Dialogue (Old - New)
Capcom Fighting Evolution
Capcom Fighting Jam (JPN)

Win Quote
W-w-we both knew I'd win from the s-s-start!
L-l-look at you! You're a p-p-pitiful wretch!
I-i-s that all the regret you can m-m-muster?
P-p-puny humans aren't even worth wasting my p-p-power on!
I-I-I told you! Nothing in this world can touch the likes of me.
M-m-my powers are a waste on someone as puny and w-w-weak as you!
Y-y-you look surprised to have lost. D-d-don't you realize how powerful I am?
I-I-I suppose it's best that you give up now, while you can s-s-still walk away.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)