X-Men: Children of the Atom
Game Series

Gouki (Japan)

Win Quote
Is that all you can do?
I am the master warrior!
My ability to win is genetic!
Your powers are nothing to me!
You are not worthy to face me!
You almost provided a challenge!
Your powers can't compare to my skill!
You fool! You have no chance of defeating me!
Your ridiculous abilities are no match for me!
You made an effort at least, pathetic as it was!
Win Quote
Be thankful I was pulling my punches!
So, comrade... care to go another round?
Your power is almost the equal of my own!
Rest, tovarisch. We will try again later.
Now you know what it feels like to battle the X-Men!
I see you have learned lessons from Professor X well.
You fight valiantly, but you are no match for Colossus!
Win Quote vs. Colossus
A mere hologram cannot defeat Colossus!
Win Quote
Never mess with an X-Man!
Power isn't everything, friend!
I don't lead the X-Men for nothing!
Good effort. You'll do the X-Men proud.
Given your rep, I expected more of a fight!
You call yourself an X-Man? Next time, prove it!
I'd tangle with the X-Men only if I wanted to lose!
You were tougher than I thought. I'll remember that!
Win Quote vs. Cyclops
There's only room for one Cyclops!
Win Quote
A little too cold for ya, huh?
I hope you're not a sore loser!
Losing is definitely your strong point!
When I say, "Chill out," pal, I mean it!
How about putting up a fight next time, huh?
Let's see how you like being on ice for a while!
That was close... but I still left you in the cold!
Win Quote vs. Iceman
I guess that'll teach me a thing or two!
Win Quote
Better luck next time, loser!
Stomping you was a waste of my time!
Next time, bring your little friends!
You X-clowns just don't get it, do you?
That's what you get for standing in my way!
Let's see what happens when you make me real mad.
Of course I've won. Nothing can stop the Juggernaut!
Win Quote
You try my patience, little mutant!
Xavier's dream is not the way, X-Man!
What did you hope to accomplish, whelp?
A pity you have chosen to stand against Magneto!
Now you will understand the true meaning of power!
Where I lead our people, you are not worthy to follow!
The game has ended... but next time, I will show no mercy!
Omega Red
Win Quote
You heroes never learn, do you?
You are beneath my notice, worm!
Well fought... but not nearly well enough!
I cannot be destroyed by the likes of you!
You should feel honored to be destroyed by me!
Did you believe your pitiful powers could defeat me?
Bah! I have no time to waste on such a weak opponent.
Win Quote vs. Omega Red
There can be only one Omega Red!
Win Quote
Your skills don't compare to mine!
Call me again when you are serious!
You've lost, but you've proven yourself.
Next time, I suggest you try fighting back.
You fought well, but you are still outclassed!
How considerate of you to stand still while I defeat you.
Your skills grow with experience... but not enough for me!
Win Quote vs. Psylocke
There is only one Psylocke!
Win Quote
You have been neutralized.
Resistance is futile, mutant.
Superior programming ensures victory.
Target's offensive abilities were minor.
Objective accomplished, target neutralized.
Subject eliminated, minimal force required.
Mission completed. Unit in need of repairs.
Win Quote vs. Sentinel
Faulty unit has been terminated.
Silver Samurai
Win Quote
You are an unworthy opponent!
You cannot defeat a true samurai!
I have no time to waste on you, gaijin!
Your lack of discipline is obvious to all!
You wear defeat well, but you must have much practice!
You are unfit to face the power of the Silver Samurai!
You have fallen before the might of my victorious blade!
Win Quote vs. Silver Samurai
Obviously a feeble copy of a true master!
Win Quote
Your powers are a joke to me!
Consider this to be a warning!
So much spirit, so little skill!
You're lucky to have escaped with your life!
I only need one arm to defeat the likes of you!
Not bad. You X-Men lose better than anyone else I know!
Pay attention next time, or the results will be the same!
Win Quote vs. Spiral
There can never be another Spiral!
Win Quote
You will do no more harm!
Bright lady, I am victorious!
Learn from your defeat, child.
Goddess, you nearly defeated me!
You cannot withstand the elemental fury of Storm!
Technology is no match for the power of the elements!
A noble try; next time we may see a different outcome.
Next time, I would hope you would give more of a challenge!
Win Quote
That's the best you can do?
Thanks, bub. I needed the workout.
You gotta fight harder than that, rookie!
Yer gettin' better, kid, but yer not there yet!
Next time I won't even have to unsheathe my claws.
I've scrapped with the best, pal, and you ain't it!
Nice try, bub, but I'm still the best there is at what I do!
Win Quote vs. Wolverine
Yer just a pale imitation, bub.
Fighter ID
(A - Z)