Dialogue (Old - New)
Marvel vs Capcom 3
Am I... dying?
DHC second tag
Allow me!
DHC third tag
Step aside!
Hyper Psionic Blaster
Kill, kill! Hyper Psionic Blaster!
Match Start
You are no match for M.O.D.O.K!
So many ways to kill, so little time...
If you think I've evolved beyond the joys of murder, you'd be wrong.
Victory vs. Galactus
I must admit, I had my eye on your helmet the entire time.
Win Quote
All in this world are beneath me and must perish because of it.
You have been bested by the world's greatest -- and biggest -- mind!
They once called me M.O.D.O.C. -- but I'd much rather be "killing" than "computing!"
Clearly you lack my intelligence, or you would've realized only a humiliating defeat awaited you.
Win Quote vs. M.O.D.O.K.
Never again will I forget to lobotomize one of my clones!
Win Quote vs. Sentinel
Stick to hunting mutants. Humans are your masters, and I am the master of all humans!
Win Quote vs. Viewtiful Joe
It pains me to hurt one with such a great cranium, but your verbosity has left me no choice.
Win Quote vs. Wesker
I must admit, I like some of the work you've done with bioengineering. It has... potential.
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Entry (one teammate down)
M.O.D.O.K. needs help from no-one.
Entry (two teammates down)
Leave it to me.
Match Start vs. Dr. Strange
I will prove once again that science prevails over magic!
Match Start vs. Frank West
Your pain will fuel my experiments!
Match Start vs. Iron Fist
Your chi can never compare to the powers of science!
Match Start vs. Nemesis
I've had experiments like you, I call them failures!
Match Start vs. Nova
I look forward to taking your Worldmind after I kill you.
Match Start vs. Pheonix Wright
Laws? M.O.D.O.K. is above the law!
Match Start vs. Rocket Raccoon
You're cute. Time to die!
Victory vs. Dr. Strange
I am M.O.D.O.K.! Master of the mental arts!
Victory vs. Frank West
Not so tough when you battle living opponents, eh?
Victory vs. Iron Fist
The Immortal Iron Fist? Hardly.
Victory vs. Nemesis
I can't WAIT to dissect you, big guy!
Victory vs. Pheonix Wright
Objection overruled, whelp!
Victory vs. Rocket Raccoon
I defeated a raccoon! SCIENCE!
Win Quote vs. Rocket Raccoon
You lesser life forms bore me.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)