Dialogue (Old - New)
Street Fighter 3
Win Quote
Don't give me that punk-ass attitude! You think I cheated!
My rage was like a white inferno of anger. You will burn...
So boring... I could spare change while kicking your ass without breaking a sweat.
I can't believe you're already out! What am I supposed to do with all my rage now?
I warned you. You didn't listen. The masses of humanity will always suffer... at my hands!
Apologize while you can, idiot! Say you're sorry for all your crimes and I might spare you...
Win Quote vs. Alex
What's up? You're hella insane! I won't waste my time with you...
Win Quote vs. Dudley
Thank you for being my punching bag. You're a true gentleman!
Win Quote vs. Elena
You'll never beat my long reach, even if you use your legs!
Win Quote vs. Ibuki
I see you're serious. I like your attitude!
Win Quote vs. Ken
I don't know why, but I just don't like you, blondie!
Win Quote vs. Necro
Never enter my sight again!
Win Quote vs. Oro
You screwy old man! Can you even see your damn opponent?
Win Quote vs. Ryu
It seems you've trained well, but is that it?
Win Quote vs. Sean
Maybe I won't beat the crap out of you anymore. Thank me!
Win Quote vs. Yang
Your insanity is impressive, but not enough. Try again, kiddo!
Win Quote vs. Yun
I'm done playing kids' games with you. Go home!
Street Fighter 3: 2nd Impact
Before Battle with CPU Gill
Necro: So you're the one who did this to me... Gill...
Gill: Ah! Necro.... Do you have the strength to attain your freedom?
Before Battle with CPU Ibuki
Ibuki: Are you that stretching cyborg? Tell me where to find your boss!
Necro: How about I charge you with electromagnetic power instead?
Win Quote
I'm in pain!
No mercy to weekend warriors!
Wasn't that cool?! I saw your sweat crackle!
I'll win by any means necessary. I will survive!
Get outta my way or I'll tear you limb from limb!
My rage was like a white inferno of anger. You will burn...
Apologize while you can, idiot! Say you're sorry for all your crimes and I might spare you...
Win Quote (Electric Snake)
Electric Strike Finish! Wow... That felt great!
You fell for it... Bad footwork means being a victim of the Electric Snake!
Win Quote (Magnetic Storm)
It's time to finish this! Electric Shock Storm!!!!!
You've felt the Shock Storm! Now tell me who's the greatest fighter of all!
Win Quote vs. Akuma
I can't believe the kinds of lunatics I have to deal with nowadays... You make me sick!
Win Quote vs. Alex
Your excellent training shows, but what can you do against my shocking abnormalities?
Win Quote vs. Dudley
Oh my! I think I've just damaged a very expensive practice dummy!
Win Quote vs. Elena
Why do you want to be friends with me?! I can't be your friend, so deal with it!
Win Quote vs. Gill
We might both be freaks, but I haven't lost my soul as you have.
Win Quote vs. Hugo
Hey there! You are way too big!
Win Quote vs. Ibuki
I'll do anything to win my freedom, even if it means fighting girls. Nothing personal, OK?
Win Quote vs. Ken
You are so reckless. I can't imagine how you could win.
Win Quote vs. Necro
You are nothing but a cheap copy who cannot hope to beat me, the original!
Win Quote vs. Oro
I see you didn't bring a coffin with you. Don't expect me to go out of my way for you, old man!
Win Quote vs. Ryu
Take it easy! You seem to try too hard!
Win Quote vs. Sean
You're a bit rude... Are you selfish as well? Tell me why you fight...
Win Quote vs. Urien
Does it hurt you more when I shock you, or when I dent you? Ask your body.
Win Quote vs. Yang
Ahh, to be young and free. Could you feel the burning rage in my fist?
Win Quote vs. Yun
Are you mocking me just because you are young? Or should I take it personally?
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
Before Battle with CPU Twelve
Stop already! It's time for you to show your true self! It's clear to me! Gill was the one who sent you, right?! I won't lose to a mass production model, even if you are "perfect!" I'll put what's left of you into a box that I will send to Gill!
Win Quote
A little battery won't kill ya... Or will it?
If you thought that was abnormal, wait until you see THIS!!
I'm long and I'm strong! To challenge me would be so wrong!
Freedom was once just a dream. Now, I can fight to achieve it!
What's that smell? That's the aroma of freshly cooked brain matter!
You think I'm a freak? You should see some of these other characters!
The pain sensitivity of the flesh varies. Where does it hurt the most?
When I realized that I was no longer alone, I became determined to win!
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)