King of Fighters 14, The
The King of Fighters XIV

Game Series

Match Start
Let's have a blast!
Win Quote vs. Andy
I'm not fast like you, Andy, but my other qualities make up for that!
Win Quote vs. Angel
What's with you?! The way you talk, the way you act, it's all hard to handle!!
Win Quote vs. Antonov
Beating the champ makes me the champion, then? No way?! Awesome!
Win Quote vs. Athena
A psychic pop star fighter - how cool is that!
Win Quote vs. Billy
You're too busy running errands for Geese, so you must not have time to train yourself!
Win Quote vs. Blue Mary
A win is a win, but I couldn't resist your joint locks...
Win Quote vs. Choi
I thought I'd win easily, but this old guy was pretty spooky...
Win Quote vs. Clark
I basically move on instinct, so it's probably a waste to collect any data on me, you know?
Win Quote vs. Geese
Geese Howard! I'm not so weak that you can win while holding back like that!
Win Quote vs. Goro
Ow, ow, ow. I've gotta study my counter throw techniques.
Win Quote vs. Joe
I can hold my own even with you now, Joe!
Win Quote vs. King
I've gotta learn from the way you chase men down, never letting them escape!
The balance in your leg technique is really important! I get off-balance so easily, though...
Win Quote vs. Kula
Whoa... My hands got totally frostbitten...
Win Quote vs. Leona
I totally admire your cool beauty!
Win Quote vs. Meitenkun
Umm, with you asleep, I thought you had your guard down. It didn't really go the way I thought it would, though.
Win Quote vs. Robert
Come on! Robert, your leg reach is unfair!
Win Quote vs. Ryo
Yes! Next time instead of studying, I might just take on your whole dojo!
Win Quote vs. Terry
Fight me with all your strength next time, Terry!
Win Quote vs. Vice
Your overwhelming power is admirable, but no doubt it's all about technique.
Win Quote vs. Yamazaki
South Town would be a better place if guys like you weren't around.
Win Quote vs. Yuri
Hehehe, I beat the Kyokugen style! Let's work together next time!
Win Quote
You can go home now, bye-bye!
Yes, retreat, retreat! That's it!
Uh oh... Maybe I went too hard on you?
Come back and try again after you get stronger.
Win Quote vs. Antonov
YAY, I got the belt! Hmm, how much do you think it's worth?
Win Quote vs. Kukri
Can you get a clear look at how cute I am with your hood up like that?
Win Quote vs. Verse
Lots of hands, lots of fire, this thing is absolutely absurd. *Pout*
Win Quote
Our ratings are through the roof!
You idiot! You gonna fight properly?!
You're pretty good! Get stronger and come at me again!
Fighting in the main event... Nope, you don't have what it takes.
You were stronger than expected... But my win was just as expected!
I don't pay attention to winning or losing. Because it's not possible for me to ever lose!
Win Quote vs. Antonov
Is this fraud trying to imitate me?! What's with the silly looking belt?!
Benimaru Nikaido
Thank you!
See you next time!
Win Quote
Standing next to me, you lack just a little bit in strength and elegance.
Win Quote vs. Blue Mary
Would you accept a mission to go on one date with me?
Billy Kane
Kyoushuu Hishou Kon
Kill you!
Win Quote
Hmph... I don't have time to be bothered with you!
Hey hey hey, this match to the death isn't over yet!
Win Quote vs. Antonov
A small fry like you doesn't deserve the title of king!
Win Quote vs. Joe
Hey, stand up, Mr. Short Shorts!! I'm not letting you off with an ordinary beating!
Win Quote vs. Oswald
Hyahaha! You're nothing for a famous assassin! You losing your edge, hmm?
Blue Mary Ryan
Not bad.
No big deal.
Win Quote vs. Alice
You ought to train some more before you compete. You haven't mastered the basics.
Win Quote vs. Angel
Sorry, but I hate cats.
Win Quote vs. Antonov
You like dogs too? Your name's pretty close to my dog's. I feel like we can relate.
Win Quote vs. Benimaru
If you want to hit on me, get stronger than me first. I hate weak men.
Win Quote vs. Billy
Whew... Staffs have such long reach that it's tough to get in striking distance.
Win Quote vs. Chin
For being drunk, you fight pretty well. Not something I could pull off.
Win Quote vs. Clark
How do you like my Commando Sambo throws? Different feel than wrestling, right?
Win Quote vs. Gang-il
You're so sharp that it's scary. I should've expected that from Kim's master.
Win Quote vs. Geese
Seems like you're planning something again, but don't assume it'll go your way.
Win Quote vs. Heidern
The sound of bones cracking... That gets me going. Well, just kidding.
Win Quote vs. King
Heheh, I win this time. Now, to celebrate, maybe you can treat me to a cocktail or something.
Win Quote vs. Love
A sky pirate... Never heard of you before... Do you have a fighter jet or something?
Win Quote vs. Maxima
This is the power of a top class agent. Record it in that database you're so proud of.
Win Quote vs. Meitenkun
Hakkyokuminminken, huh? Is that really kempo?
Win Quote vs. Ramon
Oh, so you're freelance this time. I'd like to forget my job and have fun sometimes, too.
Win Quote vs. Sylvie
I didn't think a stun gun would work on you, but I guess I was wrong.
Win Quote vs. Terry
If you can't do better than that, Andy and Joe must have it hard.
Win Quote vs. Vanessa
You must be having a hard time. Let's go out for drinks or something when this is over.
Win Quote vs. Vice
Relying entirely on strength won't help you beat me. I suggest polishing your technique.
Win Quote vs. Xanadu
You're that criminal on the blacklist, I believe? Glad I was able to arrest you here.
Win Quote vs. Yamazaki
As ferocious as ever, I see. Well, I already know how to handle you, so no big deal.
Win Quote vs. Yuri
You've actually gotten better. Maybe now you can get your brother's approval.
Win Quote vs. Zarina
Those are some rhythmical skills. But, once I got the tempo of your attacks down, they were easy to counter.
Geese Howard
Win Quote vs. Andy
Soon I'll take care of your brother, too.
Win Quote vs. Billy
Still not there yet, Billy! Toughen up, and watch my back.
Win Quote vs. Hein
I don't mind those glaring eyes. Come at me whenever you see an opening.
Win Quote vs. Iori
That bloodlust, it feels nice... Show me more of that madness of yours.
Win Quote vs. Kensou
World peace, is it...? Ahahaha! If this is how you fight, you've got quite a big mouth.
Win Quote vs. Kim
Hmph... Will you follow your justice to your death? If so, then this'll make a suitable burial.
Win Quote vs. King
Mr. Big's former servant... I've no interest in you.
Win Quote vs. Kurki
Those are some pretty interesting stunts, Sandman... It made for fun entertainment.
Win Quote vs. Kyo
Kusanagi's power is truly magnificent. But you're like an old battered toy!
Win Quote vs. Leona
Hmph... So you can't let out those hidden powers of yours.
Win Quote vs. Maxima
Resistance is futile! Darkness can never be extinguished.
Win Quote vs. Nakoruru
Just when I thought you were a naive little girl, you turn out to be some sort of man-eating monster.
Win Quote vs. Nelson
Your ignorance is ridiculous. Hohohoho... Take good care of that prosthetic arm, boy.
Win Quote vs. Ramon
Foolish boy, did you think you could confuse me with all those cunning movements?
Win Quote vs. Ryo
So this is it? ...Kyokugen style's gone to hell.
Win Quote vs. Terry
Sink into the darkness of South Town... Terry Bogard...
Win Quote vs. Tung
I'm grateful to you, master! 'Cause you gave me, Geese Howard, strength!
Win Quote vs. Verse
You're far from the power recorded in the secret scrolls... Put your life on the line and show me your strength!
Win Quote vs. Xanadu
This swindler thinks he can rule the world with his charm...? Idiotic.
Win Quote vs. Yamazaki
A common rat like you, taking up my time!
Goro Daimon
Win Quote vs. Antonov
...Fortunes rise and fall. Even more so for a false champion.
Iori Yagami
108 Shiki • Yamibarai
Win Quote
Stand up! That can't be all you've got?!
You're a waste of time... Now get out of here!
You stupid idiot. The moment you decided to fight me your fate was sealed.
Win Quote vs. Angel
I don't care about NESTS anymore... Just that guy, and him alone.
Win Quote vs. Antonov
Heheheh... Being "king" in name only? What a loser!
Win Quote vs. Athena
How stupid... Basically, your ideology is a load of garbage.
Win Quote vs. Bandeiras
You miserable little insect. Don't come buzzing around me!
Win Quote vs. Billy
I have no use for a mutt like you. Get out of my face!
Win Quote vs. K'
I have no use for a fake like you... Don't show your face in front of me again!
Win Quote vs. Kim
This righteousness crap of yours disgusts me.
Win Quote vs. Kukri
There will be no next time! At most, you'll shake in fear like a dog at the shadows of the moon.
Win Quote vs. Kyo
Kyo, I will burn anything and everything to extinguish your existence.
Win Quote vs. Leona
Are you scared of the power of Orochi...? Then let me put you to sleep permanently!
Win Quote vs. Mai
Keep dancing around until you burn away! It suits you, since that's all you're good at anyway!
Win Quote vs. Mature
You should only think of serving me... Start blabbing nonsense, and I'll kill you.
Win Quote vs. Nakoruru
Oh... Is nature really that important? Don't worry, I'm gonna return everything in nature to ash!
Win Quote vs. Ralf
Pick one... Die on the battlefield, or drown in an ocean of blood; whichever you want!
Win Quote vs. Terry
Those fangs of yours don't scare me... Shake in fear at my flames, like the weak animal you are!
Win Quote vs. Tung
I don't have time to listen to old men whine! Just die now.
Win Quote vs. Verse
That strength... Looks like fun! I'm gonna chop off your limbs and pull you out of that thing.
Win Quote vs. Vice
There's still a use for you... But if that changes, I'll just kill you. That's all...
Win Quote vs. Xanadu
Get the hell out of my sight! I don't have time to waste on lunatic clowns!
Win Quote vs. Yuri
What an annoying little girl... If you value your life, you should keep your mouth shut for the rest of it!
Win Quote
You'll end up hurt if you don't learn when to quit.
Win Quote vs. Alice
What you've got now is a mix like a bad cocktail. Try being more disciplined.
Win Quote vs. Antonov
Whew, when I hear the word "champion," I imagine that loudmouth and get upset.
Win Quote vs. Athena
Doing this for others is great, but don't forget about yourself.
Win Quote vs. Bandeiras
I don't really know much about ninjas, and now I know even less because of you.
Win Quote vs. Benimaru
Fitting around here and there, you'll miss your chance when it comes.
Win Quote vs. Geese
Is that all you've got? If so, I'll win again next time.
Win Quote vs. Hein
If you're going to be a butler, put some thought into who you work for.
Win Quote vs. Iori
Jeez, you don't give up... You lost.
Win Quote vs. Joe
If you acknowledged my technique as Muay Thai, you couldn't be the champ anymore.
Win Quote vs. Kula
I don't like babysitting. Hurry back to your parents.
Win Quote vs. Love
You look like you can hold your liquor. How about a drinking contest next time?
Win Quote vs. Luong
So everyone has a personal take on Tae Kwon Do, too.
Win Quote vs. Mai
When we know all each other's moves, it makes for a long match. That's fun too, though.
Win Quote vs. Meitenkun
Bringing a pillow and sleeping... There isn't even anyone like you at my bar...
Win Quote vs. Mian
Stop being so focused on changing your mask. You're totally open to attacks.
Win Quote vs. Robert
Tiger is fine, but isn't "The Strongest" starting to sound a bit off?
Win Quote vs. Ryo
Before you talk about your dojo and your pupils, you need to win, jeez...
Win Quote vs. Verse
Don't you think you should've made more legs, instead of arms? The ones you have are shaking.
Win Quote vs. Vice
You look scary, but your technique is really cute.
Win Quote vs. Xanadu
What's the matter, are you drunk? I can't understand a thing you say.
Win Quote vs. Yuri
Lately I've been thinking that you should just keep doing what you do, Yuri.
Win Quote vs. Zarina
Looking at you, somehow my soul feels cleansed.
King of Dinosaurs
Win Quote
Fear me, children! I'm the KING OF DINOSAURS!
Win Quote vs. Angel
You won't build any muscle fooling around. Challenge yourself for real!
Win Quote vs. Antonov
I'm gonna take that shiny belt!
Win Quote vs. Athena
My heart breaks, having defeated justice... Could it be that my heroic heart is crying out?!
Win Quote vs. Bandeiras
Not good enough! I was already defeating ninjas some 65,000,000 years ago.
Win Quote vs. Chang
Your flesh is chewy... But you're not tasty at all, you scum!!
Win Quote vs. Clark
A hastily put together wrestler like you is no match for a king of dinosaurs like me!
Win Quote vs. Geese
Face justice, evildoer! Wait, no, feel evil's judgment!! GRRRRR!
Win Quote vs. Goro
If you weren't so good at recovering, there'd be no way for you to remain unscathed!
Win Quote vs. K'
A predator like you is no match for a dinosaur!
Win Quote vs. Kim
These fangs will crush your sense of justice to pieces.
Win Quote vs. King
Those Muay Thai kicks are powerless against a dinosaur!
Win Quote vs. Meitenkun
You're going to cry at night thinking about how scary I am, aren't you?! Wahahahaha!
Win Quote vs. Mian
A suspicious masked fighter! I have punished you!
Win Quote vs. Nakoruru
This dinosaur's strength is unmatched, surpassing even nature itself!
Win Quote vs. Nelson
See that, boxer?! THAT was a proper ending! GRRR!
Win Quote vs. Ramon
The true battle to be the best in Mexico! Viva Mexico!
Win Quote vs. Terry
Seems like you've already fought a real wrestler before! I bet he was really strong!
Win Quote vs. Verse
You flashy idiot! I won't allow you to steal all the attention from the audience!
Win Quote vs. Vice
I win in strength. That's because dinosaurs have the maximum in muscles, snake lady!
Win Quote vs. Whip
Well, it seems you thought you could put me in a circus! I won't forgive that!
Win Quote vs. Yamazaki
You little gangster! I won't give up my throne of the king of heels that easily!
Win Quote vs. Yuri
Dinosaurs are stronger than dragons and tigers! GRRRRR!
Win Quote vs. Angel
Hmmm, sexy...
Win Quote vs. Antonov
You didn't say not to kick your ass.
Win Quote vs. Benimaru
Stop wasting electricity.
Win Quote vs. Chin
The more you drink, the stronger you get; that's doping.
Win Quote vs. K'
The feeling of sand between your sweaty skin and that leather must be nasty as hell.
Win Quote vs. Kim
Is it justice to kick people? I said, is it justice to kick people?!
Win Quote vs. King of Dinosaurs
I'll make sure you choke permanently from all that sand in your mask.
Win Quote vs. Kyo
You're out of fire, dumbass Kusanagi.
Win Quote vs. Mai
Your strategy of hiding and provoking hallucinations with your swaying ended in failure.
Win Quote vs. Mature
Win Quote vs. Maxima
If your precision machinery isn't protected from sand, this is what you get.
Win Quote vs. Meitenkun
It's said that sleeping too much has many harmful effects. Watch your back, douchebag.
Win Quote vs. Mui Mui
That panda pouch really is cute.
Win Quote vs. Nelson
A boxer? Stick to taking punches instead of doling them out, sandbag.
Win Quote vs. Ralf
You're a noisy one. Why don't you realize those shouts and explosions are disturbing the neighbors?
Win Quote vs. Shun'ei
Amplified... Specter...
Win Quote vs. Terry
Quit your yapping, you stupid little mutt.
Win Quote vs. Verse
You made that difficult. I have business with what's inside you.
Win Quote vs. Whip
Anyway, that whip... I don't mind it.
Win Quote vs. Xanadu
Abadurmigera Boneksten.
Win Quote vs. Zarina
Grandma Flowerbloom!
Kyo Kusanagi
Match Start
Heh heh... moetaro?
Win Quote
That was a perfect warm up.
Winning like this isn't satisfying at all!
Huh? Did you say something? I can't hear you over all the cheering!
Win Quote vs. Athena
Have you gotten rusty since you became a celebrity? Shouldn't you just focus on one or the other?
Win Quote vs. Verse
I don't get you, man. I'm not even sure if you're a man, but I can burn you up at any time!
Love Heart
Win Quote
What a boring battle.
I want to go back to the sky.
As long as there are people who love the sky, I won't lose!!
Win Quote vs. Antonov
I've taken down big men like you many times.
Win Quote vs. Athena
You fight for people you don't even know? I've got my hands full with just the sky...
Win Quote vs. Verse
Alright, let's go home, Nakoruru!
Win Quote vs. Andy
Even with those fast and confusing moves, I'll wrap my legs around you.
Win Quote vs. Antonov
Is that healthy body and fancy belt just for decoration, Mr. Champion?
Win Quote vs. Benimaru
Looks like you're all talk... You cooled down right away. Such a pitiful man.
Win Quote vs. Chang
Kim was worried... Now go on home. There's meat waiting for you.
Win Quote vs. Choi
Just having nimble fingers isn't enough... Now let Kim train you up one more time.
Win Quote vs. Clark
You weren't distracted at all by my charms... Impressive, soldier boy!
Win Quote vs. Gang-il
You can fight harder against me. You don't want to look bad in front of your apprentices.
Win Quote vs. Kensou
Young guys are great because they have so much energy. See, you're good to go again, right?
Win Quote vs. Kim
You don't have to take it easy just because I'm your master's lover.
Win Quote vs. King
Those are some good kicks. But as far as beautiful legs go, I win by a mile.
Win Quote vs. Kukri
Now, show me the face hiding under that hood, come on!
Win Quote vs. Love
I hear you're an Air Pirate. You must also be an expert at stealing men's hearts.
Win Quote vs. Mai
You can't just push, sometimes you have to tease, little girl.
Win Quote vs. Mature
Listening to your laugh tires me out... Is that part of your strategy?
Win Quote vs. Meitenkun
You look like you're more fun to cuddle than that pillow.
Win Quote vs. Ramon
I almost got eaten there, by a tiger who likes married women... Hehe!
Win Quote vs. Robert
You're quite the dandy. You also know how to take it.
Win Quote vs. Verse
Just keeping up appearances is no good, with nothing inside... Mr. Monster.
Win Quote vs. Whip
I prefer to be dominant. I don't like being tied up.
Win Quote vs. Xanadu
You stole Kim's apprentices, and that calls for a harsh punishment.
Win Quote vs. Zarina
Your skin is so beautiful it makes me jealous. Is that another nature-based technique?
Mai Shiranui
Win Quote
How was my dancing?
Win Quote
Good night.
You're strong. I was excited the whole time.
Win Quote vs. Verse
Can you be of use to us?
Win Quote
Going all out makes me tired!
Win Quote vs. Antonov
You have a cow belt! People always say I'm like a cow, so I feel like we have something in common.
Win Quote vs. Athena
Shun likes your singing, too!
Win Quote vs. Bandeiras
Don't ninjas use magic?
Win Quote vs. Chin
You're an old man like my teacher, but so different.
Win Quote vs. Choi
That was tricky and fun!
Win Quote vs. Geese
Oh! My teacher is angry! You should apologize!
Win Quote vs. Joe
You'll catch a cold dressed like that...
Win Quote vs. Kensou
Kung Fu is the best!
Win Quote vs. King of Dinosaurs
Hmmm? I feel like your outside and inside don't match up.
Win Quote vs. Kyo
Whoa... Be careful with that fire.
Win Quote vs. Leona
You're so grumpy, are you sleepy?
Win Quote vs. Maxima
A robot! I'm kind of excited... Zzz, zzz...
Win Quote vs. Mui Mui
Going to bed with a full stomach is great, isn't it?
Win Quote vs. Robert
Huh? But my teacher said Kyokugen style is strong...
Win Quote vs. Shun'ei
Hehehe, I win, Shun! Make me fried eggs later!
Win Quote vs. Sylvie
I don't like getting shocked.
Win Quote vs. Tung
I beat my teacher. The next training time is nap time!
Win Quote vs. Verse
I hate anyone who hurts Shun!
Win Quote vs. Vice
What a scary person...
Win Quote vs. Xanadu
Ummm, I don't get it...
Mui Mui
Win Quote
You were a tough opponent, but it looks like my Kung Fu wins!
Did you skip a meal? If you don't eat, you can't use your strength!
Win Quote vs. Love
Love, you have friends like Pui Pui and Mamahaha too, right? Introduce us next time!
Win Quote vs. Antonov
...That's a pretty belt.
Win Quote vs. Bandeiras
I've never seen a real ninja before! Just like in the comics!
Win Quote vs. Billy
It was nothing special. I've fought my fair share of guys like you.
Win Quote vs. Blue Mary
A stun gun? Really? Anything goes in this tournament.
Win Quote vs. Chang
If you toss that iron ball around in my town, you'll get far worse than this.
Win Quote vs. Choi
There's no place for people like you in my town.
Win Quote vs. Geese
There are some tenacious criminals out there. I learned something new today.
Win Quote vs. Heidern
Those aren't skills the man called the "General" uses... Who are you?
Win Quote vs. Hein
You can dress yourself up, but your true colors show in your actions.
Win Quote vs. Kim
I see something twisted in your sense of justice.
Win Quote vs. King of Dinosaurs
Despite your appearance I sense a just heart deep inside.
Win Quote vs. Kukri
I show no mercy to the disrespectful.
Win Quote vs. Kyo
If you're trying to carry on customs, try and learn some etiquette.
Win Quote vs. Luong
She was absolutely beautiful. I'll have to ask what makeup she uses later.
Win Quote vs. Mai
No ninja dresses that scantily! Even I know that.
Win Quote vs. Mian
Soldiers, escaped convicts, dinosaurs, robots, and traditional performers... This fighting tournament is fascinating.
Win Quote vs. Oswald
Barely won that one... Karnoffel... What terrifying techniques.
Win Quote vs. Rock
I sense the power of darkness... I pray you don't turn toward evil.
Win Quote vs. Shun'ei
You're not much more than talk... Turn down the overconfidence a little.
Win Quote vs. Tung
An old man, and not even an evil one... I'm sorry.
Win Quote vs. Vanessa
You're a stunning woman. I hope I age as well as you have.
Win Quote vs. Verse
Finally... I'll finally get approval.
Win Quote vs. Whip
Flail that thing around all you want, but you can't ensnare me.
Win Quote vs. Xanadu
I've seen countless outlaws, but you're unlike any I've ever met.
Win Quote vs. Yamazaki
I know this is a fighting tournament, but I hate having to let this criminal live.
Match Start
Ikuyo, Mamahaha!
Win Quote
So this is what being cheered for means... It's very inspiring.
Win Quote vs. Antonov
You really are the "champion." Your bold moves were impressive.
Win Quote vs. Chang
Now that's one really big guy... Did one of your ancestors happen to use a kusarigama...?
Win Quote vs. Chin
You get stronger when you drink... Maybe that's Haohmaru's secret, too.
Win Quote vs. Clark
You "soldiers" are all very cool-headed... I didn't feel your resolve wavering.
Win Quote vs. Geese
Your soul is too stained with proud, noble blood... Please mend your ways and try again.
Win Quote vs. Iori
Your flame is imprisoned by hatred... How lonely.
Win Quote vs. K'
Do you get enough "calcium"? You got angry really quickly...
Win Quote vs. Kim
Carrying out justice is hard... Let's both do our best.
Win Quote vs. King of Dinosaurs
You'll be punished if you try to eat Mamahaha, Mr. Dinosaur.
Win Quote vs. Kyo
Your flame is warm; you are blessed by Ires Kamui.
Win Quote vs. Love
I really like your nobility and straight-forward attitude, Love.
Win Quote vs. Mai
You're a very tricky "kunoichi." I was nearly caught in your trap.
Win Quote vs. Mui Mui
Mui Mui, eat in moderation before a match.
Win Quote vs. Ryo
You hit hard; it shows the strength of your will.
Win Quote vs. Shun'ei
I feel a warmth flowing from you. You have many good friends.
Win Quote vs. Terry
You are loved by many. Almost as if you were the "hero."
Win Quote vs. Tung
You're so skilled with ki energy! I respect that.
Win Quote vs. Vanessa
With that beautiful hair like fire and your hot spirit, it's like your an avatar of Ires Kamui.
Win Quote vs. Verse
You're cornered, Wei Kamu! This is nature's punishment!!
Win Quote vs. Vice
You had an evil heart, so I punished you.
Win Quote vs. Yamazaki
It's wrong to hurt people! The Kamui are crying.
Win Quote vs. Zafina
You have a very warm and bright soul. You're just like the sun.
Win Quote
You should have your cards in order before you challenge me.
¡Viva México!
¡Hasta la vista!
Win Quote
Tigers only get serious after they're hurt!
Did you get a good look at my aerial attack?
Ryo Sakazaki
Win Quote vs. Angel
What's that nonsense fighting style?! You've got no fundamentals... I'll train you up!
Win Quote vs. Antonov
You seriously call yourself a champion?! Alright, let's go one more time!
Win Quote vs. Geese
Etch this into your soul!! My Kyokugen style will defeat you as many times as it takes!!
Win Quote vs. Goro
Force wins over flexibility. No matter how flexible you are, you can't take hits from me!
Win Quote vs. Hein
If you're with Geese then remember this! The Kyokugen style defeats all!
Win Quote vs. Iori
So long as your fists thirst for blood, you can't beat the Kyokugen style!!
Win Quote vs. Kensou
You've made progress! I saw a dragon in your punch for a second there!
Win Quote vs. Kim
Training with your master... I have to take another look at myself. When I get home, I'll have father train me!
Win Quote vs. King
Splendid footwork, as always! I couldn't help but be impressed!
Win Quote vs. Kukri
Shout from your diaphragm! You need to train at my dojo, starting with your spirit!
Win Quote vs. Kula
Fists trained in the Kyokugen style can break a measly ice pillar in one blow. Your skills need more practice before they'll work on me!
Win Quote vs. Kyo
If you just sit on your talents, you'll never get stronger!
Win Quote vs. Mui Mui
Battles against Kung Fu users are always great. Let's do it again!
Win Quote vs. Ralf
It's great talking with our fists! I could feel the heat in your soul!
Win Quote vs. Ramon
If I look with my mind's eye, I can read your moves. That's another thing the Kyokugen style can do!
Win Quote vs. Robert
You're stronger than that. Show me the power of the Kyokugen style!
Win Quote vs. Shun'ei
You must first know yourself to properly use your strength! You won't improve if you train without knowing yourself!
Win Quote vs. Terry
You're worthy of the name "Legendary Hungry Wolf"! That was a close match!!
Win Quote vs. Yuri
You almost had it! But your moves are still lacking; we'll restart your special training when we get back!
Win Quote vs. Zarina
Those flowing movements were amazing! Truly flawless form!
Win Quote
Are you OK? Here, take my hand.
I thought I trained for this, but a real fight is so different.
I thought I had learned how to control my strength, but it seems I've got a long way to go...
Win Quote vs. Antonov
Kyo Kusanagi seems stronger than you... Are you really the champion?
Win Quote vs. Billy
You've got good reach, but that leaves a bigger opening when you miss.
Win Quote vs. Chang
That was like fighting a troll...
Win Quote vs. Chin
Unlike my master, you're more of a technique fighter... But you weren't so tough to face.
Win Quote vs. Iori
If Grandpa hadn't picked me up off the streets, I might be twisted like you.
Win Quote vs. K'
You're so angry, despite your calm face. You're a clever one.
Win Quote vs. Kim
Always pushing justice on people is annoying.
Win Quote vs. Kukri
Crap, I got sand in my clothes. This guy is the worst.
Win Quote vs. Kyo
Looks like even the Kusanagi style can't exorcise this power.
Win Quote vs. Mai
S-So this is a kunoichi... That was a difficult fight for a lot of reasons.
Win Quote vs. Meitenkun
Yes, I won! You're buying the sweets today, Meiten... Hey, are you sleeping?!
Win Quote vs. Mian
You're from Sichuan, that's close to my place... I'll go see you perform next time.
Win Quote vs. Nakoruru
I don't know, but... Isn't destroying nature also a natural phenomenon?
Win Quote vs. Nelson
I don't know what it was, but I felt something weird with that arm...
Win Quote vs. Ramon
You hold back your real fury with that eye patch. I guess it's like a seal, too, in a way.
Win Quote vs. Ryo
Right, the Kyokugen style is good at using ki energy, too...
Win Quote vs. Terry
So you're a former student? Thanks for helping me with my training.
Win Quote vs. Tsung
Grandpa. It makes me happier when you really try than when you let me win.
Win Quote vs. Verse
It finally settled down. What is it with me and this thing...?
Win Quote vs. Yamazaki
Stopping you was for the entire world's benefit.
Win Quote vs. Zarina
I-Is that giant beak OK to be around? D-Don't bring it near me!
Sylvie Paula Paula
Win Quote
Tee hee! Boss, I won one!
Shock and buzz! More, more!
On to the next match, GO GO!
Oof, I can't move anymore...
I'm overflowing with energy.
Low poowwerrr. I'm super tired.
Cha-Ching! That's another bonus for me.
I felt the shock! This'll make me stronger!
And now a few words from my friend, Eyeball.
My friends just saw what a good job I did! See?
Your danger level is... like, you know! Like the Big Bang.
That was crazy! If I had to rate you, you're like a plankton or something.
The curtain closed with Paula's win. And they all lived happily ever after.
Win Quote vs. Angel
You good around too much. Be more serious when you goof off!
Win Quote vs. Antonov
Does that confirm my Paula power again, boss? I guess that means you'll renew my contract.
Win Quote vs. Bandeiras
I saw through all the ninja stuff you were doing, Mr. Ninja!
Win Quote vs. Benimaru
Paula wins any electric battle!
Win Quote vs. Chang
You've totally lost, chubby. Throw down your weapons and come quietly.
Win Quote vs. Chin
I was shocked that you'd drink liquor during a match! What is wrong with old people these days?
Win Quote vs. Gang-il
I went and did it. I was naughty and played "catch the legendary old man"!
Win Quote vs. Hein
Jeeves, ready some tea... Oh, you can't. You're all twitchy, and I don't think you can move.
Win Quote vs. Joe
Those shorts and headband are not cute. I guess I'll let you borrow one of my ribbons.
Win Quote vs. K'
Huh? You're even worse than me?
Win Quote vs. Kukri
Let's get a close-up of that intriguing face!
Win Quote vs. Kula
Beep-beep... Hail warning issued.
Win Quote vs. Leona
Quiet Leona gets 30 cuteness points. You should smile more.
Win Quote vs. Mai
Wow! That is a cute tail! Gimme it!
Win Quote vs. Meitenkun
Fluffy pillow! Gimme!
Win Quote vs. Mian
I had box seats for that traditional dance! Thank you!
Win Quote vs. Mui Mui
Meat buns! I love meat, too. Let's go get some right now.
Win Quote vs. Verse
That was flashy, like a shiny parade. But it wasn't cute; you get an F.
Win Quote vs. Vice
You were too powerful, I'm all beat up! You predatory woman!
Win Quote vs. Yuri
Tsk, tsk. You can't beat little Paula.
Terry Bogard
Win Quote vs. Alice
You fought way longer than I thought you would, Alice! I'm looking forward to next time!
Win Quote vs. Andy
You've got a long way to go, Andy!
Win Quote vs. Antonov
*Whistle*, your confidence is backed up by your strength! But you won't beat anyone here while you're drunk on your own power!
Win Quote vs. Athena
When we fight, the crowd goes wild! It's great!
Win Quote vs. Billy
Giving up already?! I'm good to continue if you are, Billy!
Win Quote vs. Chang
You've got some pretty weird friends. Being on Kim's team suits you better!
Win Quote vs. Geese
Geese... I'm finally putting an end to you!!
Win Quote vs. Joe
Where's the old hurricane?! That was a breeze!
Win Quote vs. King of Dinosaurs
This was the first time I've fought a dinosaur, but it was pretty fun! I'm excited to see which 'saurus you'll choose next, Tizoc!
Win Quote vs. Kyo
You're still too lukewarm to burn me up!
Win Quote vs. Luong
Don't pick on Kim so much. He's really wound tight!
Win Quote vs. Maxima
You've always got new gimmicks! But you still have to train yourself, Mr. Cyborg!
Win Quote vs. Meitenkun
You'll ruin your health, sleepy-boy! But they say that kids who sleep grow up strong!
Win Quote vs. Mian
That was a really unique fighting style! I want to see one of your shows!
Win Quote vs. Nakoruru
The power of nature is amazing! I can sense an energy like Master Tung's, despite your age!
Win Quote vs. Nelson
Even if your punches could take down a griffon, they couldn't catch the wolf!
Win Quote vs. Ryo
Woo, great punches. You had me worried this time!
Win Quote vs. Shu'nei
I won't lose so easily, junior! I shouldn't talk, but you need to train properly!
Win Quote vs. Tung
Thank you very much, Master Tung!
Win Quote vs. Vanessa
A great rush, but your punches are too light!
Win Quote vs. Verse
I dunno why, but you definitely don't seem like a good guy. Good-bye!
Win Quote vs. Yamazaki
So you're here too, huh... Sorry, but we didn't order any snakes, Yamazaki!
Tung Fu Rue
Win Quote
I think I'll stop there.
Win Quote vs. Andy
You have a lot of weak points, but that's a sign of your kindness.
Win Quote vs. Athena
You fight well, despite living a double life as a performer. I'm impressed.
Win Quote vs. Chin
We have to serve as an example for the youngsters; neither of us could hold back.
Win Quote vs. Geese
There is another man who will take you down. Prepare yourself, Geese.
Win Quote vs. Goro
Being tranquil like the mountains at that age is impressive.
Win Quote vs. Iori
You should think hard about the purpose of your flame.
Win Quote vs. Joe
It's thanks to you that those brothers are able to live good lives.
Win Quote vs. Kensou
You're still unrefined... But I can sense the potential in you.
Win Quote vs. Kim
Speaking of justice is easier than carrying it out. You must devote yourself more.
Win Quote vs. Kukri
You're planning something... I sense something wicked.
Win Quote vs. Kula
People can become stronger without tampering their bodies... Yet look at the terrible things they do.
Win Quote vs. Leona
You have a dangerous strength, but I trust you with it.
Win Quote vs. Maxima
Spirit is always in flux. It's difficult to quantify.
Win Quote vs. Meitenkun
Now it's time to review the fight. Hey, wake up.
Win Quote vs. Nakoruru
Hohohoho, it's reassuring that someone like you is here.
Win Quote vs. Nelson
Not only do you not let circumstances keep you down, you leap farther ahead. You're an impressive youngster.
Win Quote vs. Shun'ei
Hohohoho, take it one step at a time. You're getting good at using your strength.
Win Quote vs. Terry
Your eyes have truly gotten better. I'm sure Jeff is happy, too.
Win Quote vs. Verse
Hey monster, I will never allow you to steal my pupil's strength!
Win Quote vs. Yamazaki
The more you hurt people, the more hurt will come to you.
Win Quote vs. Yuri
Please never forget that he who laughs last, laughs loudest.
Win Quote vs. Iori
Same as always... Monsieur.
Win Quote vs. K'
I am... the original...
Win Quote vs. Kyo
I am... Orochi... Now... here... return to nothingness.
Win Quote vs. Leona
Always... watching over you...
Win Quote vs. Mature
What's wrong...? You can be my secretary again...
Win Quote vs. Nakoruru
Following me to this world... You disgust me... Gehehe.
Win Quote vs. Shun'ei
Finally... I found you... You... fragment of me...
Win Quote vs. Sylvie
I am the strongest... Try to best me.
Win Quote vs. Choi
Before you go back to your master, you'd better go back to jail.
Win Quote vs. Verse
Neutralization complete. Now commencing binding.
Win Quote
I'm taken with you.
Let's go to a trendy cafe...
Can you hear it? That apocalyptic timbre...
Win Quote vs. Alice
Time solves inexperience... And space solves time.
Win Quote vs. Andy
Let me tell you with sound waves, that your speed is effectively equal to zero...
Win Quote vs. Athena
Psychic power follows the laws of nature.
Win Quote vs. Chin
The ethanol is oxidizing, metabolize it.
Win Quote vs. Gang-il
Strength is also a relative concept.
Win Quote vs. Geese
Evil is relativity, it is very natural.
Win Quote vs. Iori
Those flickering purple flames of yours have a high wavelength.
Win Quote vs. King of Dinosaurs
The flow of time is always changing. Wishing for ancient times is also entropy.
Win Quote vs. Kula
Innocence is ignorance.
Win Quote vs. Kyo
What does your flame create?
Win Quote vs. Leona
Going wild is another behavior.
Win Quote vs. Mature
What you want cannot be. You should return to the vacuum.
Win Quote vs. Maxima
A wall that cannot be scaled with transhumanism.
Win Quote vs. Mian
Is there a meaning to blocking visible light?
Win Quote vs. Nakoruru
Teach me your process!
Win Quote vs. Robert
Illusions are not created by the feet. It's the brain.
Win Quote vs. Shun'ei
Destroy symmetry... If you can do that, you can avoid annihilation.
Win Quote vs. Sylvie
Look upon our hair... It lies in chaos from your static electricity!
Win Quote vs. Tung
Don't you want to get back the time spent on that understanding?
Win Quote vs. Verse
An accumulation of the information leaked from the cracks! Time, integrated vertically!
Yuri Sakazaki
Otō-san, gomen!
Fighter ID
(A - Z)