Dialogue (Old - New)
Battle High 2
Blinding Blast
Back off!
How unfortunate.
Elemental Overdrive
Swift as lightning.
Elemental Super
Eye of the storm!
Lightning Whip
Heads up!
Watch out!
Comin' through!
I'll drop ya!
Not today!
Don't get up.
Let go of your fears.
It's always better than it seems.
Oh, I can see plenty. Ironically, it's you that is blind.
I'm sorry, but if you're gonna be this stubborn, so be it.
Confidence can be a good thing, but too much could be your downfall.
Win Quote
You're using your abilities all wrong.
You've got a lot to learn. Maybe I can help.
Blind or not, I could easily see through your attacks.
Win Quote vs. H.W.
Why extinguish the one true thing that makes you unique?
Win Quote vs. Michelle
If you can control your emotions, control of your powers will come naturally.
Win Quote vs. Ryken
Revenge is never the right answer.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)