Dialogue (Old - New)
Street Fighter 4
Street Fighter IV

Before Battle with CPU Chun Li
Chun Li: So, you're S.I.N.'s new superstar? I need answers. You're coming with me.
Crimson Viper: Interpol is really mucking things up. Listen, missy, you need to stay out of your business.
Chun Li: What was that?
Crimson Viper: Sorry, but your investigation ends here.
Personal Action
Just lose already!
Getting tired, huh?
Ready to give up yet?
It'll all be over soon.
C'mon, let's finish this.
I don't have time for this...
Quit stalling already, will you?
I'm just gonna make it hurt more.
Go ahead and attack so I can counter you.
Yes, that's right... Understood.
Round Win Quote
I just wanna go home.
Try getting a real job.
Hello? Is that right? That's great news, sweetie!
Win Quote
What a pain...
Training? Practice? Hmph! These concepts are useless to me!
That didn't take long. At this rate, I'll be home before she wakes up.
I told my daughter I'd be home early today. Don't screw up my schedule.
I've got to concentrate on my mission. These fights are a waste of time.
Don't worry, this is just my mission. I have no intention of killing you.
It takes time to prep my weapons for battle. Don't sneak up on me like that!
My gadgets are cheating? How naive... Nothing in life is fair. Remember that.
If only you wouldn't have challenged me, you could have avoided that beating.
I don't have time to screw around with you! I've got to get back to my mission.
That was one tough mission. No chance of negotiations and no one to back me up...
Win Quote vs. Abel
I like your style. Need a job? Don't expect a huge salary, though.
Win Quote vs. Akuma
You've thrown it all away for power? Typical male ego, I guess.
Win Quote vs. Balrog
Don't underestimate women. We're more capable than you think!
Win Quote vs. Bison
What's up with that outfit? Did you lose a bet or something?
Win Quote vs. Blanka
When you ride on a plane, do you sit in coach or in the cargo hold?
Win Quote vs. Cammy
Secrets are what make us irresistible to men, don't you think?
Win Quote vs. Chun Li
Geez... You almost blew my cover.
Win Quote vs. Crimson Viper
I guess only one of us gets to collect our paycheck today, huh?
Win Quote vs. Dan
Goofy guys can be kind of cute, but you take it a little too far.
Win Quote vs. Dhalsim
What's wrong with getting paid for my work? Lighten up, will you?
Win Quote vs. El Fuerte
Choosing a career can't be that hard. You seem more suited to wrestling to me.
Win Quote vs. Fei Long
Are you trying to break my glasses with that voice? You sound like a castrato!
Win Quote vs. Gen
If you were as good as your reputation, my organization might have recruited you.
Win Quote vs. Gouken
That's strange... My mission briefing says you should be dead...
Win Quote vs. Guile
I heard about you. Of course, I thought you'd be a lot tougher than this.
Win Quote vs. Honda
So, are sumo wrestlers paid per match, or do you have a set salary, or what?
Win Quote vs. Ken
I'm too old to be charmed by a handsome face. It takes more to impress me.
Win Quote vs. Rose
Do you drink? We should have a ladies' night out sometime.
Win Quote vs. Rufus
Constantly flapping your lips like that does nothing but waste my time.
Win Quote vs. Ryu
Do you get paid for this fighting gig? Are you paying taxes? Insurance?
Win Quote vs. Sagat
Fighting is like business. Keep your eyes on the fight or lose it all.
Win Quote vs. Sakura
I'll admit I'm jealous, kid. You've got your whole life ahead of you. Enjoy it!
Win Quote vs. Seth
One down, 26 to go... I'd better hurry!
Win Quote vs. Seth (Versus Mode)
I can petition for a lighter sentence if you cooperate with our organisation.
Win Quote vs. Vega
Are there actually women who dig that long hair and boyish face? Ick!
Win Quote vs. Zangief
Turn the volume down, will you? I'm right here. No need to shout.
Super Street Fighter 4
Super Street Fighter IV

Before Battle with CPU Hakan
Hakan: What's this?
Crimson Viper: Hmm... I honestly thought you'd be taller. You didn't look that short in your file.
Hakan: Watch your mouth!
Crimson Viper: Temper's out of control too, I see.
Hakan: Listen up, lady! You sure you wanna start a fight with me? Really sure?
Crimson Viper: I came all this way to see if you were worth recruiting, but I guess not. See you later.
Hakan: Hold it right there! I'm not just gonna let you walk away after that!
Crimson Viper: You'll regret this!
Lauren: Mommy! Mommy! I didn't know that you were coming home today!
Crimson Viper: Well, what do we have here? Looks like a baby. But I've never seen a baby this big before!
Lauren: Mommy, I love you.
Crimson Viper: I love you too, Lauren.
So, they found his body, too... That means the whole team pursuing Shadaloo has been wiped out. Of course. My investigation will continue as is. Yes, I'm aware of that. Yes... Yes... Understood. Goodbye. So many have lost their lives at the hands of Shadaloo and S.I.N. They possess weapons and power beyond imagination and they think very little of human life. They hide in the shadows, moving in the darkness just outside of view. But they've forgotten one thing... Nothing in this world lasts forever. Everything eventually decays and breaks down. I hope you're ready, Seth. And Shadaloo as well. I'm about to pull back the veil and expose you for good. I owe my fallen comrades that much.
Win Quote
What a pain!
This is just business. Nothing personal.
I'm pretty good at the rough stuff. Housework? Not so much.
Lauren's birthday is coming up. I wonder what she'd like...
I don't care about pride or ego. I'm just here to do my job.
You should be more careful. There's no worker's comp if you get hurt.
If you're not going to take this seriously, don't step into the ring.
You were awfully reckless back there. Are you looking to get hazard pay?
I'm here for work. I don't have time to mess around with the likes of you!
You're not bad. You should try to get a contract offer and make some cash.
If I could change careers, I'd go for something that allows more time at home.
Win Quote vs. Abel
You're better off not knowing about your background. Call off your search.
Win Quote vs. Adon
I don't know who the best fighter really is, but it sure as heck isn't you.
Win Quote vs. Akuma
I don't care who you are. Get in my way, and you pay the price.
Win Quote vs. Balrog
If you could have kept your rage under control, I might've gone easier on you.
Win Quote vs. Bison
How does it feel to cower helplessly at my feet?
Win Quote vs. Blanka
Ever consider selling off your excess electricity to a power company?
Win Quote vs. Cammy
Go home. You're not ready to take on an investigation like this on your own.
Win Quote vs. Chun Li
I can't stand straight-laced, serious people like you. Lighten up already.
Win Quote vs. Cody
That's what you get for trying to boss me around.
Win Quote vs. Dan
I've never seen a grown man act this childish. You should be ashamed!
Win Quote vs. Dee Jay
I'm not a fan of brooding types, but your energy is a little over the top.
Win Quote vs. Dhalsim
I guess today just wasn't your lucky day, yogi.
Win Quote vs. Dudley
Get in my way again and I'll walk away with your fight money.
Win Quote vs. El Fuerte
You're not really cut out for the whole chef thing. Rethink your career.
Win Quote vs. Evil Ryu
Never underestimate the power of a mother!
Win Quote vs. Fei Long
I hate flashy jerks who show off. Don't ever bother me again!
Win Quote vs. Gen
Time to hit the senior citizen's circuit, old man.
Win Quote vs. Gouken
If I were assigned to investigate, you couldn't have faked your death.
Win Quote vs. Guile
Whose dog tags are those? Ah, I see. You're fighting for a lost friend...
Win Quote vs. Guy
I didn't expect to see a legendary Bushin-ryu fighter in this tournament.
Win Quote vs. Hakan
How on earth did a loser like you make it onto my scouting list?
Win Quote vs. Honda
If I had a body like that, I'd probably cover up more.
Win Quote vs. Ibuki
I used to skip school all the time, too. Those were the days...
Win Quote vs. Juri
Fancy meeting you here. Care to tell me what you're up to?
Win Quote vs. Ken
You should go home and take care of your wife, blondie.
Win Quote vs. Makoto
If you really want to save your dojo, go get yourself a piggy bank.
Win Quote vs. Oni
Lauren... Don't worry, I'll be home to tuck you in tonight.
Win Quote vs. Rose
Try focusing on the positive for once. All this doom and gloom are tiresome.
Win Quote vs. Rufus
I'm too busy to spend all day listening to you drone on and on about nothing.
Win Quote vs. Ryu
No job? No home? Living just for the fight? How can you do that?
Win Quote vs. Sagat
I don't get you martial artists. It's all a little too zen for me.
Win Quote vs. Sakura
You should really go home, kid. Your mother must be worried sick.
Win Quote vs. Seth
This may be a job, but I sure enjoyed beating you senseless.
Win Quote vs. T. Hawk
Taking the weight of the world on your shoulders can be exhausting.
Win Quote vs. Vega
If you love yourself so much, go spend some quality time with a mirror, weirdo.
Win Quote vs. Yang
That's an interesting hairstyle. Is that what's in these days?
Win Quote vs. Yun
I could beat you with one hand tied behind my back.
Win Quote vs. Zangief
Patriotism? Sorry, pal, but the only thing I truly love is my family.
Marvel vs Capcom 3
DHC second tag
DHC third tag
How ya holding up?
Match Start
Right...understood. Will do.
Don't worry. I'll stick to the mission.
Sorry, mommy's at work. I'll call you back.
Match Start vs. Captain America
This one could be a problem.
Match Start vs. Chun Li
It's an Interpol agent. Don't worry, I'll take care of her.
Match Start vs. M.O.D.O.K.
I found M.O.D.O.K., leader of A.I.M.... Understood....
Tag In
Guess I could help.
I don't have time for this.
I really need to get home now.
That's what you get for interfering.
Victory vs. Captain America
Sorry, I'm allergic to handcuffs!
Victory vs. Chun Li
Back off, and mind your own business.
Victory vs. M.O.D.O.K.
Haven't had dealings with A.I.M. in a long time...
Win Quote
You remind me of me a little. If I totally sucked.
Don't take it so hard. I'm just better-trained than you.
Thanks for stretching that fight out. Now Lauren's going to be worried about me.
I understand how you feel. I do. But this is business, and feelings aren't required.
Sorry, but who I work for and what my mission is are strictly classified information.
You looked strong, but I didn't even get a chance to test out the new features on this suit.
Win Quote vs. Captain America
Talk about your gaudy get-ups. It's nice to be proud of your country, but get some fashion sense for once.
Win Quote vs. Nathan Spencer
So that was the power of the Bionic Arm, was it? Suspicious indeed. I better report to the higher-ups.
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Entry (one teammate down)
Gimme a break.
Entry (two teammates down)
Not really my kind of battle.
Match Start vs. Strider Hiryu
...Strider Hiryu?!
Victory vs. Strider Hiryu
So you are real. I always thought you were just a myth.
Win Quote
I don't do overtime, and I don't particularly like rematches, either. So, would you mind accepting your loss and going home?
Win Quote vs. Nova
That suit has intriguing applications. Hope you don't mind me borrowing it forever.
Win Quote vs. Strider Hiryu
Trust the Japanese to design some interesting gadgets. Too bad they were all style and no substance.
Ultra Street Fighter 4
Win Quote vs. Decapre
So, this is Shadaloo's new soldier? A woman's work is never done.
Win Quote vs. Elena
I'm here on business. You want friends, go look somewhere else.
Win Quote vs. Hugo
I’ll let you go. Just promise to take good care of your mother.
Win Quote vs. Poison
I'm busy, so I'll let it slide this time. Don't expect mercy next time.
Win Quote vs. Rolento
Take your tired ideology and shove it!
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)