Cinema (Old - New)
Arvid's Ending
Battle High: San Bruno
Battle High: Elemental Revolt
Bryan Harrisworth
Arvid Romm
Ha! I have defeated the Beast of Hall 22!
Arvid Romm
You shall frighten those traveling through these halls no more!
Bryan Harrisworth
Arvid Romm
Behold! Your hero has arrived!
Peers: Whatever, nerd!
Peers: Yeah, go jump off a bridge, spaz
Arvid Romm
Why is everyone so mean?
???: Hey, nice cape.
Arvid Romm
???: Name's Michelle.
Arvid Romm
I'm Arvid.
Michelle Walter
You doing anything tonight?
Arvid Romm
I'm saving the world! Stopping evil-doers--
Michelle Walter
How about a movie?
Arvid Romm
Sure! I guess those things can wait...
Arvid Romm
Michelle Walter
Bryan's Ending
Battle High: San Bruno
Battle High: Elemental Revolt
Bryan Harrisworth
What a poor excuse for a hero!
Arvid Romm
I'll never give up!
Bryan Harrisworth
We'll see about that for...
Bryan Harrisworth
I am the Beast of Hall 22... and I will not stop until every heart in this school is filled with... FEAR!!!!!!!!
???: Bryan Regis Harrisworth the 3rd!
Bryan Harrisworth
???: Stop this at once!
Bryan Harrisworth
But Dad! I'm just having fun!
???: If I told you once, I've told you one thousand times... stop being a troublemaker!!!
Bryan Harrisworth
But Dad!
???: No! You're coming home with me right now! You're grounded!
Bryan Harrisworth
Oh man!
Principal's Boss Battle
Battle High 2
Hello, son.
Bryan Harrisworth
Son? I have no father!
Come now, everyone has a father. I'm surprised Yvette didn't tell you about me. Can't say that I blame her though. My past is rather sordid, and you're the living proof of that.
Bryan Harrisworth
Not sure if you need a definition or explanation, but I'll go with the latter. Essentially, you were my first experiment in my attempts to uncover the psychic element.
Bryan Harrisworth
You treated me like an experiment?! You did this to me?!
Yes, son, I did. It was far from my most ethical moment. I only regret my colleague discovered the truth, but I made him pay for that in due time.
If I could have had more time with you, I could have made you more than just a mask-wearing freak.
Bryan Harrisworth
I'm less of a freak than you ever will be!
Oh my, someone has quite the temper; in a few moments though, I'll be taking those powers back so I can finally complete my final experiment!
Bryan Harrisworth
Final experiment?
You haven't noticed that every student that cape-wearing peer of yours reported for breaking the rules has lost their powers?
Bryan Harrisworth
I don't care about them! This is between you and me! I'll never forgive you for this, and for what I'm about to do to you: I DON'T WANT ANY!
Fighter ID
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