Dialogue (Old - New)
Neo Geo Battle Coliseum
Win Quote
Ouch! Guess I can't get through this without a scratch...
Yahoo! Did you see that, Fio? What a wild combo that was!
Oh, poopy-plops! I spent way too much time on this silly enemy!
Ha, ha, haah! Do you read me, Tarma? I did some nice work today!
Win Quote vs. Cyber Woo
Hey, hey, hey! You'll never be a Slug with equipment like that!
Win Quote vs. Hanzou/Fuuma
What's going on here? A ninja? ...A real ninja?
Win Quote vs. Mars People
Bullseyes! Your plans end with me!
Win Quote vs. Yuki
Wow! What kinda gimmick's that? That bracelet there!
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)