Dialogue (Old - New)
Battle High 2
Banishing Bubble (Heavy)
Banishing Bubble (Light)
Bubble trouble!
Geyser Combination
Get ready for the Beat train!
Chin music!
Power Splash
Raining Power Splash
Are you ready?
Slip 'N Trip
Water damage!
Watery grave!
Can you dig it?
Don't wanna be you!
Can you dig it, sucka?
Givin' 'em what they want!
Did that feel real enough?
Finally, the Beat has come back to San Bruno!
Victory vs. Jada
Watch it with that lightning of yours!
Win Quote
You couldn't swim your way out of a puddle.
Woah! That was a close one! Want another go?
You like my moves? I'm gonna be famous one day!
You could have used a good bath and now you got it.
You call that fighting? Looks more like drowning to me.
You're all washed up. Wait. That's not very original, is it?
Win Quote vs. Bryan
Your mask might be scary, but I think you'll agree now that mine is scarier.
Win Quote vs. Khai
You're Muay Thai is no match for me!
Win Quote vs. Klein
You can start all the rumors you want. Soon, I won't need this mask anymore!
Win Quote vs. Mai
I'd say chill out, but if you did any further, you'd be an icicle.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)