Marvel vs Capcom
"Clash of Super Heroes"

Game Series
The Ultimate Challenge!
After Earth falls under attack by a mysterious force, we learn the dangerous foe behind the chaos is named "Onslaught."
The most powerful enemy in history puts humankind's very existence to the test. All human hopes and dreams are at risk! Now the legendary Super Heroes arrive to save the planet from Onslaught and his apocalyptic scheme.
The battle for glory begins!

The Ultimate Challenge!
Captain America Chapter
The legendary star-spangled Avenger fights for American ideals!
The Ultimate Challenge!
Captain Commando Chapter
The supreme hero of the CAPCOM world, he's the peacekeeper of the Solar System along with his three buddies.
The Ultimate Challenge!
Chun-Li Chapter
An Interpol investigator whose martial arts are nothing less than spectacular!
The Ultimate Challenge!
Gambit Chapter
A mysterious card-throwing mutant, Gambit energizes whatever he touches, with explosive results!
The Ultimate Challenge!
Hulk Chapter
A rampaging man-monster with incredible strength, Hulk will smash all who oppose him.
The Ultimate Challenge!
Jin Saotome Chapter
His weapon of choice is the humanoid Blodia. He journeys through the ocean of space, following in his father's footsteps.
The Ultimate Challenge!
Mega Man
Rockman Chapter
Dr. Light's creation is the Robot of Justice. He summons his support robots to fight evil!
The Ultimate Challenge!
Morrigan Aensland Chapter
A Succubus living in eternity, Morrigan yearns to become "Queen of the Night" to rule the Dark World.
The Ultimate Challenge!
Ryu Chapter
The legendary street fighter seeks the true way of the warrior. Can he ultimately master the Fireball?
The Ultimate Challenge!
Spider-Man Chapter
Gifted with a spider's strength and speed, Spider-Man is a web-slinging, wall-crawling crime fighter.
The Ultimate Challenge!
Strider Hiryu Chapter
The strongest of the ninja Striders, his sword Sipher cuts off darkness!
The Ultimate Challenge!
Venom Chapter
An alien symbiote inhabiting the body of a man, Venom is a sinister double threat.
The Ultimate Challenge!
War Machine Chapter
A warrior outfitted in hi-tech armor, War Machine defeats his opponents with a powerful array of weapons.
The Ultimate Challenge!
Wolverine Chapter
A hero with animal instinct and samurai spirit! He shreds evil with his Adamantium claws.
The Ultimate Challenge!
Zangief Chapter
The King of Russian wrestling. Pure power with a body of steel!
Fighter ID
(A - Z)