Dialogue (Old - New)
Red Earth
Warzard (JPN)

Before Battle with Blade
Blade: Hmmm... I've been waiting for you, Leo.
Leo: That voice... I know it... No, it can't be! Is it... Blade, leader of my bodyguard unit! Noooo, they got to you, too!
Blade: Blade is no longer among the living. Stop wasting your breath and prepare to perish!
Leo: Not you, of all people... All of my men have probably been corrupted, no one's safe... I was too late! I could have saved you!
Blade: You still speak in riddles... More useless talk... Now you die!
Leo: You will rest in peace, commander. I swear it to you, by my sword.
Before Battle with Gigi
This place is so musty and dead. What will I find? Something's coming! I hear footsteps...
Before Battle with Hauzer
Before Battle with Hydron
Isia: Aiiiiieeeeeie! Help!
Leo: Monsters have overtaken this country too! I must save the women and children!
Before Battle with Kongou
Tanuma: Ga ha ha ha ha! So, finally, you have arrived. You must be a fool to stand against your master by yourself.
Leo: What have you done with my men, you beast?!
Tanuma: Why don't you ask those black ships above you! But your pitiful journey ends here!
Before Battle with Lavia
What a mess. This place is ruined! What did those fiends do?! !?
Before Battle with Ravange
Clara: I'm impressed you've survived so long. My compliments to you.
Leo: Where have you taken my people!
Clara: Do not concern yourself with such matters... It's too late for them anyway. It's about time for the ship to arrive from the Varuda empire. You'll see them soon...
Leo: What are you up to, wench! This is madness!!
Clara: There's no need for an inferior beast such as yourself to be aware of our noble doings. Now, you will witness the powers my master has granted me... and then you will die!
Before Battle with Scion
Leo: So you're the one known as Scion! Now you will answer for your crimes against humanity.
Scion: I am the Messiah. You will kneel and pay homage. I shall save the world from its folly. Humans are inadequate. I will create a new race and world. And the new race will call me God.
Defeated Blade
Blade: He... he turned me into this... this thing. The man who took our country... His name is Scion! He's in the castle... He's waiting for you! He's... trying to create a new human race, but the experiments... he'll ruin the world... Ahhh!
Leo: Blade... no... NOOOOOOOOO!
Defeated CPU Scion
Leo: What!? His body... It's changing! What is this evil power?!
Scion: Ahhh, only now at the end do you understand!
Defeated Gigi
The monsters are desperate to stop me from entering. They must be hiding something! I must proceed. And damn the consequences!
Defeated Hauzer
3 Wise Men: Ha ha ha ha ha!
Vigo: Your swordsmanship is as strong as ever. You have vanquished the legendary dragon, Hauzer.
Valo: But you have arrived too late. The one who cursed you is no longer in the castle. He has taken a prisoner from the castle, and escaped to the east.
Leo: What!?
Vestu: Hurry, brave Leo! It seems he has a twisted scheme which you must stop!
Leo: I will not fail you!
3 Wise Men: We'll watch over your path from the heavens... Good luck...
Defeated Hydron
Isia: Thank you very much, noble Leo! You saved me...
Leo: Don't mention it... By the way, where are the village people?
Isia: They were captured and taken to a castle in the clouds. The evil army was led by a man in armor. Please, please help them, Leo!
Leo: A man in armor... An evil army... A castle in the sky... What's next?!
Defeated Kongou
So the captives are in that ship... I have no choice but to chase it!
Defeated Lavia
Lavia: M... my name is Lavia... One day a huge black shadow appeared in front of me and... I... I just can't remember! When I regained consciousness, I had become a monster. All I wanted was to destroy humans!
Leo: What happened to the shadow? Where did it go?
Lavia: In a country far west of here, there's a pyramid built by the ancients. Inside is a Crypt... I have heard that the monsters' secrets are buried there, hidden from the world.
Leo: Crypt... I must go there! If the secrets reveal a weakness, I will find it!
Defeated Ravange
Leo: Pyre! Are you all right?
Pyre: It's terrible... Humans are being turned into beasts... A man... in armor... Arrgh!
Leo: Pyre! No... They're playing with human lives! I can't allow this to continue!
Ending (Continue Less Than 20 Times)
...ha ha ha ha ha...
!? ...Who is it?
This world is filled with petty humans and their hatred, greed, anger, and false ambitions. The bad aura spawned the wizard Scion, and this nearly led humans to their ruin. But you have journeyed far, stood up against overwhelming foes, and fought with courage. Inspired by you, the people have cast aside the darkness and good has returned to the world. The hatred that created me has begun to dissipate... But remember... I'll be back when people become blinded by their greed and desires once again...
3 Wise Men: Congratulations! Superb! What a victory!
Valo: You have completed the most trying of quests, and you never wavered in the face of danger.
Vestu: You have proven your worth as our king. You have the wisdom to guide us.
Vigo: Your strength is great, but you cannot yet rest assured that all is as it should be.
Vestu: You are wise, but there is still much for you to learn.
Vigo: There are still things to be done to further prove the extent of your might.
Vestu: Many things are left unfulfilled!
Valo: You must know what is to be done, great king?
Ending (Continue Over 20 Times)
...ha ha ha ha ha...
!? ...Who is it?
This world is filled with petty humans and their hatred, greed, anger, and false ambitions. The bad aura spawned the wizard Scion, and this nearly led humans to their ruin. But you have journeyed far, stood up against overwhelming foes, and fought with courage. Inspired by you, the people have cast aside the darkness and good has returned to the world. The hatred that created me has begun to dissipate... But remember... I'll be back when people become blinded by their greed and desires once again...
With this final warning, Scion died and the treacherous kingdom of Varuda collapsed. It's ironic that humans created Scion, who almost destroyed the human race. If humans do not learn from their mistakes, they are destined to relive history. Staring at the beautiful sunrise, Leo swears an eternal vow....
Leo: I'll keep fighting so another Scion does not emerge from this world!
Ending (Don't Kill Blade)
Leo: Of course, wise men! I know what must be done... I must reconstruct my ruined kingdom and protect the people of Savalia. I'll build a peaceful empire where no wars exist! Conflicts only lead to sorrow and regret.
Valo: It seems you have learned another important lesson.
Vestu: You have once again demonstrated your prudence.
Vigo: Now we can rest assured that the world is safe. It is time for sleep...
Vestu: Yes, sleep, an eternal sleep... Our dreams are with you, wise king...
Ending (Kill Blade)
Leo: What are you fools talking about? Who cares? I have other things to do now!
When the invaders overtook Savalia, Scion cast a spell on Leo to turn him into a lion. Although Scion has fallen, the spell still lingers in Leo's body... And the effect has grown worse through every battle Leo fought...
Leo: ?! ...What? Something's in my body! What is this evil magic? Grrrrrr!
Leo has disappeared and no one has heard from him since, but people talk of a dismal-looking lion who wanders Savalia on beautiful, moonlit nights...
Win Quote
Your lack of determination led you to defeat.
Your skill is weak, and my strength is unyielding!
Challenge me again, and I will fight in the name of Savalia!
Capcom Fighting Evolution
Capcom Fighting Jam (JPN)

Win Quote
My sword has no equal.
Nobility sees with unclouded eyes.
Thou hast witnessed the power of Leo!
Thou art no match for my divine power.
My strength comes from courage and justice.
On my honor, I swear that my kingdom shall rise again.
Gods, I beseech thee. Guide me on my path to ultimate glory.
Be the enemy hundreds or thousands, my sword shall strike them all down.
Fighter ID
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