Cinema (Old - New)
Principal's Bonus Boss Battle
Battle High 2
Doppelgänger: Stop!
What is this?
Doppelgänger: We are the manifestation of all the powers you stole from the students of this high school.
You identify yourself with a plural pronoun? How quaint. I'm assuming you plan on stopping me from discovering the secrets of the psychic element?
Doppelgänger: You know nothing about power! Your corrupt practices will never succeed.
But they always have. You're just the final obstacle in my way, which I will overcome like all the others.
Doppelgänger: Like your family and friends?
Oh but of course. Nothing will ever compare to the ultimate power that the psychic element will grant me.
Doppelgänger: We will stop you!
Principal's Boss Battle
Battle High 2
Hello, son.
Bryan Harrisworth
Son? I have no father!
Come now, everyone has a father. I'm surprised Yvette didn't tell you about me. Can't say that I blame her though. My past is rather sordid, and you're the living proof of that.
Bryan Harrisworth
Not sure if you need a definition or explanation, but I'll go with the latter. Essentially, you were my first experiment in my attempts to uncover the psychic element.
Bryan Harrisworth
You treated me like an experiment?! You did this to me?!
Yes, son, I did. It was far from my most ethical moment. I only regret my colleague discovered the truth, but I made him pay for that in due time.
If I could have had more time with you, I could have made you more than just a mask-wearing freak.
Bryan Harrisworth
I'm less of a freak than you ever will be!
Oh my, someone has quite the temper; in a few moments though, I'll be taking those powers back so I can finally complete my final experiment!
Bryan Harrisworth
Final experiment?
You haven't noticed that every student that cape-wearing peer of yours reported for breaking the rules has lost their powers?
Bryan Harrisworth
I don't care about them! This is between you and me! I'll never forgive you for this, and for what I'm about to do to you: I DON'T WANT ANY!
Principal's Ending
Battle High 2
Dr. Nazel: The subjects seem to be in stable condition, Professor Harrisworth.
It's Principal Regisworth now.
Dr. Nazel: Sorry, sir. Should I initialize the process?
Yes, Dr. Nazel. I think the world is ready.
Dr. Nazel: Elemental transference and culmination in progress.
Yes! I can feel it working! The Psychic Elemental is manifesting!
Today I have achieved greatness! Now, I shall test said greatness!
James: W-what's that coming out of the school?!
Ms. Catelina: I, I don't know! It looks like lightning!
James & Ms. Catelina: We are your students now, Principal Regisworth...
The World: We are all your students now, Principal Regisworth...
This world is now my school and I survey all! And all thanks to my well-behaved students...
From that day forward, the world was never the same...
Principal's Sub-Boss Battle
Battle High 2
Jiro Ozawa, I need you to report to my office immediately.
Jiro Ozawa
What do you want? I didn't do anything wrong.
Who said you did. So far, you've been doing everything right, in fact, you're probably this school's most powerful earth elemental.
Jiro Ozawa
What does that have to do with anything?
It makes you the only one standing in the way of my plans.
Jiro Ozawa
Oh, it's far too early to let you know now, so make this easy on yourself and come willingly.
Jiro Ozawa
I had a feeling you'd say that. No matter, it'll be over with shortly.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)