Dialogue (Old - New)
Marvel vs Capcom 3
DHC second tag
Confound it all!
DHC third tag
He loves you. Inferno!
Match Start
Who wants to die first?
There's too much trash in the universe.
Match Start vs. Chris Redfield
You should stick to fighting zombies!
Beg for your life, as if it would help!
Victory vs. Chris Redfield
Which is more inferior, your weapons... or you!?
Win Quote
Even a novice warrior could mimic your feeble powers.
The Skrull Empire shall rise again! Mightier than ever!
Your defeat is just a prelude to what awaits the entire universe!
You have just been defeated by the pinnacle of Skrull bioengineering!
For the Skrull Empire to have fallen while your inferior species remains is a cosmic injustice.
Win Quote vs. Dr. Doom
I can see now why the Fantastic Four has defeated you so many times.
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Match Start vs. Nova
Once we stood as allies. But today you will be annihilated!
Match Start vs. Rocket Raccoon
Guardian of the Galaxy? Prepare to guard yourself...
Match Start vs. Strider Hiryu
A human martial artist. How quaint.
Victory vs. Nova
Are there others in the Nova Corps who would challenge me?
Victory vs. Rocket Raccoon
I hope Galactus consumes your homeworld next...
Victory vs. Strider Hiryu
You might be a big deal on Earth, but you're just a waste of time to me.
Win Quote
Yes, I fought for humanity during Secret Invasion. But don't read too much into that.
Win Quote vs. Nova
Just so you know, the Skrull Empire has always considered the Nova Corps to be something of a joke.
Win Quote vs. Rocket Raccoon
Even if I was ordered to assume your form, I would refuse. It would be too embarrassing.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)