Dialogue (Old - New)
Marvel vs Capcom 3
DHC second tag
I got this one.
DHC third tag
This is for the team!
Match Start
Today I'm judge, jury and executioner!
Don't think you're getting off easy just because I'm the girl Hulk.
Match Start vs. Hulk
You know what they say... "The female is the deadlier of the species."
Tag out (to Hulk)
I wish my cases were this quick.
Victory vs. Haggar
So what if you can't beat a girl, Mike? You still got my vote!
Victory vs. Hulk
I promise not to say anything about this at the family reunion.
Win Quote
You just got pulverized by 700 pounds of lean, green muscle, sweetie.
Hey, no hard feelings, right? Give me a call if you ever need a good lawyer.
Somebody once called me Phoenix Wright with muscles... and then I called an ambulance.
Don't think about suing now that I've trashed you, because I'll kick your ass in court too!
I wonder if I win court cases because the jury's afraid I'll do to THEM what I just did to YOU.
Win Quote vs. Deadpool
You know, if this game were made in 1991, I'd be the one whacking YOU with a health bar.
Win Quote vs. Hsien-ko
So you think you've got family problems? Oh, the stories I could tell you...
Win Quote vs. Hulk
...and another thing! Stop showing up and ruining Thanksgiving!
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Entry (one teammate down)
I'm next!
Entry (two teammates down)
Oh no you don't!
Match Start vs. Deadpool
I can break the 4th wall too, you know!
Match Start vs. Hawkeye
Fighting me? You were always headstrong, Clint. Didn't think you were stupid, too.
Match Start vs. Phoenix Wright
Soon the defense will rest...her fists upon your face.
Victory vs. Deadpool
If there's ever an MvC4, I'll destroy you there too, Wade.
Victory vs. Hawkeye
It's times like these I'm ashamed we were both Avengers.
Victory vs. Phoenix Wright
How's that for a little courtroom drama?
Win Quote vs. Phoenix Wright
If you argue the way you fight, it's a wonder you ever win a case.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)