Barbarian Prophecy
Taken to the Prisons of Akrowla as an orphan, 21 knows nothing of his past - no home, no family, not even a name. He was prisoner #21 and so became known as 21 whose home is in the Prisons of Akrowla. The gloom that has spread throughout Barbaria has left the ancient prison abandoned, letting 21 decide his destiny. He wants revenge upon those that imprisoned him so long ago. Every fiber in his massive physique seeks vengeance. Into the world he must go, searching for his captors and tormentors alike!
Barbarian Prophecy
As an apprentice to Zaugg, Corath learned arcane magic and the ways of combat. He awaited Zaugg's failing health to end his life, so that he would rule in his place. Zaugg's work with life and death discovered a way to cheat his imminent demise. Zaugg inhabited a new powerful body, one that would far outlive Corath. Jealous and furious, Corath fled and took refuge in the Land of Desolation. He seeks the Elements of Ascendancy, ancient artifacts with the power to destroy Zaugg and bring Barbaria to its knees before him.
Barbarian Prophecy
Dagan is the last of the clan Dolok, losing his wife at the hands of Zaugg's minions. Embittered by the cowardly murder of his wife when away from his home in the Lost Fortress of Skurlok, Dagan's lust for revenge knows no bound. Seething with anger, Dagan seeks those behind her death. He will not rest until justice is delivered!
Barbarian Prophecy
As nature's guardian, Eyara protects the forest and a powerful artifact known as Forestsong. Without family or any connection outside the plants and creatures of earth, Eyara has dedicated her life to champion the land itself. Disturbed by aggressions made by minions of Zaugg and the wilting corrupting magic pervading her otherwise Eden, Eyara must venture from her secluded life in the Venomous Swamp to vanquish the evil!
Barbarian Prophecy
The foul magic that pollutes Barbaria has opened up a portal to the netherworld, a gate to the underworld. Although the gate must be opened by summoning sorcery, there is nothing that demands that the hell spawn must return. Escaping the abyssal realm during one of Zaugg's mighty spells drawing upon her world's dark force, Jinn does not intend to return. Her earthly home is in the Lower Darklands, a place of infernal heat and destruction from volcanoes and geysers of fire. Her role in the underworld was to torment the souls of the damned, but now Jinn sees much more pleasure in tormenting the living!
Barbarian Prophecy
Keela's father, the King of Argos, died in his quest to obtain the legendary Bloodsong. With it, he hoped to restore power to his kingdom and then to Barbaria. His death weighs heavily upon Keela, a sword master and princess. Somewhere in the northern seas, far from their home in Shorestone Castle, Keela's father died, but his quest did not end. Keela has taken up his quest for Bloodsong!
Barbarian Prophecy
Once the scourge of Barbaria's Northern Seas, warring against the kingdom of Argos, Magnus in a grand battle against Argos' king himself fell to his death in an exchange of lethal blows. Magnus would not fade into death at Shipwreck Waters, driven by his determination to regain the stolen Bloodsong. The shroud of doom falling over Barbaria has weakened the curse that kept Magnus from pursuing Bloodsong. He has waited too long between life and death and with his new freedom, his journey has only begun...
Barbarian Prophecy
The light heart of a little monkey is buried within this carnivorous ape. Mongo loved to bask in the sunlight beneath the trees near his home, The Forgotten Ruins. His size demanded much food and Mongo found his fearful countenance and need to eat so much made enemies of many. Unaware of the cloud surrounding Barbaria, Mongo has found food is scarce and the sun is dim. His world must be fixed. Mongo's adventure begins.
Barbarian Prophecy
Moving in the shadows is the assassin, a killer without remorse, a tool of murder - this is Phade. She found comfort in the Spider's Lair, making it her home. Hired by Zaugg and many others, Phade terminates any life for anyone given the right price. Her exploits have earned her the fear of men throughout Barbaria, but her thirst to perfect her art has recently turned to relics, artifacts, and the power that Zaugg wields himself!
Barbarian Prophecy
Zaugg was not born with the power he now wields. He spent his life learning and exploring magic of light and dark, of life and death itself. Only one creation of Zaugg's walks with free will, and it is Stitch! From his resting place in the grave, Zaugg pulled the life back into Stitch's decayed body. Stitch went mad, hating his existence between the living and the dead. Making his home in the Underground Sewers, Stitch lays plans to exact revenge on Zaugg for putting him in this eternal torment. He will have his revenge!
Barbarian Prophecy
The aging wizard knew his demise was imminent and that the apprentice Corath hoped to take control of the Eastern lands of Barbaria upon his passing. Zaugg's research had focused on life and death, and the world between occupied by the undead... His experiments brought him to the ancient Spell of Divinity, through which he would become immortal. His spell has been cast and time is running out for Barbaria. The only force that stands in his way now is the foretold hero of prophecy...