Dialogue (Old - New)
Street Fighter 5
Street Fighter V

Character Select
Strong souls...
Bite you up into pieces!
Win Quote
Your soul, too, will be de... devoured.
I am Necalli. I consume a...all before me.
My stomach will not be fi...filled by such weakness.
The souls of wa...warriors will return to my stomach.
Win Quote vs. Abigail
Meat-eat-eat-eat. Delicious-us-us-us.
Win Quote vs. Akuma
I need a soul like yours... to devour-our-our.
Win Quote vs. Alex
Yours is an unawakened soul. Now fill my st... stomach.
Win Quote vs. Balrog
Flail with all your might, but you are po... powerless to resist me.
Win Quote vs. Birdie
My stomach will not be fi...filled by weak souls.
Win Quote vs. Bison
There is nothing I cannot consume. I will co...consume all.
Win Quote vs. Blanka
Must devour-our-our...more soul-ouls-ouls...
Win Quote vs. Cammy
Just a small bite. Far too me...meager to stop me.
Win Quote vs. Chun Li
Don't st...struggle. There is no escape from me.
Win Quote vs. Cody
The more you fight-ight-ight... The more I crave your soul-oul-oul...
Win Quote vs. Dan
Devour-our-our... Ack!
Win Quote vs. Dhalsim
Not even the flames of the gods can ha...halt my attack.
Win Quote vs. E. Honda
Souls nourish me, not f-...food...
Win Quote vs. Ed
I am the true darkness. The world's killing intent is mine to devour.
Win Quote vs. F.A.N.G
You cannot hope to da...damage me with the poisons of this world.
Win Quote vs. Falke
Weak-eak-eak... Your power is not yet tamed...
Win Quote vs. G
Devour...our-our... Urp!
Win Quote vs. Gill
Oh, this soul! It's like the culmination of time eternal!
Win Quote vs. Guile
Such polished battle techniques de... deserve to be gorged upon.
Win Quote vs. Ibuki
Do not wa... wail so. I will soon co... consume your fledging soul.
Win Quote vs. Juri
A soul of pure evil... It will no... nourish me well.
Win Quote vs. Kage
Sleep-eep-eep, soulless one...
Win Quote vs. Karin
The powerful are nothing more than my su...sustenance. Such is the way.
Win Quote vs. Ken
Give u...up. I'll dr...drink your flames.
Win Quote vs. Kolin
You will never get anywhere with such a brittle soul-oul-oul.
Win Quote vs. Laura
Such pathetic electric attacks. I can sn...snuff them out with one flick.
Win Quote vs. Lucia
I will devour our all. Your fate is sealed ealed...
Win Quote vs. Menat
You... you have... no future. I will devour all!
Win Quote vs. Nash
Living or dead, in my stomach all are equal. There's no es...escape.
Win Quote vs. Necalli
Fake jaws will ne... never consume me.
Win Quote vs. Poison
I am Necalli...I consume a...all before me.
Win Quote vs. R. Mika
In my stomach, even the most heroic screams di...dissolve and vanish.
Win Quote vs. Rashid
Not even the most ra...raging of gales can dispel my darkness.
Win Quote vs. Rose
I am beyond-ond-ond-ond...time-ime-ime-ime...
Win Quote vs. Ryu
I can he...hear it. The endless killing intent, must consume...
Win Quote vs. Sagat
Legendary fighter soul-oul! Devour-our!
Win Quote vs. Sakura
Every warrior has their own darkness... Falter, and I will consume your soul-ul-ul...
Win Quote vs. Seth
Your soul-oul-oul...is corrupt-upt-upt. How pathetic-ic-ic!
Win Quote vs. Urien
I cannot allow a soul as strong as yours to es...escape me.
Win Quote vs. Vega
You can never ho...hope to cut me with such a feeble blade.
Win Quote vs. Zangief
My jaw can re...rend even a body made of steel.
Win Quote vs. Zeku
Return to your aged form. I wish to devour your refined skills...
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