Dialogue (Old - New)
Plasma Sword
Before Battle with CPU Bilstein
Bilstein: You seem different from the other Gladiators...
Rai-on: Don't bother. You will be destroyed right here and now...
Bilstein: Not likely, Shinobi. The skies shall run red with your blood!
Before Battle with CPU Byakko
Rai-on: The termination of the Plasma weapon wielders was a simple task...
Byakko: .........
Rai-on: But I still have one target left to destroy. It's you, Byakko!!
Byakko: ...What do you mean?
Rai-on: You have become too powerful... Your very existence threatens us!
Before Battle with CPU Gantetsu
Gantetsu: Who are you? Why have you been following the Star Gladiators?
Rai-on: I am Rai-on, the ruler of darkness. You Plasma power wielders threaten the Earth Corps... I care nothing about peace upon Earth, but you will be destroyed!
Defeated CPU Gantetsu
If it's my fate, I'll live in darkness with guilt.
Byakko: What..?!
Rai-on: You're late, Byakko. The termination of the Plasma weapon wielders was a simple task...
Byakko: .........
Rai-on: Our next mission has been determined...
Byakko: .........
Rai-on: Wipe out the opposing guerrillas. It should prove to be an easy job.
Byakko: ...Understood!
Special Ending
Byakko: I see... All things are transient. Nothing is ever permanent. But I have tasks yet to be accomplished. It's not my time to die!
Rai-on: What!? He ran away! Seiryu! Genbu! Suzaku! Byakko has turned renegade on us! Find him and destroy him! We'll see how long you last now that you're wounded, Byakko...
Win Quote
Plasma power is nothing to fear...
There is no escape from my Ninjitsu!
I am called Rai-on, "The Ruler of Darkness."
Rin! Pyoh! Toh! Sha! Kai! Jin! Retsu! Zai! Zen!
May you carry the image of my face into the afterlife.
To die for their master is the duty of a true Shinobi!
You use strange techniques... Too bad they are ineffective.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)