Family Tree

Pre History
.hack//Versus Storyline
Chin Wo was one of the best fighters in China but spent most of his time healing. One day a cousin of the ruling class challenged Chin to a fight. Chin refused knowing that if he won it would surely mean his death. Chin, a proud man, wouldn't lose either. This left him only one choice which was not to fight. The cousin made life very hard on Chin but he wouldn't budge from his decision. Finally, in a last attempt to get Chin to fight, the cousin killed an innocent street beggar and framed Chin. He told Chin that he could get the charges dropped if Chin would consent to a public fight. Chin at this point saw death in either choice and chose to accept the murder charges rather than give the cousin what he most desired. This choice led to his head being separated from his neck in a public execution.

If Chin was to win a second chance, he would stop the death of the beggar and settle the fighting issue on his own terms.
Fighter ID
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(by Bio)