Dialogue (Old - New)
Marvel vs Capcom 3
How dare you! I now must squash you like the bug that you are!
Match Start
Behold... the Power Cosmic itself!
You are not unlike an ant fighting the sun.
Match Start vs. Avengers
Much like the Fantastic Four, you are nothing to me.
Match Start vs. Dante/Deadpool/Viewtiful Joe/Spider-Man
Why do you laugh in the face of your own destruction?
Match Start vs. Ryu/Akuma
No amount of training can prepare you for Galactus.
Match Start vs. Super Skrull
I remember your homeworld. It was delicious.
Match Start vs. Thor/Amaterasu/Shuma-Gorath
If you can be a god, then what shall we call Galactus?
Victory vs. Avengers
What does Earth's Mightiest Heroes mean to one who rules the universe?
Victory vs. Dante/Deadpool/Viewtiful Joe/Spider-Man
Where is your laughter now?
Victory vs. Ryu/Akuma
Congratulations. You have doomed your world.
Victory vs. Super Skrull
You and your race are a dying breed.
Victory vs. Thor/Amaterasu/Shuma-Gorath
I am not without mercy. You may serve as my herald.
When Attacking
You are broken.
You are defeated.
I am a force of nature.
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Match Start vs. Dr. Strange
The ancient forces you draw upon mean nothing to one as old as the universe.
Victory vs. Dr. Strange
You dare pit your mystic arts against the Power Cosmic? Arrogant fool!
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)