Cinema (Old - New)
Jiro's Ending
Battle High: San Bruno
Battle High: Elemental Revolt
Shinji Ozawa
You were always stronger than me.
Jiro Ozawa
Shinji, we have to stop fightng like this.
Shinji Ozawa
Why can't you just leave me alone?
Jiro Ozawa
This isn't about you. This is about this gang. It has to be stopped.
Shinji Ozawa
Sure it does. If I weren't the leader you probably wouldn't care at all.
Jiro Ozawa
Shinji Ozawa
Or do you just want to take my place, just like you took Michelle from me?
Jiro Ozawa
Is that what this is about? Michelle?
Shinji Ozawa
You shut up! Don't even say her name! I hate you!
Shinji Ozawa
As far as I'm concerned, we're no longer brothers.
Jiro Ozawa
I'm sorry, Shinji, but whatever happens, I've promise to never let anyone harm you.
Jiro Ozawa
Especially, Kazuo...
Jiro's Ending
Battle High 2
Jiro Ozawa
Where's Shinji? What did you do to him?
Kazuo Ozawa
I'll just say I put him on lock down.
Kazuo Ozawa
Jiro Ozawa
Lock down? What's that supposed to mean?
Jiro Ozawa
Huh? What's that banging? Shinji! Don't worry! I'll get you out of there!
Jiro Ozawa
Shinji! That bastard!
Shinji Ozawa
I guess I should have let you be more protective after all...
Jiro Ozawa
No, this is my fault! I should have told you about Kazuo and--
Shinji Ozawa
It's okay Jiro. It's over. Now help me out of here.
Shinji Ozawa
Ugh, our "brother" did a pretty good number on me.
Jiro Ozawa
Well, I did an even higher one on him.
Shinji Ozawa
Very funny. Just get me to the nurse in one piece.
6 Months Later...
Graduates: WOOOOO!!!
Jiro Ozawa
So I'm finally done. Why does it still feel like I failed though?
Shinji Ozawa
Congrats. So what are you going to do now?
Jiro Ozawa
I was planning to attend SBU in the fall.
Shinji Ozawa
Really? It's so close though!
Jiro Ozawa
I have to keep an eye on you somehow, right?
Shinji Ozawa
Well, if Kazuo ever comes back, I'll be ready.
Jiro Ozawa
And if you're not, I'll be nearby.
Shinji Ozawa
Whatever. Let's hurry up. Mom and Dad are waiting.
So is Kazuo...
Jiro Ozawa
Kazuo Ozawa
Michelle's Ending
Battle High 2
Michelle Walter
You did this to me!
Michelle Walter
You and your stupid brother!
Jiro Ozawa
It was an accident!
Michelle Walter
I don't care! If you and Shinji weren't always fighting I wouldn't be like this today!
Jiro Ozawa
Michelle, please, don't do this!
Shinji Ozawa
Michelle! Don't hurt him. It's not his fault; it's mine.
Shinji Ozawa
Michelle, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to lose you to him, but if I could have prevented this, I would have let him have you.
Michelle Walter
Jiro wasn't trying to take me from you--
Shinji Ozawa
Shhh, it doesn't matter anymore.
Shinji Ozawa
Michelle, I'm sorry. Please, forgive me.
Michelle Walter
No! I can never forgive you or any of your brothers for doing this to me!
Michelle Walter
Just leave me alone!
Shinji Ozawa
Michelle, wait! Dammit! What did she mean by brothers...
Kazuo Ozawa
Maybe attacking my dear brother directly isn't the way to go. Michelle. I rather like that name.
Michelle Walter
Jiro Ozawa
Kazuo Ozawa
Shinji's Ending
Battle High 2
Shinji Ozawa
Michelle! I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you.
Michelle Walter
Shinji Ozawa
Michelle! You're okay! Please, let me help you.
???: Hello, brother!
Shinji Ozawa
Shinji Ozawa
W-who are you?
Kazuo Ozawa
Didn't you hear me? I'm your brother, here to pay you a little visit.
Kazuo Ozawa
I should just kill you, but making you suffer slowly is more satisfying. Your little friend her could help me with that.
Shinji Ozawa
Don't you d-dare touch her!
Kazuo Ozawa
Be careful, little brother, you don't want to bleed to death do you?
Shinji Ozawa
Kazuo Ozawa
Awe, how adorable. He fell asleep.
Shinji Ozawa
Jiro Ozawa
Shinji, you're alright. I found you outside the school. Kazuo must have gotten to you.
Jiro Ozawa
I was too late. I should have warned you about him.
Shinji Ozawa
Who's Kazuo?
Jiro Ozawa
He's my twin. Ever since you were adopted--
Shinji Ozawa
He has Michelle.
Jiro Ozawa
Shinji Ozawa
If I ever see him again--
Jiro Ozawa
Just calm down and focus on getting better first.
Shinji Ozawa
No! I have to help Michelle. Something's wrong with her.
Jiro Ozawa
Just calm down, Shinji. You can't help her in your condition.
Kazuo Ozawa
See how they're suffering?
Michelle Walter
Yes, it's rather exciting.
Kazuo Ozawa
I thought you'd like it.
Michelle Walter
Kazuo Ozawa
Jiro Ozawa
Fighter ID
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