Family Tree

Street Fighter 3 Endings
Street Fighter 3 Storyline
Necro: Damn it! You tricked me Gill! Release me!
Gill: I'll destroy this facility and you with it! Adios! It's time to end this experiment. You are expendable.
Effie: Ohh, poor ILLIA! I'll help you out!
10 seconds to self-destruction. Cancellation disabled... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
Effie: I wonder what's gonna happen to us...
Necro: I don't know. But that's a part of freedom, right? Anything is possible...
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Endings
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Storyline
Effie: Ahh! We're cornered!!
Necro: Don't say that! We can't stop!! We must never give up! Run!! We're about to reach the woods of the country border! Almost there!
Pursuer: They're on the roof! You! Go to the first car and we'll attack them from both sides! We can never let them fall into the hands of the enemy! Their very cells pose a threat to us!
Effie: Is this the end...?
Necro: No... Not yet! Come with me, Effie! ...Iyaaaaaaaah!
Effie: Aaaaah!! Illiaaaaaaaaa!!
Necro: Effieeeeee!!
Effie: It's a miracle...
Necro: For the first time... I feel thankful for this body of mine!
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