (one teammate down)
You look tasty!
Entry (two teammates down)
Chaos reigns!
Match Start
I can taste your fear! And it's delicious.
Match Start vs. Dormammu
You could not hope to defeat me, hellspawn!
Match Start vs. Ghost Rider
I assure you, demon hunter, you have never faced my like before.
Match Start vs. Vergil
I'll eviscerate you, half-breed!
Victory vs. Dormammu
I will come for your dimension next!
Victory vs. Ghost Rider
The power of Hell is of no concern to the Lord of Chaos.
Victory vs. Vergil
You are an embarrassment to demons everywhere.
Win Quote vs. Dr. Strange
With you out of the way, this dimension finally belongs to Shuma-Gorath! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Win Quote vs. Firebrand
You put up a decent fight, demon. Now bow before me and I shall grant you a position in my new order.

Entry (two teammates down)
All up to me.
Match Start vs. Rocket Raccoon
I think you've seen combat before...
Victory vs. Rocket Raccoon
I hope we can fight side by side one day...
Win Quote vs. Rocket Raccoon
I know a battle-hardened vet when I see one. You've got spirit for your size, but spirit ain't everything.
Win Quote vs. Vergil
Rumors of me not being able to jump were exaggerated. You should adapt to your opponent if you wanna win.
Entry (one teammate down)
Spidey here.
Entry (two teammates down)
Ohhh, man!
Match Start
Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man!
Match Start vs. Dr. Strange
Time for a butt-whooping supreme!
Match Start vs. Firebrand
So...any relation to JJ?
Match Start vs. Ghost Rider
If it's souls you're looking for, there a guy named J Jonah I'd like you to meet....
Victory vs. Dr. Strange
So now you're, what? Sorcerer Kinda-Ok-ish?
Victory vs. Firebrand
You know, you sort of look like the guy who ruined my marriage...
Victory vs. Ghost Rider
Vengeance has been... (Cough) How do you do that?
Win Quote vs. Dr. Strange
Jeez... Next time, maybe you should cast a spell that'll make you NOT suck.
Win Quote vs. Frank
Sorry your camera broke in the fight. Guess someone else'll have to get pics to the Bugle.
Entry (two teammates down)
I shall end this!
Match Start vs. Firebrand
I've defeated N'garai demons before. And I'll defeat you.
Match Start vs. Nemesis
A monstrosity such as yourself insults the very laws of nature!
Match Start vs. Rocket Raccoon
Guns and knives can only do so much against a force of nature.
Victory vs. Firebrand
Did Belasco send you, demon?
Victory vs. Nemesis
Let us only hope that there are no more like you.
Victory vs. Rocket Raccoon
I suddenly rejoice that there are no raccoons in Wakanda...
Strider Hiryu
DHC second tag
You're mine!
DHC third tag
And now you die.
Entry (two teammates down)
Time for your last rites.
Match Start
I will eliminate all obstacles.
Objective confirmed. Beginning mission.
Match Start vs. Crimson Viper
Something I don't like about you.
Match Start vs. Ghost Rider
I am the hunter. You are the prey.
Match Start vs. Hsien-Ko/Taskmaster
Prepare yourself, to meet Cypher's edge.
No place for amateurs.
Victory vs. Crimson Viper
Run crying back to your masters.
Victory vs. Ghost Rider
...Don't worry. I'll punish the guilty.
Victory vs. Hsien-Ko/Taskmaster
Your weapons are too good for the likes of you.
Win Quote
All are equal in the face of death.
If you have any last words, now is a good time to say them.
There's no such thing as immortals. Everyone dies. Just a matter of when.
Win Quote vs. Crimson Viper
You must learn to have technology serve you and not rely on it.
Win Quote vs. Frank
You are too accustomed to watching others fight. You are in no condition to battle.
Win Quote vs. Ghost Rider
Whatever enemies you have, I will slay. You do not belong outside hell's gates.
Win Quote vs. Ryu
Never have I faced a warrior with such single-minded purpose. Your technique is almost flawless.
Win Quote vs. Super Skrull
Your kind has caused trouble for Earth before. I will not let it happen again.
Win Quote vs. Taskmaster
You have many skills, but not the discipline nor the focus to be a Strider.
Super Skrull
Match Start vs. Nova
Once we stood as allies. But today you will be annihilated!
Match Start vs. Rocket Raccoon
Guardian of the Galaxy? Prepare to guard yourself...
Match Start vs. Strider Hiryu
A human martial artist. How quaint.
Victory vs. Nova
Are there others in the Nova Corps who would challenge me?
Victory vs. Rocket Raccoon
I hope Galactus consumes your homeworld next...
Victory vs. Strider Hiryu
You might be a big deal on Earth, but you're just a waste of time to me.
Win Quote
Yes, I fought for humanity during Secret Invasion. But don't read too much into that.
Win Quote vs. Nova
Just so you know, the Skrull Empire has always considered the Nova Corps to be something of a joke.
Win Quote vs. Rocket Raccoon
Even if I was ordered to assume your form, I would refuse. It would be too embarrassing.
Entry (one teammate down)
You asked for it!
Entry (two teammates down)
Match Start vs. Hawkeye
Don't take it personal when I bullseye and arrow through your skull.
Match Start vs. Rocket Raccoon
Hmph. Any money in pest control? Guess we're about to find out.
Victory vs. Hawkeye
Ha! Thanks for the archery lesson, William Tell.
Victory vs. Rocket Raccoon
Think you'll look good stuffed and mounted over my fireplace.
Win Quote vs. Nova
I can't copy your powers, but why the hell would I want to?
Entry (one teammate down)
I shall strike you down with all the power at my command!
Match Start vs. Ghost Rider
We once allied our forces as allies, demon-spawn. Today, we meet in battle!
Match Start vs. Vergil
I sympathise with Dante. I, too, know what it's like to have a wicked brother.
Victory vs. Ghost Rider
Your Hellfire fizzles with but a taste of the might of Mjolnir!
Victory vs. Vergil
May Hela have mercy on your soul.
Win Quote vs. Firebrand
Are you sure you're of no relation to Surtur, demon? I shall banish thee to Muspelheim just to be sure.
Entry (one teammate down)
What're you doing?
Entry (two teammates down)
Now things are getting interesting.
Match Start vs. Vergil
I thought a twin of Dante would be more...fun?
Victory vs. Vergil
Well, you're as hard-headed as Dante at least.
Win Quote vs. Vergil
I dunno which one of you is the better fighter, but Dante could teach you a thing or two about having fun!
Tron Bonne
Entry (two teammates down)
Time for a comeback!
Match Start vs. Phoenix Wright
Uh-oh... Am I being sued?
Victory vs. Phoenix Wright
All right, time to collect my dues!
Win Quote
They say there's things that money can't buy. Whatever those things are, I can't imagine being interested in them!
Win Quote vs. Nova
That uniform, that style... It's so dreamy. Oh! Never mind what I said! You're weak and deserved to lose!
Win Quote vs. Phoenix Wright
You don't have any mecha, and you don't know how to fight. What are you even doing here?
DHC second tag
DHC third tag
Time to die!
Entry (one teammate down)
Guess it's my turn.
Match Start
No one will stand in my way.
Resigned to your fate, I see.
Match Start vs. Dante
Sorry I was late for the party.
Match Start vs. Ghost Rider
You? Judge me? Hmph.
Match Start vs. Trish
How repulsive.
Be gone.
Might controls everything.
You dared to challenge a son of Sparda?
Victory vs. Dante
Foolishness, Dante. Foolishness.
Victory vs. Ghost Rider
The Flames of Revenge? Couldn't even melt a marshmallow.
Victory vs. Trish
Never show that face before me again.
Win Quote
Be gone, I have no use for you.
I have no quarrel with you, but if you try to stand between me and my goals, I will eliminate you. This is your only warning.
Win Quote vs. Akuma
You claim to be a demon, but you know nothing of true demonic power. Such mockery will not be forgiven.
Win Quote vs. Dante
Still denying your heritage, brother? Wake up and embrace the legacy our father left for us!
Win Quote vs. Ghost Rider
Power is everything. Without it, existence is futile.
Win Quote vs. Phoenix
There is a darker power that lies dormant in you. Why do you hesitate to embrace it?
Win Quote vs. Shuma-Gorath
It would appear that even an Old One is no longer a match for me. My power is growing.
Win Quote vs. Strider Hiryu
Those ersatz life forms you summon have no soul, and hence no power to stop me.
Viewtiful Joe
Entry (one teammate down)
The hero has arrived!
Entry (two teammates down)
Um, I might be in trouble!
Match Start vs. Nova
Whoa! Nova! Can I have your autograph?
Victory vs. Nova
Hey, think you could put in a good word for me with the Nova Corps?
Win Quote vs. Nova
Dude, that helmet rocks! I think we're kindred spirits. We should team up... but you're the sidekick. Ya dig?
Win Quote vs. Strider Hiryu
Whoooo-wee! I just rocked your world, ninja boy! And I got the cooler scarf to boot!
Entry (one teammate down)
You've disappointed me.
Entry (two teammates down)
Useless chaff.
Match Start vs. Rocket Raccoon
Looks like I found a new guinea pig... Interesting...
Victory vs. Rocket Raccoon
Now you know... I am a god, over man and beast.
Win Quote
My sunglasses are custom-made. Your new god deserves nothing but the best in quality.
Win Quote vs. Nemesis
You are a pale imitation of what the Tyrants can do. I shall have you disintegrated.
Win Quote vs. Rocket Raccoon
You are an interesting creature. I'd like to know more about you. I think a vivisection is in order.
Match Start vs. Frank West
Me and guys named Frank don't get along so well...
Match Start vs. Ghost Rider
You really think your Hellfire's gonna scare the guy who beat the devil?
Match Start vs. Nova
You're gonna need that bucket to carry around your severed head.
Victory vs. Frank West
Heh... So that's what it means to "stop the press."
Victory vs. Ghost Rider
I've been to Hell and back, bub. You don't stand a chance.
Victory vs. Nova
Ain't ready for the big leagues yet, kid. Back to the minors with ya.
Win Quote vs. Nemesis
Ya sure you ain't something outta the Weapon X program?
Win Quote vs. Strider Hiryu
Ya put up a good fight, bub. If the Hand had some ninjas like you, I might be in some trouble.
Entry (one teammate down)
Entry (two teammates down)
I can't lose!
Match Start vs. Iron Fist
A lot of good that iron fist's gonna do you after I cut it off.
Match Start vs. Nemesis
I was gonna carve up your face, but looks like someone beat me to it.
Match Start vs. Rocket Raccoon
Claws versus paws, huh? ...Claws win.
Victory vs. Iron Fist
Get a new act, dude. Kung fu is so 70's.
Victory vs. Nemesis
Some experiments are better than others. Know what I mean?
Victory vs. Rocket Raccoon
Now, scurry into the woods, little fuzzball.
Win Quote vs. Spider-Man
Didn't much appreciate being called "Wolverette."
Rockman Zero (Japan), Megaman Zero

Match Start
I'll take care of this!
Match Start vs. Frank
A civilian? What are you doing here?
Victory vs. Frank West
You may have covered wars, but you're still a civilian!
Win Quote
If X were here, he would have tried to talk things out first. Unfortunately for you, X isn't here.
Win Quote vs. Frank
Are your eyes and brain so weak that you must rely on a photon capture device?
Win Quote vs. Hawkeye
You're very cunning. You have that in common with X. You also lost to me, so you share that too.
Fighter ID
(A - Z)