Dialogue (Old - New)
King of Fighters 14, The
The King of Fighters XIV

Win Quote vs. Antonov
...That's a pretty belt.
Win Quote vs. Bandeiras
I've never seen a real ninja before! Just like in the comics!
Win Quote vs. Billy
It was nothing special. I've fought my fair share of guys like you.
Win Quote vs. Blue Mary
A stun gun? Really? Anything goes in this tournament.
Win Quote vs. Chang
If you toss that iron ball around in my town, you'll get far worse than this.
Win Quote vs. Choi
There's no place for people like you in my town.
Win Quote vs. Geese
There are some tenacious criminals out there. I learned something new today.
Win Quote vs. Heidern
Those aren't skills the man called the "General" uses... Who are you?
Win Quote vs. Hein
You can dress yourself up, but your true colors show in your actions.
Win Quote vs. Kim
I see something twisted in your sense of justice.
Win Quote vs. King of Dinosaurs
Despite your appearance I sense a just heart deep inside.
Win Quote vs. Kukri
I show no mercy to the disrespectful.
Win Quote vs. Kyo
If you're trying to carry on customs, try and learn some etiquette.
Win Quote vs. Luong
She was absolutely beautiful. I'll have to ask what makeup she uses later.
Win Quote vs. Mai
No ninja dresses that scantily! Even I know that.
Win Quote vs. Mian
Soldiers, escaped convicts, dinosaurs, robots, and traditional performers... This fighting tournament is fascinating.
Win Quote vs. Oswald
Barely won that one... Karnoffel... What terrifying techniques.
Win Quote vs. Rock
I sense the power of darkness... I pray you don't turn toward evil.
Win Quote vs. Shun'ei
You're not much more than talk... Turn down the overconfidence a little.
Win Quote vs. Tung
An old man, and not even an evil one... I'm sorry.
Win Quote vs. Vanessa
You're a stunning woman. I hope I age as well as you have.
Win Quote vs. Verse
Finally... I'll finally get approval.
Win Quote vs. Whip
Flail that thing around all you want, but you can't ensnare me.
Win Quote vs. Xanadu
I've seen countless outlaws, but you're unlike any I've ever met.
Win Quote vs. Yamazaki
I know this is a fighting tournament, but I hate having to let this criminal live.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)