Dialogue (Old - New)
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
DHC second tag
DHC third tag
Time to die!
Entry (one teammate down)
Guess it's my turn.
Match Start
No one will stand in my way.
Resigned to your fate, I see.
Match Start vs. Dante
Sorry I was late for the party.
Match Start vs. Ghost Rider
You? Judge me? Hmph.
Match Start vs. Trish
How repulsive.
Be gone.
Might controls everything.
You dared to challenge a son of Sparda?
Victory vs. Dante
Foolishness, Dante. Foolishness.
Victory vs. Ghost Rider
The Flames of Revenge? Couldn't even melt a marshmallow.
Victory vs. Trish
Never show that face before me again.
Win Quote
Be gone, I have no use for you.
I have no quarrel with you, but if you try to stand between me and my goals, I will eliminate you. This is your only warning.
Win Quote vs. Akuma
You claim to be a demon, but you know nothing of true demonic power. Such mockery will not be forgiven.
Win Quote vs. Dante
Still denying your heritage, brother? Wake up and embrace the legacy our father left for us!
Win Quote vs. Ghost Rider
Power is everything. Without it, existence is futile.
Win Quote vs. Phoenix
There is a darker power that lies dormant in you. Why do you hesitate to embrace it?
Win Quote vs. Shuma-Gorath
It would appear that even an Old One is no longer a match for me. My power is growing.
Win Quote vs. Strider Hiryu
Those ersatz life forms you summon have no soul, and hence no power to stop me.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)