Dialogue (Old - New)
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Before Battle with CPU Grant
Hokutomaru: "It's pitch black here!"
?: "A kid like you winning... So young and cute... I just can't believe it."
Hokutomaru: "What's the connection? I'm no tyke, freak show. My master says, 'Actions speak louder than size.'"
Grant: "I am Grant... The Martyr of Might... Now show me your awesome power... ...show me all you have."
Before Battle with CPU Jenet
Jenet: Ooh! What a cute little guy you are! I could eat you up!
Hokutomaru: What? You talking to me?
Jenet: There, there. Want some candy?
Hokutomaru: Hey! Don't treat me like a child! I'm a Gentleman of Japan! And I'm going to make you show me some respect!
Before Battle with CPU Kain
?: "To think Grant lost... The things kids can do these days! Or maybe?..."
Hokutomaru: "Huh? Who're you? Or should I introduce myself first, ugly?"
Kain: "How do you do? ...Following Geese's wishes, I've taken over this town."
Hokutomaru: "Huh? Say what?"
Kain: "Societies who tolerate the weak have no future! To stave off decadence, the weak must be exterminated!"
Hokutomaru: "Whaddya babbling about? You're boring me, dweeb!"
Kain: "If that's the case... listen to my fists!"
Defeated CPU Grant
Grant: "Cruel fate! A punk like you. How did you prevail over me?"
Hokutomaru: "Heh, heh. Pout not, old guy. You're one tough geezer! But a bit too slow for me."
Grant: "You got spunk, kid. Farewell. Goodbye, Kain!"
Defeated CPU Jenet
Hokutomaru: Now you know my fearful abilities! What say you now?
Jenet: Oh, you nasty boy! You hit me! I never! You beast! Boo hoo.
Hokutomaru: Uh... I'm sorry... Are you okay?
Jenet: Gotcha!
Hokutomaru: Oh, geez! Give me a break! You're on your own, lady!...
Win Quote
Heh, heh. Master'd be proud of me today!
Win Quote vs. CPU Butt
I know that odor... Do you hail from the mountains, too?
Win Quote vs. CPU Freeman
You don't scare me! I wasn't s, scared at all!
Win Quote vs. CPU Gato
Chinese martial arts? Nice name, bad method.
Win Quote vs. CPU Hokutomaru
A regular doppelgänger! You look exactly like me!
Win Quote vs. CPU Hotaru
You're very kind. I know that much.
Win Quote vs. CPU Kevin
Are you a policeman? No, I'm not a runaway.
Win Quote vs. CPU Kim Dong Hwan
Had enough already? You're no adult, are you?
Win Quote vs. CPU Kim Jae Hoon
I'm young but a ninja. You can't catch me!
Win Quote vs. CPU Rock
You should lighten up. Learn to enjoy life, pal!
Win Quote vs. CPU Terry
As strong as I thought. Could you beat my master?
Win Quote vs. CPU Tizoc
Just a body won't do it. My master's small but tough!
Win Quote vs. Grant (player controlled)
A cape, vest and mask? Just who are you, pal?
Win Quote vs. Kain (player controlled)
You talk a mean battle. But talk doesn't win fights.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)