Dialogue (Old - New)
Red Earth
Warzard (JPN)

Before Battle with Blade
Blade: Welcome to your doom!
Kenji: So you're the head of the monsters?!
Blade: Only a fool would dare to challenge me alone. Your blood will forever rust upon my sword! Die!
Before Battle with Gigi
Arr, another creature.. What a monstrosity! Who is it!
Before Battle with Hauzer
...Where are the invaders...? It can't be!? It's a setup?!
Before Battle with Kongou
Kenji: Tanuma!? What are you doing here?
Tanuma: Ga ha ha ha ha! You won't live to find out! What do you fear more, Kenji? Death or me?!
Kenji: Can you hear him knocking at your door? Death is waiting for you!
Before Battle with Lavia
This country too... Must be their doing... !?
Before Battle with Ravange
Clara: So you've come! You foolish rat.
Kenji: Who're you!?
Clara: I am Clara Tantra. You're a fool to rebel against the empire! Behold the great power I have been given!
Before Battle with Scion
Kenji: ...So you're Scion!
Scion: I am the prophet whose destiny is to save this world. I shall cleanse the world of weak humans and lead those strong enough to remain.
Kenji: ...You're blind to the true nature of humans! But, your salvation lies within death!
Defeated Blade
Blade: Even if I lose... the empire won't fall... Our leader is still within the castle... H... His name is... Scion... GAAA!
Kenji: ...Scion...
Defeated CPU Scion
Scion: Guooooooh!
Kenji: ...I've looked into your soul, Scion. A being of pure evil cannot survive...!
Defeated Gigi
Something's wrong...
Defeated Hauzer
...A hidden agenda... It can't be Lord Naosuke.. Could it? I've got to find out!
Defeated Hydron
Subordinate: My report, sir! The invaders are from a country called Varuda. They seem to be heading south.
Kenji: South... I must discover who they are!
Defeated Kongou
Kenji: !?
Naosuke: Kenji! What are you waiting for! Find the invaders and destroy their headquarters!
Kenji: Yes, my Lord!
Naosuke: That foolish Tanuma... He failed...
Defeated Lavia
Subordinate: Sir, I have new information. The invaders have appeared in the west. Sir, Naosuke orders you to destroy the enemy now.
Kenji: ...I understand. I must obey my lord. I will not be dishonored!
Subordinate: ...Hee hee hee... You fool...
Ending (Continue Less Than 20 Times)
...ha ha ha ha ha...
!? ...Who?
This world is filled with petty humans and their hatred, greed, anger, and false ambitions. The bad aura spawned the wizard Scion, and this nearly led humans to their ruin. But you have journeyed far, stood up against overwhelming foes, and fought with courage. Inspired by you, the people have cast aside the darkness and good has returned to the world. The hatred that created me has begun to dissipate... But remember... I'll be back when people become blinded by their greed and desires once again...
Subordinate: Sir!
Kenji: What is it?!
Subordinate: I fear that our Shogun has betrayed us. There is proof that this whole thing was a setup!
Kenji: What?!
Ending (Continue Over 20 Times)
...ha ha ha ha ha...
!? ...Who?
This world is filled with petty humans and their hatred, greed, anger, and false ambitions. The bad aura spawned the wizard Scion, and this nearly led humans to their ruin. But you have journeyed far, stood up against overwhelming foes, and fought with courage. Inspired by you, the people have cast aside the darkness and good has returned to the world. The hatred that created me has begun to dissipate... But remember... I'll be back when people become blinded by their greed and desires once again...
With this final warning, Scion died and the treacherous kingdom of Varuda collapsed. It's ironic that humans created Scion, who almost destroyed the human race. If humans do not learn from their mistakes, they are destined to relive history. As Kenji watches the sun rise to begin a new day, he thinks to himself...
Kenji: ...Once again, I have served my lord's evil bidding...
A slight twinge crosses his face.
Ending (Don't Trust the Ninja Report)
Kenji: If we cannot trust our leader, then who can we trust? Come on! Let's go back to the castle!
Naosuke: Hee... hee... hee... Good job, Kenji. As a Shinobi, you will always follow me.
Kenji: Yes...
Subordinate: Excuse me, sir!
Naosuke: What is it?
Subordinate: Tanuma is still alive! Reports say he has turned into an ogre and is destroying the town.
Naosuke: Kenji! Make sure to kill that monster this time!
Kenji: As you wish...
Naosuke: You must make sure Kenji dies this time...
Subordinate: I understand, sir!
Kenji is smart enough to know what's going on. He knows that Naosuke is using him. And Kenji knows that Naosuke will try to kill him. But as a Shinobi, Kenji must follow the orders of his Shogun, even when it means that he must die. That is the life of a Shinobi... Kenji thinks to himself, "At least I shall die with honor!"
Ending (Trust the Ninja Report)
Kenji: If we cannot trust our leader, then who can we trust? Come on! Let's go back to the castle!
Naosuke: Ha... ha... ha... My Shinobi have done a good job. Scion is dead... and those fools Kenji, Tanuma, and Scion don't know I have used them! But the job was not perfect... You must find Kenji and kill him...
Subordinate! Yes sir! Gyahhh!
Naosuke: W... what?! Kenji! W... wait! Noo... Garr!
Used and betrayed, Kenji has dishonored himself by killing his Shogun. Though he tries to hide the pain behind his mask, his eyes betray him. As he stares into the moonlight, he knows what he must do...
Win Quote
There can only be one.
My Shogun commands that you die!
Born, live, and die in Hell. That is the way of a Shinobi!
Win Quote vs. Kenji
Impostor! I will show you who the true Shinobi is!
Capcom Fighting Evolution
Capcom Fighting Jam (JPN)

Win Quote
I dedicate this victory to my Shogun.
You do not have the spirit of a warrior.
Live by the shadow... die by the shadow.
Fate is on my side in the fight against evil.
You lost long before you stepped into the ring.
May the wrath of the heavens rain down upon you.
You must learn self-control if you ever hope to win.
My sword cuts through darkness and pierces the veil of magic.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)