Street Fighter 4
Street Fighter IV

Game Series

Arenas (A - Z)
Africa: Small Airfield
The airfield is set in Africa, but takes many cues to Guile's old Street Fighter II stage. It features several onlookers that appear to be of military origin, bearing guns. A plane also begins to roll into sight somewhere between the first and second rounds. The plane wing can be broken off if a special move is performed in the general area of it. The plane door opens to reveal Balrog (M. Bison/ Boxer) in the plane, but if Balrog is in the fight it will be Vega (Balrog/ Claw). If Balrog AND Vega are fighting, M. Bison (Vega/ Dictator) will appear in the plane. This is amusing since these are the three characters with the name confusion, since they swapped names from the Japanese to English version of Street Fighter II, and have carried them on since.

Notable fight:
Guile vs. Abel
East Asia: Deserted Temple
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One of two temple stages, this one is considerably more torn-up. It features giant statues "guarding the temple," and is the location of one of the hidden boss battles from Street Fighter IV's arcade mode. There is more dust that kicks up and there are holes in the ceiling and walls that shed light into an otherwise dimly-lit temple.
East Asia: Overpass
One of the stages introduced in the console versions of Street Fighter IV, the fighters do battle under an overpass in Tokyo, Japan. The area is filled with junk, including a broken-down vehicle with old tires in it. There is a bicycle against a supporting structure of the overpass, and many Japanese children spectating, presumably from a school nearby. It is unknown whether school had finished session at this point or if they were playing hooky to watch these two warriors fight.
East Asia: Run-Down Back Alley
The nighttime version of Crowded Downtown, this is completely devoid of onlookers, with the exception of a bum out on the street, stumbling about with his presumably-alcoholic beverage in hand. A stark contrast to the daytime version for sure.
Europe: Cruise Ship Stern
Unlike any stern of a ship you've ever seen, this stage features theater-style seating for onlookers to enjoy the fight. There's a giant screen in the background projecting a blown-up image of the fight itself, and giant tanks behind the spectators that shoot off their cannons in-between rounds. Some, one or two of the people can actually fall off the viewing area and into the arena if a big force is unleashed in the fight.
Europe: Historic Distillery
The Distillery is located in Scotland and features a man stacking barrels on a rack, with the Shadaloo logo imprinted on the top of them -- hinting that this location is owned or under watch by Bison and his henchmen. There is some typical distillery-type equipment that can only be described as large yellow Hershey Kisses, a man asleep at a control panel, and a field with some sheep far in the background (which looks an awful lot like the Hidden Retreat from Tekken 6, conspiracy?). The best part is that, after a huge move like an Ultra Finish, you will knock all the barrels off the rack, forcing the man to re-stack them.

Notable fights:
Chun-Li vs. Crimson Viper
Vega vs. Chun-Li
Seth vs. Abel
Dudley vs. Balrog
North America: Drive-in at Night
While the glowing lights painted across the night sky remind you of Balrog's Street Fighter II stage, this is in fact a completely-original affair. Set in an American drive-in diner, there are plenty of spectators inside and outside of their cars cheering on the competitors. The cars vary from pimped-out escalade-styled vehicles to old-fashioned hotrods and lowriders. The cars jump up and down between rounds, and some onlookers can fall off their cars and into the fighting area.
Oceania: Volcanic Rim
Believed by some to be the worst fighting game stage in history, the battle takes place on a rock formation not far from a pool of lava and a live volcano, which erupts between rounds. This stage is mostly avoided due to its largely-red color scheme, and can be blinding to some people's vision, making it hard to pull characters out from the background, especially if one of the players is colorblind. Interviews have stated that they've toned down the background's color to make it easier on the eyes in Super Street Fighter IV.

Notable fight:
Akuma vs. Ryu
South Asia: Beautiful Bay
Beautiful Bay is set on a boat in a body of water, located in Vietnam. The sun is setting on the horizon, which creates a good scenery for a battle to take place. There is also a weird monkey/man hybrid sitting on the left side of the stage, which some have joked as to being the "missing link" for humanity.
Fighter ID
(A - Z)