Dialogue (Old - New)
Marvel vs Capcom 3
Nice... fight.
DHC second tag
This is so over.
DHC third tag
Dead meat!
Match Start
You've already lost.
Match Start vs. Felicia
There's more than one way to skin a cat....
Match Start vs. Sentinel
Consider me a trash compactor.
Match Start vs. Wolverine
Time to see if the student has become the master....
Silent Kill
Dirt nap!
Piece of cake....
Victory vs. Sentinel
Your mutant hunting days are over, junkpile.
Win Quote
I... I am not a weapon!
Not so bad for a clone, huh?
I cannot lose. I have people I must protect!
Maybe I'm not the best there is, but I'm pretty damned close.
The simulations in the Danger Room are more dangerous than you. What a disappointment!
Win Quote vs. Amaterasu
So... any relation to Wolfsbane?
Win Quote vs. Sentinel
I'd tell you to send my regards to Bolivar Trask, but you kinda can't in your present condition, huh?
Win Quote vs. Trish
You too were created for a purpose you did not wish to fulfill. You have my sympathy.
Win Quote vs. Wolverine
Who's your "daddy" now?
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Entry (one teammate down)
Entry (two teammates down)
I can't lose!
Match Start vs. Iron Fist
A lot of good that iron fist's gonna do you after I cut it off.
Match Start vs. Nemesis
I was gonna carve up your face, but looks like someone beat me to it.
Match Start vs. Rocket Raccoon
Claws versus paws, huh? ...Claws win.
Victory vs. Iron Fist
Get a new act, dude. Kung fu is so 70's.
Victory vs. Nemesis
Some experiments are better than others. Know what I mean?
Victory vs. Rocket Raccoon
Now, scurry into the woods, little fuzzball.
Win Quote vs. Spider-Man
Didn't much appreciate being called "Wolverette."
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)