Axl Ending
Eh... eh!? Did I... win...?
I didn't get this... ...Did I... Save the world...?
Even after accomplishing a deed this great, he could barely understand it, Axl's heart remained heavy.
(It's a relief to still be alive...
... but the only clue I ever found about getting home turned out to be a lie!
I wonder what my mates are up to...? Are they getting along without me...?)
Thinking of his friends, Axl is filled with grief.
But at the next moment...
Crowd: It's the messiah! You've delivered us from Justice!
Crowd: Thank you...! Thank you! You've saved the world!!
The crowd's ecstatic cries of jubilation rose to a deafening pitch.
These people...
(That's right, I can't mope around forever...
This world's really not so bad... I can make new friends...
If I do happen to come across a way to get back home, great...
... but I'm not going to waste my time looking for one anymore!)
Hey, everyone! Your messiah's right here!
Just as Axl is about to reach the rejoicing throng of people...
Wait... I remember this feeling...! What...!?
And so, Axl was once again hurtled through time.
Baldhead ending
Whew... That last operation was rather strenuous!
I'm sure everyone had their checkup by now.
The image of the collapsing Gear was reflected in Dr. Baldhead's spectacles.
Crowd: It's the messiah! You've delivered us from Justice!
Crowd: Thank you... Thank you! You've saved the world!!
The crowd's ecstatic cries of jubilation rose to a deafening pitch.
My stars! There are so many patients left!
...Oh well! A doctor is at his happiest when he's curing disease!!
Read, everyone!? Get ready for your operations! Hee hee!!
However, the throng's cries of exultation awakened a memory in Baldhead...
...a memory of himself as a medical genius.
This voice... is someone calling me...?
...octor...? Um, doctor...?
I'm getting better, right...? Oh, boy! I can't wait to...
What...? Did something happen...? Did I do something to this girl...?
Sc... Scalpel! Syringe!! No... her body's becoming cold... heh... heh heh...
Doctor! It wasn't your fault! It was simply my time... to go...
Hurry up, Doctor... Everyone is waiting... Waiting for you...
The doctor, his face a mask of anguish, fled away into the cold night.
After that day, the serial killer known as Baldhead was never seen again...
| rumors of a healer with god-like abilities surfaced...
Chipp Ending
Why do I have... to die...?
I fight only for my existence...
Human... Why do you want to destroy me...?
My reasons? It's not complicated...
If someone opposes me, I'll hunt them down! That's all.
You mean to say I lost to such a base philosophy?
Your own right to survive... that's what I believe justice is.
And what you just said is your... personal justice...?
Justice...? Justice means nothing to me!
I came to this tournament to avenge the murder of my master, but I was tricked!
Heh... So you 'miss' this person?
I have... no connection... to.. emotions like that... I am... a... weapon...
So saying, Justice, the ultimate Gear, breathed his last.
As Chipp stared at Justice's pitiful corpse,
he gradually came to a realization: He hadn't changed at all.
He was just as reckless as he was during his Mafia days.
He'd simply traded one vice for another: Crime for revenge.
Master Tsuyoshi: Those enslaved by vengeance lose the light of virtue.
How could I not have known such a basic proverb?
Master...! I couldn't even save the soul of one monster...
I need more training...!
Kliff Ending
So, Justice, it seems if your time has come.
How did such a... feeble old man... defeat me?
This is my responsibility.
A parent should be responsible for his dead son... Am I wrong?
Are you saying that Testament... that Gear... was your son?
My stepson... I took him in during the Crusades...
Such a kind lad... He volunteered to be a
soldier. He thought it would make me happy! Whatever he saw during
that war, all that bloodshed... it drove him mad. I... I had no choice.
I see...
Unlike the other Gears, I knew he wasn't completely mine...
Feelings for his parent... Love... I suppose... He still felt such emotions...
...Perhaps, in his diseased mind... He thought he was doing all this... for you.
Now... I understand... why my... power... was... limi... ted...
So saying, Justice breathed his last.
So, Justice... It is done...
My duty has been fulfilled...
But perhaps... perhaps I pushed myself a bit too far...
I feel a bit... sleepy...
Ky Ending
I can't believe it... I've been defeated again.
That's right! Evil has no place in this world!
Evil...? How dare you call me evil!?
...I fight for my own existence. No more, and no less...
That can't be your reason for waging war on humans!!
. . . . .
...Look at my body.
I was created by humans to kill humans. ...I'm a weapon.
Yet , the same humans that created me never thought about my mind, our soul.
I'd have been used as a tool... and if I refused, I'd have been dismantled!
Ask yourself... Can you truly blame me?
I was born into this world a slave... And now you're here to destroy me.
I know humans loathe me violent... and always will.
I could do nothing but live on, if for no other reason than scorn my creators!
But what do you think I've been living FOR?
My duty. My assigned role! I was created to kill, and so I do. It's justice!
That's a delusion!!
What God ordains and wishes for... The order of the world! THAT is justice!!
If anyone or anything attempts to deprive the world from its freedom...
...I'll defeat them all!!
I see...
...You should meet the man who created me...
I wonder if your unwavering faith in justice would continue if you did...
Who... Who's that!?
Heh... My time to depart from this world has come...
But remember well, young Knight, even if I die, the Gears will not!
As long as that man... still... lives.
And so, with a rattling chuckle, the ultimate Gear breathed his last.
No... you can't die yet!!
Wasn't I doing the right thing, Lord?
May Ending
Whee! I win!!
How could such a little girl be so powerful...
....!? It can't be... ...Is this child... ...Japanese!?
Mysterious Voice: Whoa there! Don't say another word!
Mysterious Voice: Or do you want your few minutes left to live to be cut even shorter!?
...Who... are you...? ... I see... there were...
So saying, Justice breathed his last.
Mysterious Voice: ...Forget about us...
That voice...!
Johnny!!! Everybody's here!!
Johnny: Yo! Did you miss me, cutie-pie?
Oh, Johnny, how I've dreamed of this moment...!
...But... hey... how did all you guys get here?
Johnny: Uh... when I was first stuck in that damned cell,
Johnny: I thought "Why not try and serve my time. like a normal person?"
Johnny: Temporary insanity, I tell you! As soon as I felt the Gears' vicious aura,
Johnny: I came to my senses, broke out, and came looking for you!
You broke out by yourself? No help?
Johnny: Of course!
Johnny: No lock or cage in the world's strong enough to hold Johnny!
Then... then why didn't you come sooner!?
Johnny: Hey now, cakes, don't get all weepy! I'm sorry...
Johnny: I just wanted to, uh, let you get out on your own for a while. Yeah.
Johnny: (..! If she knew I actually charmed my way out with the female guard, I'd be dead!)
Oh yeah! What did that big meany call me? Japa...?
Johnny: ...Ulp!!
Johnny: Uh, who knows? Gears say stupid things...
Johnny: ...But anyway! I'm back in the real world now! Y'all ready to party!?
Entire Crew: Aye-aye!!
Millia Ending
Several months later -
Even after her victory, Millia continues to live as a fugitive.
Hah... hah... They won't follow me this far...
Pursuer: Miss Rage...?
(They... they found me!!)
Fan: I knew it! It is you, Miss Rage!
Fan: Your performance in the tournament moved me deeply!
Fan: I'd love to have your strength... Please take me as your apprentice!
Millia is now running away from the glory she had attained...
Look, I already told you! I won't teach anyone...
Don't you think a woman who attacks with her hair is creepy...!?
Why do you pursue me so severely...!?
Fan: Creepy!? Are you kidding? It's simply charming!
Fan: I... I'm in love with you!
Wh... WHAT!? Are you completely insane!?
Fan: I'm serious!
Millia, who has been raised since infancy to be an assassin,
was utterly shocked to hear an exclamation of affection.
Uh... uh... Ah! Look... behind you! It's Justice!
Fan: Wh... what!?
Fan: Aargh...!
Millia threw her cape over the pursuer and quickly made her escape.
Fan: Ah...!! She got away again!!
Fan: Miss Rage!! I'll never give up!
Leaving the man behind, Millia returns to her self-imposed exile...
...even though the cloud of darkness no longer hangs over her.
Potemkin Ending
I... I won. Did I save the world...?
Sergeant: Indeed. You have done well.
Sergeant: However...
Sergeant: Your mission is not complete.
Sir? Where did you come from...?
And what do you mean my mission isn't over yet!? I'm in no condition to...
Sergeant: Listen!
Sergeant: You just saved the planet. Do you think anyone would refuse to join a hero!?
Sergeant: Now we execute our primary objective!
You calculating bastard!
Sergeant: Our objective has changed! Target: the Zepp Empire!
Sergeant: Why do you think we sent you to this tournament?
Sergeant: You were secretly selected as a candidate for the key soldier in the rebellion
Sergeant: against the corrupt hierarchy of the Empire!
Sergeant: This tournament was your final test!
What... What are you planning to do...?
Sergeant: Zepp was originally established as a means
Sergeant: of preserving ancient technology. Yet we've since become a pitiful
Sergeant: garrison state. You're not the only critic of the current Empire!
S... Sergeant Gabriel!!
Gabriel: There's nothing more to worry about.
Gabriel: Take off your slave collar. It won't explode. You're free!
Gabriel: From now on, we fight to establish a peaceful, democratic nation!
Gabriel: Will you take up arms, comrade? For the sake of the Neo Zepp Empire?
Yes, sir!!