Street Fighter Alpha 2
Street Fighter Zero 2 (JPN)

Game Series

Street Fighter Alpha 2 Endings
Ryu Chapter
Akuma: You possess the same power as I. When the "Evil intent" awakens within you, then you will know. All these past battles will seem like child's play.
Ryu: W... what?! The island... it's... it's disappearing!?
Akuma: When you have learned to summon all your inner power, find me. Then we will truly learn who is more powerful.
As Akuma's island disappears... ...So does Akuma. Leaving behind the feeling of his evil presence.
Ryu: AKUMA!!
Left only with the sense of his untapped powers... ...Akuma's words give Ryu yet another test. Ryu's journey, to be a true warrior, is never ending.
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Endings
Sagat Chapter
Sagat: I've defeated Ryu! I am the Champion! I've gotten my revenge. But, it seems a hollow victory. Champion, bah! I know now... That's why Ryu just stared at me. He knew, he just didn't say.
Bison: What's the matter, Sagat?
Sagat: I'm getting off here, I have something I've got to do! Later, you must tell me about your "Psycho-Power".
Bison: O.K. Go now. You are on my path. Come back to me when you are stronger.
Leaving Bison, Sagat decides to train alone.
Sagat: Damn! I'm going to need a more powerful move than the Tiger Blow next time! But, I must find it on my own!
Sagat's mind is clear... he searches for his own inner strength to be a True Champion!
Fighter ID
(A - Z)