Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu
Game Series

Taiketsu Endings
Android 16
Jinzōningen 16, Artificial Human 16 Chapter
Android 16's servos were strained. Every transistor in his body was registering pain. But it didn't matter to him. He had protected Earth. His sacrifice meant that every bird, every squirrel, and every tree on the planet would survive. He stared at the clear blue sky and smiled, as one by one his systems shut down and the shimmer in his eyes grew dim.
Taiketsu Endings
Android 18
Jinzōningen 18, Cyborg 18, Artificial Human 18 Chapter
During her fights, something had awakened in Android 18. It was that urge for destruction and mayhem. It was her old programming that Dr. Gero had integrated into her mind, revived by her aggressive feelings. However, thoughts of her new friends, especially of Krillin, calmed her mind as she left the battlefield.
Taiketsu Endings
Broli Chapter
Pathetic. That was the only word Broly could think of to describe the Saiyans he just defeated. He felt ashamed to share the same race. They could not even begin to comprehend his legendary powers. Was there no one in the cosmos who could challenge him? He pondered this as he destroyed yet another planet without mercy.
Taiketsu Endings
Perfect Cell Chapter
Perfection. Cell had finally achieved Dr. Gero's dark dream of revenge. His master would be proud, were he still alive! He wondered what he would do next. The Earth was no longer a challenge. He then realized Dr. Gero's true purpose for creating him: the destruction of the universe!
Taiketsu Endings
Freeza, Freezer Chapter
Frieza had eliminated all his enemies. The protectors of the Earth were gone! Nothing could stop him now. The Dragon Balls would be his, and once he gained immortality, the universe would tremble! "I will show no mercy!", he screamed as he laid waste to a city laughing maniacally.
Taiketsu Endings
Gohan (Teen)
Mystic Gohan, Ultimate Gohan Chapter
Unleashing the rage hidden deep within, Gohan was able to rise to the challenge and defeat the evils that once threatened the planet. With the world safe from danger, Gohan went back to his every day life of going to school, and being a super hero.
Taiketsu Endings
Son Gokū, 孫悟空, Gokou Chapter
Goku defeated the most evil villains in the universe. He had faced unimaginable terrors, and beaten inconceivable odds. He had proved himself as one of the universe's greatest heroes. However, nothing could have possibly prepared him for his ultimate challenge: the wrath of his wife Chi-Chi!
Taiketsu Endings
Gotenks Chapter
Gotenks was completely disappointed. He had totally kicked all the bad guys' butts. The problem was that no one was around to see it happen! They missed all his awesome attacks and radical moves! If he told anyone what happened, would they believe him? He wondered if maybe he should have waited for a crowd to gather.
Taiketsu Endings
Kurilin, Kuririn, Klilyn Chapter
Krillin stood staring into the distance, in awe of himself. Somehow he had summoned up the courage to save the world. He wondered where he had gotten the confidence, and thought that perhaps it was his love for Android 18. Having just won the greatest battle of his life, he began to fly home, deciding to take a long break from fighting.
Taiketsu Endings
Majin Buu
Good Buu, Fat Buu Chapter
Buu's simple mind was filled with joy as he destroyed the planet Earth. He giggled with madness. However, suddenly a tinge of regret appeared in his mind. He would miss all the delicious pastries, chocolates, candies, and cakes he had tasted. What would he do now? Then he remembered the universe is full of sweets!
Taiketsu Endings
Nappa Chapter
Nappa grimly wondered, what was next? He had escaped from the Home For Infinite Losers, and exacted his revenge on Prince Vegeta, and his puny friends. What was there left for him to do? The instincts deep within his Saiyan blood gave him the answer. And so he looted and pillaged the galaxy for the rest of his days.
Taiketsu Endings
Piccolo Chapter
His heart once filled with evil, Piccolo learned to calm the wickedness that once filled his entire being. He smiled to himself as he thought of the irony, that he had just saved the planet he once longed to conquer and pillage. Now his only desire was to protect the place that he now called home.
Taiketsu Endings
Raditz Chapter
Raditz had his revenge against the fools who killed him! Nothing could stop him! He was invincible! Suddenly he found himself lying on the ground. He was back in HFIL! "How can this be?" he screamed. "I'm invincible!"

"Invincible?" laughed Nappa. "You barely lasted five minutes out there. You've been knocked out for the last two hours!"
Taiketsu Endings
Future Trunks, Mirai no Trunks Chapter
Finally it was over. The threat to the Earth had ended. Trunks came from the future, to save the past. He came from a future where so many people he held dear died fighting the Androids. He lived in a world of terror, and promised himself he would not let it happen again. Maybe now he could live in peace.
Taiketsu Endings
Vegeta Chapter
Vegeta looked at the destruction all around him, a result of the epic battle. Who would have thought that a Saiyan warrior prince, would have fought so strongly to save a tiny insignificant planet like Earth? But somehow, he had come to love this little blue marble. "I must be hanging around Kakarot too much," he muttered to himself.
Fighter ID
(A - Z)