Virtua Fighter 5
Game Series

Akira Yuki
Match Start
OK, let's go!
The time has come, let's go!
I've been waiting for this moment!
We're not done yet!
You're 10 years too early!
Get up if you want to fight again!
Aoi Umenokouji
Match Start
My best regards to you.
Have you prepared yourself?
Please do not hold back on me.
It's really a nice day today.
Brute force alone is not enough.
Would you care for another match?
I was surprised at such incompetence.
Brad Burns
Match Start
It's go-time baby.
Presenting the Brad Show.
Look, big time player is here!
Might makes right.
What can I say? I'm on top.
You catchin' some Z's down there?
Don't worry pal, I won't forget you.
Match Start
Hahaha! Come at me!
Since I'm young, don't underestimate me!
Here we go! Take on me with all you've got!
Wai, Wai, I won.
Even I know Kung Fu!
Until we meet next time, get better ok!
You're 10 years too early. Just kidding.
El Blaze
Match Start
Start running now!
What are you waiting for? Come get some.
I've got the advantage, you've got nothing.
I am the ultimate.
My body is an unstoppable weapon.
Yes. Heavyweights are nothing to me!
I'll be invincible beyond all imagination!
Goh Hinogami
Match Start
Let's play.
Don't worry, it'll be over soon.
I'll take you out of your misery soon.
Huh, lick the floor while you're there!
Weakfish. Don't let me see your face again!
From step 1, no, start it all over from step 0!
I was planning to practice some more than this!
Jacky Bryant
Match Start
Less talk, more action!
Go ahead, knock yourself out.
Let's see if you can walk the walk.
I've got no time for you!
That wasn't your best shot.
There's no way you can stop me!
It's like you're moving in slow motion.
Jeffry McWild
Match Start
I'll be celebrating tonight!
This is where you fall down!
This will hurt you, more than it hurts me.
I win!
Behold my physique.
Try training next time.
Now that's mariner's power!
Kage Maru
Match Start
Here I come!
My speed is like the wind.
Hagakure Ryuu Juu Jutsu, Kagemaru. Here I come!
Laughably ridiculous!
The work of karma! Namuu.
There is no such thing as losing in my teachings.
This is the way of HagakureRyuu. You should follow.
Lau Chan
Match Start
Let's go.
I'll cook you something!
Witness the true essence of Koenken!
Such a weakling!
No one can stand up to Koenken!
With Koenken I make no mistakes!
You're not even close to my level!
Lei Fei
Match Start
Huh, weaklings.
I'll make you understand the extent of my power.
You'd do well to understand the majesty of four thousand years.
Haah, huh! Hah!
This strength is frightening.
You should start over from the fundamentals.
This is the strength that I've always wished for.
Lion Rafale
Match Start
I won't lose.
It's show time!
You'd better take me seriously.
What a knucklehead!
Forgot to train, eh?
I wanna serious fight.
Yeah! I'm twice the man I used to be.
Pai Chan
Match Start
Here I go!
Don't blame me if you get hurt!
I'll show you the result of my training.
It's no big deal.
Your kung fu was not enough.
It seems that I'm the stronger one.
You're welcomed to fight me again anytime!
Sarah Bryant
Match Start
I'm no pushover, sweetie.
You'll enjoy this, trust me. Ready?
Let's see how many seconds you'll last, are you ready for this?
Try again in a few years.
Know your limits next time.
Better run home to mama now.
You'll never be a match for me.
Shun Di
Match Start
Let's go!
Hu hu hu, hah!
Too naive!
You're still not ready.
You've underestimated me.
You shouldn't have looked down on me...
Vanessa Lewis
Match Start
Time for a combat seminar.
I'll show you what's combat all about.
You know what you're getting yourself into.
We'll fight again.
Mission accomplished.
You're no match for me.
On the battlefield, you'd be dead.
Wolf Hawkfield
Match Start
Are you ready for this?
I won't go easy on you.
Can't ever picture you winning!
I'm number one!
Wrestling is the ultimate sport!
You won't stay on your feet when you fight me.
Do you hear me? I'm the best that's ever been!
Fighter ID
(A - Z)