Dialogue (Old - New)
Street Fighter X Tekken
Character Select
Whatever it takes.
Let's light 'em up.
Cross Assault
All ready?
I'm here for backup.
No wayyy!
Match Start
So you're the one who's standing in my way.
Mid-Battle Dialogue
Pandora Activation
Karmic Overload!
Pandora Sacrifice
Sick bastard...!
Tag In
This team sucks.
Tag Out
Let's tag out.
You picked the wrong guy to screw with.
Next time, I won't go so easy on ya.
When you learn how to fight, call me.
Whiffed Throw
Win Quote vs. Abel
The truth hurts sometimes, pal. A lot of times, you're better off just not knowing.
Win Quote vs. Akuma
You attack people to make yourself stronger? How lame.
Win Quote vs. Alisa
You couldn’t have picked a worse opponent. Just back off before I overload you.
Win Quote vs. Asuka
You should go home, if you still have a hometown to get back to.
Win Quote vs. Balrog
Just charging in blindly... That all you got, pal? You really are dumber than you look.
Win Quote vs. Bison
The era of cheap movie villains has long since passed.
Win Quote vs. Blanka
Were you affected by the Ray Sphere too?
Win Quote vs. Bob
You're like a walking target. I'd have to try to not hit you.
Win Quote vs. Bryan
I’ve seen far too many guys like you who live for chaos. You’re too dangerous for me to ignore.
Win Quote vs. Cammy
You got in my way, I took you down. That's the way it goes.
Win Quote vs. Christie
Sorry, don’t know anything about the guy you’re looking for. Good luck searching for him.
Win Quote vs. Chun Li
The police were never around to help me out when I needed them, so don't butt in now.
Win Quote vs. Cody
If you wanna go back to jail, I’d be more than happy to drop you off.
Win Quote vs. Cole
Just who... who are you? Is this one of Kessler's tricks?
Win Quote vs. Dhalsim
Fire, huh... I could use an ability like that.
Win Quote vs. Dudley
Trying to stick to rules would get you killed in a real fight, pal.
Win Quote vs. Elena
Talking to trees? Ok, sister. I’ve met a lot of weirdos in my day, but…
Win Quote vs. Guile
You're a soldier? Hmph. I guess not even the military can be counted on.
Win Quote vs. Guy
You don’t look anything like the ninjas Zeke is always talking about.
Win Quote vs. Heihachi
Stay out of this, pops. Go eat some oatmeal or something.
Win Quote vs. Hugo
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
Win Quote vs. Hwoarang
There's a big difference between courage and recklessness. You'd do well to learn that.
Win Quote vs. Ibuki
I don't know what job you agreed to, but it's not really working out for you. Go home, kid.
Win Quote vs. JACK-X
Tell your inventor sorry I fried your circuits. You can be fixed, right?
Win Quote vs. Jin
Devil Gene? Man, what's this world coming to...
Win Quote vs. Julia
We don't have any business with each other, so let's just stay out of each other's way.
Win Quote vs. Juri
If you lay a finger on any of my friends, I'll make you suffer. Count on it.
Win Quote vs. Kazuya
Charmed by power, driven mad by it... Guys like you are a dime a dozen.
Win Quote vs. Ken
I'll never understand you rich guys...
Win Quote vs. King
Can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something different about you...
Win Quote vs. King (II)
Can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something different about you...
Win Quote vs. Kuma (II)
Geez... bears... Maybe Zeke can get some use out of his hide at least.
Win Quote vs. Kuro
Zeke, you hear that? That talking and singing? That was a cat. No, I'm not going bonkers.
Win Quote vs. Lars
If you’re going to leave your house looking like that, then you’d better be prepared to defend yourself.
Win Quote vs. Law
Not interested in circus acts. Take your show on the road.
Win Quote vs. Lei
Some cops aren’t half bad. Depending on the situation.
Win Quote vs. Lili
Go home before you get hurt, little girl.
Win Quote vs. Marduk
Whoa there, stupid, settle down. The harder you charge, the more voltage you eat.
Win Quote vs. Mega Man
You look like your closet threw up on you.
Win Quote vs. Nina
Gonna have to do way better than that if you wanna take me down.
Win Quote vs. Ogre
Just what is this guy? Where'd he get his powers from?
Win Quote vs. Pac-Man
Zeke, you gotta get a load of this guy. This kinda stuff is right up your alley.
Win Quote vs. Paul
For a comedy act, you're not half bad. If you're being serious, though... Get help.
Win Quote vs. Poison
I don't have time for you. Beat it.
Win Quote vs. Raven
How much do you know? You and me should have a little chat.
Win Quote vs. Rolento
You're no different from a Reaper, trying to exploit others for your own gain. I don't like it.
Win Quote vs. Rufus
Zeke may run his mouth from time to time, but he's got nothing on you. So shut up already.
Win Quote vs. Ryu
Talk is cheap and meaningless.
Win Quote vs. Sagat
This guy was pretty strong, not like those random thugs on the street. Definitely different.
Win Quote vs. Sakura
I can’t hold back any more than this. You should run along and go back to school.
Win Quote vs. Steve
Did you think my power was just gonna give you a little shock? Thought wrong, huh?
Win Quote vs. Toro
A talking... cat. Huh. Am I still hungover?
Win Quote vs. Vega
Guys like you really piss me off. Get in my way again and I won't hold back.
Win Quote vs. Xiaoyu
If you really wanna protect somebody, you'll need a whole lot more than good intentions.
Win Quote vs. Yoshimitsu
That sword's like a lightning rod. Thanks.
Win Quote vs. Zangief
A little electricity oughta loosen you up. Wanna give it a shot?
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Character Select
Piece of cake.
Alright, let's get this done.
You guys sure you wanna face me?
Match Start
Let me introduce myself.
Let's take care of this.
Bring it!
Bring it on, man.
Yeah, bring it on.
You clowns never learn.
I've got time for this.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)