Dialogue (Old - New)
Vanguard Princess
ヴァンガードプリンセス 先陣の姫君

Win Quote
I should beat you to submission; as if I were taming a wild animal.
Where did you learn how to fight? I bet by playing some lame video game!
Win Quote vs. Haruka
Even if you try to use your magic, you cannot stop my power!
Win Quote vs. Kaede
Give up, dog! Soon demons will rule The Mortal World!
Win Quote vs. Kurumi
Now go take a one-way ticket straight to Hell!
Win Quote vs. Lilith
You suck! Fight as if you had a demon inside of you!
Win Quote vs. Luna
Don't get so disappointed! You lost to me just like every other girl!
Go live quietly in the world of ordinary humans. Whatever happens, your buddies will protect you.
Win Quote vs. Natalia
As your school's Headmistress, I'm going to love making your life a living Hell!
Win Quote vs. Saki
Ungrateful Dog! Bow before your beloved Headmistress!
Win Quote vs. Yui
You might make a good demon in the afterlife but right now you suck as a human.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)