Clay Fighter 2
"Judgment Clay"

Game Series

Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Bad Mr. Frosty Chapter
As grand master of Mudville, Bad Mr. Frosty became head gift wrapper for the firm of S. Clause and Co., Mudville division. Unfortunately, his gifts usually required a minimum of fifteen days to thaw out.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Blob Chapter
When Blob became grand master of Mudville, he decided to reshape the world through a process known as "Earth-sitting". He estimated the world would be flat within a few days. Unfortunately, so would much of its population.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Butch Chapter
After becoming the grand master of Mudville, Butch passed a law that prohibited anyone from being smarter than he. As a result, many varieties of farm-grown vegetables were exiled to expedite public ignorance.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Googoo Chapter
As grand master of Mudville, Googoo provided public nap centers for all Mudvillians. The well-rested public were soon much friendlier, and Mudville quickly became a happier place. It also became a noisier place due to the sharp rise in public snoring.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Hoppy Chapter
After Hoppy became grand master of Mudville, he immediately declared motorcycles the official vehicle of the land. This meant that anybody could tear up the road aboard a thundering chopper... even children... as long as they used training wheels.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Ice Chapter
After Ice became grand master of Mudville, he summoned the Arctic wind and turned the land into a winter wonderland. He also turned many of the locals into his personal skis.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Jack Chapter
As grand master of Mudville, Jack wanted an entire ocean to himself, so he promptly gave all the other sea creatures eviction notices. The Mudvillians had no idea what to do with all of the homeless fish.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Kangoo Chapter
After becoming grand master of Mudville, Kangoo donated her championship belt to the local museum. She also donated her opponent, who probably wouldn't be waking up for a while.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Nana Chapter
When Nana Man became grand master of Mudville, he turned the land into a year-round tropical resort. As part of the package, he provided all guests with free dancing lessons and complimentary designer hats from his new line of refrigeratable fashions.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Octo Chapter
When Octohead became grand master of Mudville, he turned the land into the beach party capital of the world. Of course, he first had to build a beach. To kick things off, he invited 24 locals to a private bash aboard his surfboard.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Peelgood Chapter
When Dr. Peelgood became grand master of Mudville, he ordered all able-bodied bananas to give him their peels. He then hid the peels throughout the land and watched with glee as a whole lot of slipping and tripping followed.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Sarge Chapter
After Sarge became grand master of Mudville, he put an airplane engine on his motorcycle and began running all the other vehicles off the road. This finally came to an end when he threw the engine into its highest gear and quickly found himself on the nose of a commercial airliner.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Slyck Chapter
When Slyck became grand master of Mudville, he began eating every building in sight. The worst part was finding large-enough doggie bags for his leftovers.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Spike Chapter
The minute Spike became grand master of Mudville, he confiscated the land's entire milk supply. Unfortunately, he didn't drink it fast enough and is still trying to figure out what to do with a thousand pounds of cottage cheese.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Thunder Chapter
After becoming grand master of Mudville, Thunder ruled the land with an iron paw. Anyone who was caught disobeying her laws would have to spend three months in her pouch with a stale shellfish.
Clay Fighter 2 Endings
Tiny Chapter
After becoming grand master of Mudville, Tiny retired from the fighting world to pursue a career in fast foods... at MudDonald's? He quickly introduced a new mouth-watering sensation called Buff Burgers... 100-lb. burgers that instantly build biceps when lifted to the eater's mouth.
Fighter ID
(A - Z)