Cinema (Old - New)
Cole MacGrath Ending
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Cole MacGrath
I don't know if those people were Conduits, or what.
Cole MacGrath
It's long past the time I could worry about who's on which side. I've got work to do.
Cole MacGrath
It's time to end this, once and for all.
Cole MacGrath
Time to show everyone what I can do, and why I'm doing it.
Cole MacGrath
I'm going to save this city, or die trying!
Cole MacGrath Prologue
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Cole MacGrath
This whole city is falling apart. Ravaged by fear, plagued by looters and gangs... It's tearing itself apart at the seams.
Cole MacGrath
With all my powers, I can't hold it together myself.
Cole MacGrath
I need help, the kind only people like me can provide.
Cole MacGrath
I've heard of some sort of activity. A gathering of a special group of people. Conduits? Good? Bad? I won't know until I find them.
Cole MacGrath
But I know I have to find them, have to do what I can to bring them back with me... To help me save this city.
Cole MacGrath Rival Battle
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Cole MacGrath
Is there something I can help you with?
What are you doing here?
Cole MacGrath
I'm just... looking for certain... people.
And if they don't want to be found?
Cole MacGrath
Oh, I'm afraid it's too late for that. We're all going to be involved in this sooner or later.
Not me. Leave me out of it.
Cole MacGrath
You're either gonna help me, or I'm going to stop you... here.
Raiden Rival Battle
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Cole MacGrath
You one of us?
I'm here alone. I'm not working with anyone.
Cole MacGrath
I'm asking if you're a Conduit. Though after looking at you, I really don't need to ask.
You sound like you're looking for someone. Is it me?
Cole MacGrath
I'm just asking if you're with me. See there's a storm coming in, and it's good to know who your friends are.
I said I'm here alone. I'm not your friend.
Cole MacGrath
Well that's just too bad. Cuz I'm a good friend to have. But, you've already picked your side, so, there's only one thing left to do.
Fighter ID
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