"Writhe in despair, you filthy casual!"
A pampered 16-year-old cosplayer bored with the real world and entranced by the virtual one. Fights with a giant, talon-tipped gauntlet on her right hand called the "Claw of Ksenia."
Growing up the child of executive parents in a high-rise mansion and attending all the best schools made her life free of hardship and challenges, but the perfect doll-like existence she led bored her to tears. Dissatisfied with reality, she got hooked on video games and longed for the world of her favorite game, T:DA, to become real. In order to realize this dream, she modified her body and fights in the duels.
"Execution, complete!"
Another time-traveler from the future and part of an anti-Phantom special ops team. Is aided by a giant robot hand in battle that he calls "Nataku."
Like Fin, he is from the same interdimensional enforcer organization, Schrodinger, but often finds himself at odds with his impulsive and carefree colleague. Also unlike Fin, he is far better suited to combat and takes his work very seriously.
"I smite you, in the name of Schrodinger!"
A spunky 9-year-old time-traveler and member of the interdimensional enforcer organization known as Schrodinger. Uses a multi-purpose laser gun named "JJ Apple" in battle.
Accompanied by her droid companion Mau-chu, she has journeyed from the future with a singular mission: defeat Phantom.
"Gaito and me have gone this far... It's too late to go back..." "Gyaaooogh!"
A 6-year-old girl and an anti-soul brimming with power. In battle, Rin commands the undead Gaito, and he'll pummel anyone who gets in her way.
After being revived by the Resurrection Jewel, Gaito returned to life but in exchange became wild and destructive. Rin is the only one who can control him, and she fights in Phantom's duels and does his bidding in order to restore her brother to his former self.
"Humans are such filthy creatures."
A being created by Phantom to serve as his right-hand man. Uses a supernatural ability similar to telekinesis called "Force" to summon giant swords and repel opponents.
In addition to acting as Phantom's bodyguard, he also plays judge (and executioner) to determine if Duelists are worthy fighters or not. His offensive capabilities can be devastating to the unprepared.
"Wherever evil lurks, I'm there to smite it!"
An 18-year-old arbiter of justice! ...And sometimes waitress at a maid cafe. When not serving customers, she hits opponents over the head with her battle hammer, "Maggie."
Originally from an ultra-rich family, she attended elite schools and wanted for nothing until the economic crisis pulled the plug on her celebrity-like lifestyle. Left behind in Japan by her parents, she embarked on a quest to restore her family's wealth. Overly-optimistic but cheerful.
"I'm a guest, not a weakling."
An 18-year-old guest character from the sci-fi adventure visual novel series, Steins;Gate. A genius researcher, she utilizes strange gadgets when fighting in addition to her kick-based combat style.
An inquisitive girl known as "Assistant" by her peers, she graduated at a young age from an American university and then joined the Akihabara-based Future Gadget Laboratory. While not Duelist, her extensive (and often explosive) variety of gadgets pack quite a punch.
"When the time comes, we will lend a hand. But now is not that time."
Though identical in appearance to M, L sides with Mikoto and the others in the fight against Phantom. She is one of the twenty-six human clones that Phantom created using mega corporation Asklay's biotech. Phantom has sent the clones to various parallel worlds as part of his grand scheme, but like L, a handful of them are waiting for an opportune moment to rebel.
"You're gonna burn..."
A girl with no name, no past, and no need for the world. She'll pummel friend and foe alike with a giant mace made up of pipes and scrap metal that she calls "Humungous."
Having lost her memories and all sense of self, she is guided by the one thing she desires most: destruction. A relentless and merciless opponent.
"It's Maestra, with an A! How would you like it if I called you Moe?"
The spirit of a sword made flesh.
She once dwelled in Mikoto's F.A., Maestro, until Mikoto's wish to not fight made her manifest into being. Though naive and a bit clumsy outside of battle, she bravely fights in Mikoto's stead and loves her mistress dearly. Ever protective, she stays close to Mikoto's side at all times.
"I gotta win—for her...!"
Your everyday typical girl...aside from the mega-popular TV show magical idol part. Appropriately, her weapon is a magical wand named Candy.
In order to save her family's business from ruin, she reluctantly debuted as an entertainment talent and became a hit almost overnight thanks to a lead role in a midnight drama titled, "My Little Sister is a Magical Girl." As a result of her success, she garnered many fans including one who suffers from a terminal illness. Moved by the girl's circumstances and love of the show, she began to take her role more seriously and wishes for a way to save her.
"I never wanted this power. Remember that."
A 19-year-old college student and violin virtuoso who wields a large two-handed sword named "Maestro."
After losing both of her parents at a young age, she went to live with a distant uncle who saw her potential for music and taught her the violin while raising her. Her gratitude to him for his dedication, however, turned to regret as he lost his hearing before she could keep her promise to play a concert just for him.
"Sorry, but... I'm not pulling any punches."
An 18-year-old young man with a big heart and challenging circumstances. Wields a gauntlet imbued with fire and lightning named "Kotaro."
Growing up in poverty and neglect due to his family's struggles, he has diligently looked after his little sister, Ryo, while their parents worked to pay for the treatment of her disease. A bit of an overprotective big brother who is willing to do anything to cure his beloved sibling.
"You're going to regret standing in my way."
A 22-year-old former secretary on a quest for revenge. She dual wields a pair of Gurkha blades collectively called "Aldina."
After her mother was murdered, she abandoned her former corporate life to pursue the killer and avenge her death. She longs for nothing else—not even her own life—but the road to vengeance often leads to unpleasant answers...
"My delusions are awesome!"
A 17-year-old guest character from sci-fi adventure visual novel, Chaos;Head. As an Esper, she can conjure whatever she imagines to use in battle.
Although she lost her parents in an accident and has been treated as a test specimen in the past, her bright personality has not diminished in the slightest, nor has her imagination. While she does not possess an F.A., she is a "Gigalomaniac" who has the power to turn her own delusions into reality and wields a DI-Sword. Her DI-Sword can split down the center for dual-wield combat.
"I may be reborn... but I am still me."
Within the storied family history of the demon-slaying Kumon clan, one stood out as a genius: Shinmei Kumon.
Having mastered the Kumon style martial arts at a very young age, Shinmei created a new style: the Shinmei Form Kumon Style.
After relentless training, Waka managed to acquire this new technique, but she has yet to fully tap into its potential.
"Until I slay that evil, I cannot lose."
A former commander in the Japanese Imperial Navy from a parallel universe who has crossed the divide in pursuit of Phantom. Her weapon is a saber named "Ouka."
In her own universe, Japan has become a militaristic imperial state whose reach has expanded exponentially thanks to Phantom's machinations. She once revered him for the victories he brought to her country, but after witnessing his cruel and unusual methods she began to question her own actions and lead a coup d'etat against him.
"Then I'll defeat you, and prove my worth!"
A young girl and self-proclaimed "Phantom Breaker" from Russia. Wields an artificial F.A. with a twin-blade design named "Bliznetsy" that was developed at a Russian research facility.
A Duelist unlike any of the other Chosen Ones. Her artificial F.A. is the product of years of her family's research and involvement with Phantom—a pursuit which has placed them in unprecedented peril. She traveled to Japan full of rage towards Phantom with plans to defeat him and end things once and for all. Called Sonya by those close to her.
"Defeating you will be the work of a single minute."
The savvy and charitable 24-year-old "Prince" of pharmaceutical giant, Asklay Group. Wields a longsword named "Setsuna" with ease despite having no previous martial arts experience.
A privileged upbringing masks the tragedy he experienced losing his parents as a child, but this young CEO channels his pain into running his family's company and helping others. A textbook "good guy" who decides to change history and save his parents—but at what cost?
"The Kumon School accepts no defeat."
A 17-year-old descendant of the miko and heiress to the demon-slaying Kumon family. Fights with her naginata, "Kahoutou."
Walking the path of both God and martial arts, she trains her body and soul daily at the dojo behind her family's shrine. Her ancestral duty and sacred mission is to stop the duels and prevent Phantom from achieving his goal.
"Mess with a ninja... and you get the jutsu!"
A 16-year-old high schooler descended from a long line of Bakufu Era ninjas. Her weapons are a short sword and kunai named "Shokaku" and "Zuikaku."
Having trained in ninjutsu since childhood, she carries on her family's traditions and hopes of restoring the Shogunate as well as their mission to find the "True Map of Gold." Loves (LOVES) castles and believes one of her ancestors has bestowed a legendary ancestral weapon upon her...