Dialogue (Old - New)
Waku Waku 7
(CPU) Before Battle with Arina
ARINA - are you making fun of me again?
(CPU) Before Battle with Dandy-J
Hey, mister, don't disturb my training!
(CPU) Before Battle with Mauru
Look out! A girl is in danger! I'm coming now!
(CPU) Before Battle with Politank-Z
Who? The Chief?! You look goofy, as usual!
(CPU) Before Battle with Rai
I'm the Shadow RAI! Fight with me!
(CPU) Before Battle with Slash
Hey, mister, how can you stand wearing heavy clothes like that in this weather?
(CPU) Before Battle with Tesse
No maid is wanted here! Bye-bye!
(CPU) Win Quote vs. Arina
Don't treat me like a child any more!
(CPU) Win Quote vs. Dandy-J
I have my own dream! You can't stop me now!
(CPU) Win Quote vs. Mauru
You! Leave the girl here and go home! Now!
(CPU) Win Quote vs. Politank-Z
The chief! Looking goofy, as usual!
(CPU) Win Quote vs. Rai
I, the Shadow RAI, wil now have a great adventure!
(CPU) Win Quote vs. Slash
A sword! Scary. But you're gonna be hurt too, mister!
(CPU) Win Quote vs. Tesse
Such a bad aftertaste..., well, what is done is done!
Before Battle with Fernandez
Year! Now I've got all seven WakuWaku Balls!
Before Versus Battle (as challenger)
Hi! Nice to see you!
Let's fight a hot battle!
You must accept my challenge!
Hey, you! Mr. RAI has arrived! Don't run away.
Before Versus Battle (as defender)
Who!? OK, I'll fight against you!
Year! I'll never give up!
Win Quote
You're no match for me.
Year! Today is my lucky day!
You did great! Let's fight again!
You know, I did make it easy for you!
Win Quote vs. CPU Arina
Be quiet! Stop talking in the street!
Win Quote vs. CPU Bonus-Kun
A sandbag would be more responsive than you!
Win Quote vs. CPU Dandy-J
Sorry, mister! You see, I'm strong!
Win Quote vs. CPU Mauru
Fierce animal! Don't kidnap girls any more!
Win Quote vs. CPU Politank-Z
I can find adventure wherever I go!
Win Quote vs. CPU Rai
You are... deeply tanned, aren't you?
Win Quote vs. CPU Slash
You looks much more suspicious than I!
Win Quote vs. CPU Tesse
I can go anywhere I want!
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)