Dialogue (Old - New)
Red Earth
Warzard (JPN)

Before Battle with Blade
Mai-Ling: Now where am I?
Blade: Hmm, you've made it this far. Not bad, for a kid.
Mai-Ling: So it's you! You're the black shadow who took away my home... my friends... everything... I'll never forgive you!
Blade: Die, you noisy child!
Before Battle with Gigi
I guess I'll never find the black shadow looking in creepy old places like this! Eeeeew, nasty! What a disgusting creature! I'll put an end to it...
Before Battle with Hauzer
Ugh, you stink! You must be one of the bad guys. I'll kick your butt, too!
Before Battle with Hydron
What the...?! Another beast? You look strong... But not as strong as me! Now we'll find out for sure...
Before Battle with Kongou
Valerie: You cretin! I'll avenge my father and brothers. Get ready to pay!
Tanuma: Yeah, right, shrew... Ha... Attack whenever you think you're ready.
Mai-Ling: Aiiiieeeeyahhh!!! Leave this to me! I'll put this overconfident creep out permanently!
Tanuma: !? What?! You stupid little kid! The crap I have to put up with! Unbelievable! Get ready to be destroyed!
Before Battle with Lavia
Oh no, what happened to everyone?! They're all gone! !?! Are you responsible for this? Bring everyone back, you big creep!
Before Battle with Ravange
Mai-Ling: I demand you release the prisoners. Now. Or face the consequences!
Clara: You impudent child. I guess I have to teach you to respect your elders...
Before Battle with Scion
Scion: I am the Messiah. I have appeared to save the world from itself. I will dispose of the old race and create a new one. I will be God of the new world.
Mai-Ling: I won't let that happen! I'll beat you up, you big, mean, sick man!
Defeated Blade
Mai-Ling: What?!
Blade: ...I ...am not the black shadow that attacked your country... The man who took your country and friends... His name is Scion! ...He is in this castle... He also... schemes to ruin the world... argh.
Mai-Ling: The real enemy is in here... I will be brave! I must stop this Scion forever!
Defeated CPU Scion
Mai-Ling: Wh... what?! Where is this dark energy coming from?
Scion: Ahhh, only now at the end do you understand!
Defeated Gigi
Finally, I might be onto something! I'll check in the back; something's there...
Defeated Hauzer
Dentry: Oh... Hey you, wait up! Won't you please help me, kind lady?
Mai-Ling: What's the problem?
Dentry: My friends, my younger brother, they've been captured! They were taken to the southern desert...
Mai-Ling: Okay, no problem! I'll go with you. Don't worry, we'll save your brother!
Defeated Hydron
This chase is growing useless. I wonder where the black shadow went? I must search harder!
Defeated Kongou
Valerie: I don't know who you are, but thank you for helping me.
Dentry & Bellery: Sister!
Valerie: Dentry! Bellery!
Bellery: This kind lady, Mai-Ling, helped us.
Dentry: Her home was also destroyed. She's on our side!
Valerie: Anything we can do to repay you, just name it! Call on us if you need help!
Mai-Ling: Thank you...
Defeated Lavia
Lavia: My name is Lavia... One day a huge black shadow covered the sky and I was transformed...
Mai-Ling: Somebody did this to you? I will find him! He'll pay!
Lavia: The last thing I remember, the shadow drifted west...
Mai-Ling: It went west? OK, I will follow! I won't rest until I find it!
Defeated Ravange
Children: Thank you, kind lady!
Dentry: Bellery!
Bellery: Brother! It's not fair! You were the only one who escaped!
Dentry: I'm sorry I left you behind, brother. Don't cry. Let's go home together!
Mai Ling: Brothers... I envy them...
Ending (Continue Between 6 and 19 Times)
Mai-Ling: I'm so alone, so afraid, no one to be with me... What? Who's there?!
Dog: Yip, yip...
Mai-Ling: Oh, a dog! You scared me, pooch! ?!... Oh, you are alone, too?
Dog: Bark!
Mai-Ling: ...You are just like me... Why don't you travel with me, doggie? OK? Will you come with me?
Dog: Bow wow!
Mai-Ling: OK! Then I'm gonna give you a name. Your name is Tin!
Tin: Bow wow!
Mai-Ling: Do you like your new name? Let's go, Tin!
Tin: Bow wow!
Ending (Continue Less Than 20 Times)
...ha ha ha ha ha...
This world is filled with petty humans and their hatred, greed, anger, and false ambitions. The bad aura spawned the wizard Scion, and this nearly led humans to their ruin. But you have journeyed far, stood up against overwhelming foes, and fought with courage. Inspired by you, the people have cast aside the darkness and good has returned to the world. The hatred that created me has begun to dissipate... But remember... I'll be back when people become blinded by their greed and desires once again...
Mai-Ling: I did it! I defeated all the big, ugly bad guys! There are no more suffering people to save, and there's no one to watch me fight and praise me anymore! ...I don't know what to do with myself! I'm so lost and lonely!
Ending (Continue Less Than 5 Times)
Mai-Ling: I can't cry anymore! I have many things still to do!
Mai-Ling has learned a lot from her voyage into the darkness. Through her battles, she has found her new mission in life. It is to protect the bright future of the world's children from the horrors of war. Now that she has people to protect, Mai-Ling can concentrate on her training.
Ending (Continue Over 20 Times)
...ha ha ha ha ha...
This world is filled with petty humans and their hatred, greed, anger, and false ambitions. The bad aura spawned the wizard Scion, and this nearly led humans to their ruin. But you have journeyed far, stood up against overwhelming foes, and fought with courage. Inspired by you, the people have cast aside the darkness and good has returned to the world. The hatred that created me has begun to dissipate... But remember... I'll be back when people become blinded by their greed and desires once again...
With this final warning, Scion died and the treacherous kingdom of Varuda collapsed. It's ironic that humans created Scion, who almost destroyed the human race. If humans do not learn from their mistakes, they are destined to relive history. Bathed in the morning sun, Mai-Ling cries a promise into the brilliant light.
Mai-Ling: I feel invincible! No one shall ruin this beautiful land ever again! I'll protect it!
Win Quote
Your moves were cool! Teach me next time!
I don't just wear my bracelets, I use 'em!
Your defense was so weak, all I could think about was dinner!
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)