Dialogue (Old - New)
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter Zero 3 (JPN)

Defeated CPU Honda
Juni: Target deactivated. Subject data fixed. Resuming pursuit of Ryu.
Honda: Ugh... I was careless... You must be... eating Japanese Chanko Nabe... Every day, right...?
Prefight vs. Bison
Bison: Ha ha... Okay, then. I knew this would happen. Ryu's "Evil Energy" only emerges under certain situations... I sent you, hoping for the best, but now your mission is over. I'll be dealing with Ryu myself. You can die now, at my command.
Juni: ...Class A emergency. Class A combat status activated...!
Bison: This is interesting...! You dare to rise against me? Ha ha ha!!
Prefight vs. Honda
Honda: You... You seem to be new around here... Your eyes and behavior... I can tell that you've been trained...
Juni: Accessing subject data... 28 seconds to go...
Honda: Sounds fun! Let's fight!
Juni: Judged as an obstacle... Commencing object disposal...
Prefight vs. Ryu
Juni: Target in view. 98% similarity between object and sample data.
Ryu: ...Who are you? Do you want to fight with me?
Juni: Unique energy detected. Unable to analyze... Insufficient data. Initiating sampling. Level 1 combat status activated.
Ryu: I don't know what you want, but I will do my best in any fight!
Win Quote
COA-002 setup complete.
SCA-271 78% success. Retrying.
Executing a mission at mode 095.
BP increased by 200. Updating the data.
Switching to mode 078. Conserving vitality.
Target's fighting spirit down... Calculating BP, SP and DNN.
Mission complete. Returning to base after reuniting with Juli.
Remaining LP 0.01. Target dying. Damage adjust failed. Disposing.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)