Dialogue (Old - New)
BlazBlue: Central Fiction
Win Quote vs Amane Nishiki
Have you not realized yet...? I see, in the end, you were the same as Rachel Alucard... Becoming an Observer is but a dream upon a dream.
Win Quote vs Arakune
For I am generous, I shall welcome thee with open arms. Even upon an insect like yourself, I will bestow death equally.
Win Quote vs Azrael
I pray you have not forgotten our contract? If you want more prey... you must fulfill your end.
Win Quote vs Bang Shishigami
The master to whom you dedicated your loyalty is no more, yet you refuse to give up your cause. From where does this drive stem?
Win Quote vs Bullet
You lament your powerlessness... but in powerlessness lies death. And death is the truth, above all. Your incomplete power will be the key to your happiness.
Win Quote vs Carl Clover
I shall send the both of you siblings to the netherworld. My parting gift...
Win Quote vs Celica A. Mercury
This is not the world in which you live. Perhaps this, too, is fate... Chrono Phantasma.
Win Quote vs Es
The Gates' protector...? What brings you here? Heh heh heh... oh, the irony.
Win Quote vs Hakumen
It's over... Titan of the old world. I will, however, collect that body from you. I think it may still be useful.
Win Quote vs Hazama
I see... so you are the snake. Intriguing. I shall bear witness to your very end.
Win Quote vs Hibiki Kohaku
Death will fall upon all, equal and fair. Surely you understand this... you have accepted this, more than anyone.
Win Quote vs Iron Tager
How foolish. You may equip yourself with all the machinery in the world, but you may never escape the fear of death.
Win Quote vs Izanami
I see... so you are the death of me.
Win Quote vs Izayoi
Your blade is said to destroy those who are immortal. But I'm afraid even it cannot destroy death itself. Now, why don't you show me how you intend to serve justice?
Win Quote vs Jin Kisaragi
Old ideals of order have withered and died... A new one will emerge. Let death rain upon all.
Win Quote vs Kagura Mutsuki
There is no purpose to your actions... You must understand that in the world of nothing lies salvation.
Win Quote vs Kokonoe
You've thrown away anger... but it is unfortunate. No scheme will deliver you from the clutches of death itself.
Win Quote vs Litchi Faye-Ling
Know your place in the world... You are the weakest of the chosen. I shall reduce and return you to seithr.
Win Quote vs Mai Natsume
Ah, the child Terumi has described... the one that carries the grimoire. A fascinating existence, but... I fear even you are not immune from death.
Win Quote vs Makoto Nanaya
A fascinating soul that you have. I see now why that man's interest was piqued.
Win Quote vs Naoto Kurogane
...Is this, too, a result of the Embryo? Dare not provoke me... and never utter that name again.
Win Quote vs Nine
Death is the only means to free you and this world from the state in which it now lay. Let us put an end to this pre-established history.
Win Quote vs Noel Vermillion
Cry as much as you want, weak one... Your despair will lead us all to the world of death.
Win Quote vs Platinum the Trinity
You are quite lucky... to be able to witness two deaths at the price of one...
Win Quote vs Rachel Alucard
Observer... the curtains will close. Scatter at the gates of purgatory.
Win Quote vs Ragna the Bloodedge
Brother, Saya is right here... right here.
Win Quote vs Relius Clover
You wish to exceed the gods themselves? Hehehe... Hahaha, you are fascinating, indeed.
Win Quote vs Susanoo
You dare challenge me...? I thought you were smarter, Terumi. I shall grant death to you and that worthless vessel.
Win Quote vs Taokaka
Descendants of the race engineered to fight otherworldly gods. But your blood has been too diluted. That is why you are no match for me.
Win Quote vs Tsubaki Yayoi
Hahaha... you would dare judge me with the arbitrary rules? I shall enlighten you... I am neither good nor evil. I am death itself.
Win Quote vs Valkenhayn R. Hellsing
You will serve the vampire until the very end... If it is death that you seek, then I shall gladly sever your threads from the world of the living.
Win Quote vs Yuuki Terumi
How unfortunate, dear Terumi... If only you had your flesh and bone, you might stand on the same stage as I.
Win Quote vs λ-11
An artificial causality weapon... was it? Unfortunately, I have no interest in counterfeits. Get out of my sight.
Win Quote vs μ-12
...Your power is a nuisance, after all. Your purpose served... now, I shall bestow upon you a rest, eternal.
Win Quote vs ν-13
Work for me once more, Godslayer... and then I shall bestow upon you the man you seek. The Grim Reaper...
Fighter ID
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